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1、高中英语人教版必修四 unit 说课课件Main ContentsPart 1.the analysis of the teaching materials.Part 2.The analysis of the students.Part 3.Teaching aims.Part 4.Teaching important points and difficultiesPart5.The analysis of teaching methods&learning ways Part 6.Teaching proceduresPart 7.Blackboard design2Part 1.Anal

2、ysis of the teaching material Part 1.Analysis of the teaching material 3Part 2.Analysis of the studentPart 2.Analysis of the students My students are:1.a little below the average level2.some of have difficulty in learning English4Part 3.Teaching aims Part 3.Teaching aims 1.the knowledge-oriented aim

3、 2.the ability-oriented aim 3.the moral-oriented aim Part 4.Teaching key pointsPart 4.Teaching key pointsPart 5.Teaching difficult points Part 5.Teaching difficult points 5Part 6:The analysis of teaching methods Part 6:The analysis of teaching methods&learning ways&learning ways Teaching methods:Lea

4、rning ways:Teaching aids:6Part 7Part 7、Teaching procedure Teaching procedure Step1.Lead in Step2.Fast reading Step3.Detailed reading Step4.Words consolidation Step5.Discussion Step6.Performing Step 7 Singing a song and homework7The leading The leading dancer is Tai dancer is Tai Lihua(Lihua(邰丽华邰丽华).

5、She is).She is deaf deaf and dumband dumb.Leading-inLeading-in5mins5mins(聋哑人聋哑人).).Thousands of Thousands of Hands Kwan-yinHands Kwan-yin8大家学习辛苦了,还是要坚持继续保持安静继续保持安静9body languagebody languageHow did she How did she give us such a give us such a great great program?program?10What is he trying to show?

6、How does he What is he trying to show?How does he showshow?11He used his _ _to Show His _ bodybodylanguagelanguageFeelingsFeelings12Facial expressionFacial expression anger anger fearfear joyjoy sorrowsorrow contemptcontempt surprisesurprisedisgustdisgust厌恶厌恶 轻视轻视13Showing our feelingsP3014Fast read

7、ing(7mins)Skim the text and divide the text into three parts.Match the main idea with each part.15Main idea of each part:Part 1(Para 1)Part 2(Para 2-Para6)Part 3(Para 7)n.指示指示表示表示 Denotation and examples of some body language.Though there are differences in body language,it s an amazing thing that w

8、e understand each other.Body language shows all kinds of feelings,wishes and attitudes and sometimes more important than spoken language.similar body language Detailed reading(1)to show to show _to show angerto show angerto show to show _to show bored to show bored attitudeattitudeto show to show _1

9、.smile and 1.smile and truly happytruly happy2._ or 2._ or turning ones turning ones _ to _ to someonesomeone5.standing a 5.standing a little distancelittle distance4.4._ or _ or yawningyawning3.nodding the 3.nodding the head head _Para 2Para 2Para 3Para 3Para 4Para 4Para 5Para 5Para 6Para 6frowning

10、frowningbackbackhappinesshappinessagreementagreementup and downup and downlooking away looking away from peoplefrom peoplerespectrespect17CompetitionCompetitionGroup work Group work(10 mins)(10 mins)Read the text Read the text again for details.again for details.Do the following true or Do the follo

11、wing true or false questions.false questions.Detailed reading(2)18回答对一个该组加回答对一个该组加3 3分。分。回答错一个扣该组回答错一个扣该组1 1分。分。1234567819spokenunreadmisfacialuniversalfunctionat easelose facefistyawnsubjectiverank舒适舒适非口头的非口头的面部表情面部表情普遍的普遍的功能,作用功能,作用丢脸丢脸背对背对拳头拳头打哈欠打哈欠主观的主观的等级等级误读误读 New Words consolidation New Words

12、 consolidation (4 mins)4 mins)turn ones back toexpression28Discussion:1.Why should we be careful of our own body language?2.Why is it important to watch others as well as listen to them?Discussion(5mins)29Giving PerformanceOneOne student will be invited to come to the front;act the words out using b

13、ody language,and the other student tries to guess what he/she means.Contest(Contest(竞赛竞赛)8mins 8mins30Thumbs up!Thumbs down!Bite your nails!Cup your ear!Kiss your hand to sb.!Make a face!Touch your stomach!Hang your head!Hold up your head!A smile and a handshake!bowing victory!Goodbye!Good luck!Come

14、 here!I dont know!31If youre happy and you know it,clap your hands;If youre happy and you know it,clap your hands;If youre happy and you know it,then you really want to show it;If youre happy and you know it,clap your hands!Stamp your feet!Do the two!Lets sing Lets sing the song!the song!3233 Part 8.Blackboard design(Part 8.Blackboard design(板书设计板书设计)1.The main idea of each paragraph2.True or false3.Answer questionsI.Pre-reading II.While-reading III.Post-reading Sing a song 34

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