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1、江苏省苏州新草桥中学高一英语七选五专题试卷 How to find purpose in lifeIf youre asking yourself, “What is my purpose?” youre not alone. One study showed that just 25 % of American adults say they have a clear sense of purpose. If youre part of the other 75%, follow these tips to get started on finding purpose and meaning

2、 in life. Create a personal vision statement A personal vision statement can help you manage stress and find balance in your life. It serves as a road map that will guide you toward your purpose by identifying (识别) your core value and establishing whats important to you. A purpose statement makes it

3、 easier for you to make decisions in accordance with your valued. _1_ Explore your passions Your passions and interests are a good indicator of the area in which your life purpose might lie. _2_ Theyre so deeply fixed in our ways of thinking that we can become blind to them. If youre not sure what y

4、our passions are, ask the people who know you best. Likely, youre already pursuing them in some way without even realizing it. Give back Giving back can enhance your sense of meaning and purpose in life. This means that when you help others, you also help yourself. _3_ You might want to volunteer in

5、 your local community or donate your money or skills to a cause that resonates (共鸣) with you. Or try spreading a little happiness by performing random acts of kindness. Turn your pain into purpose _4_ Overcoming these challenged shapes who we become and gives us our unique strengths and perspective.

6、 Many people ask for help when struggling to overcome a major life change. Some later find their purpose in helping others facing similar struggle to those they have overcome. Some choose a career working directly with people, such as a social worker. Others find ways to touch the lives of others th

7、rough the arts, such as writing. _5_AWe all face struggles in life.BLook for ways to be of service.CBut they can be hard to identify.DFinding purpose in life can sometimes be hard.EYou may even discover your purpose through them.FHow you transform your pain into purpose is up to you.GIt also helps y

8、ou stay motivated as you work toward your personal goals. Be Slightly FunnierHow would you feel if a colleague suggested you take a comedy class to improve your sense of humor? I felt embarrassed. At home that evening, I asked my other half whether he thinks Im funny. _6_ . Of course you are, they a

9、ll ensured me. What else could they say? And anyway, Id already made up my mind. Some people just arent funny, and Im one of them. Yet, according to Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas-authors of the book Humor, Seriously and experts on the subject, humor is not something you are born with or without.

10、 _7_ . Whats more, finding our funny sides makes us appear more competent and confident, strengthens relationships, unlocks creativity and makes us more likable. It helps in any life situation. This undoubtedly explains why future masters of the universe are eagerly signing up for the humor course A

11、aker and Bagdonas teach at Stanfords Graduate School of Business. They agreed to teach me how to find my funny bones, too. _8_ . As you would hope, they are very amusing. They begin by sending me a questionnaire about what I find funny, what I dont, and how I attempt to make others laugh. The result

12、s will apparently reveal my humor type. In our first call, Aaker, a social psychologist (心理学家), explains that many of us leave humor behind when we arrive at adulthood: A four-year-old laughs up to 300 times a day. _9_ .Next, we discuss the common misunderstandings that stop many of us in our comedy

13、 tracks. The first, Aaker says, is the belief that humor has no place in certain situations, especially at work. _10_ . However, 98 percent of top executives say they prefer employees with a sense of humor and 84 percent of bosses believe those employees do better work.ARather, its a muscle you can

14、strengthenBThen there is the idea that it is too riskyCWe worry about not being taken seriouslyDMy first interaction with the pair is over e-mailEThen I texted my best friend and my sister-in-lawFBut a 40-year-old takes ten weeks to laugh as muchGIt is far more important to show you have a sense of

15、humor There are many theories that suggest different ways of improving memory or thinking more clearly. One of those is the idea that adding rosemary (迷迭香) to your food or water, or even breathing in its fragrance, can give your brain a boost.First, its important to understand what rosemary is. _11_

16、 Its a perennial, meaning that once you plant it, it should re-grow every year when the weather is warm enough for it to do so. Its native to Asia and the Mediterranean. _12_Rosemary is related to the mint (薄荷) family of plants. When it blooms, its flowers are white, purple, pink or deep blue. It is

17、 often used as a flavor in food, including soups, meat, fish and other Mediterranean food. And it has a somewhat bitter flavor. Some people also enjoy tea flavored with rosemary. _13_One study that involved 28 older adults found that consumption of a small amount of dried rosemary powder was associa

18、ted with statistically significantly improved memory speed. _14_ Researchers found that their memory of images and numbers improved when the essential oil of rosemary was sprayed in the room._15_ But one theory is that rosemary appears to have some antioxidant (抗氧剂) properties that may offer some he

19、aling for the damage in our bodies. Another idea is that rosemary appears to lower anxiety, which in turn, may increase the ability to concentrate.While rosemary shows some promise for boosting our brain power, its important to check with your doctor before you begin having it.ABut it is grown in th

20、e United States, as well.BRosemary is a herb with needle-like leaves.CHeres what research has found about rosemary.DIt is unknown if those benefits would hold true for humans.EIts not known for sure why there may be a benefit from rosemary.FRosemary is also used as a perfume and added to shampoo and

21、 soap.GAnother study was performed with 53 students between 13 and 15 years old. In China, people in different areas have their own ways to celebrate the Spring Festival. Especially between Northern China and Southern China, there are many differences._16_One is about the food on the night before th

22、e Spring Festival. In Northern China, people usually eat dumplings during this time. For luck, people may put sugar in dumplings._17_People in the south usually eat Niangao or Tangyuan on New Years Eve. Both foods are also considered to bring a better life. There are many causes. For example, Northe

23、rn China grows lots of wheat (小麦) while Southern China grows lots of rice._18_People in Northern China usually love food made by wheat._19_In Northern China, people often put up paper cuttings on windows to wish for happiness of the coming year. In many parts of the south, people no longer put up pa

24、per cuttings for the Spring Festival. Instead, they decorate their house with a kumquat (金橘) tree bearing fruit.Its true that Northern China and Southern China have differences in celebrating the Spring Festival._20_After all, many Chinese are moving from one place to another. When reaching a new pl

25、ace, they also bring their customs there. So now many people in Northern China also eat Tangyuan.AHere are some examples.BMany foods are made of rice.CThe differences bring many bad results.DBut the differences are gradually disappearing.EAs a result, people in Southern China often prefer rice.FThat

26、 way, they believe life in the next year will be “sweet”.GChinas north and south also have a difference in New Year decorating. Understanding cultural body language in other countries is key to managing efficient communication, especially when we have not yet mastered a foreign language. _21_ I hope

27、 these will help you socialize when you try to communicate with foreigners in spite of the language barrier (障碍). Head movementsIn some parts of India, people tilt (倾斜) their heads from side to side to confirm something and show that they are actively listening. In western countries, people nod to s

28、how agreement. _22_ Eye contactIn western culture, visual contact when you speak to someone is considered a positive aspect of body language. Strong visual contact is common in Spain and the Arabic culture among people of the same sex. Not looking back when someone is looking at you is considered im

29、polite, showing insecurity or disinterest. _23_ In Caribbean communities, children and teenagers are taught not to look at adults in the eyes when they are being corrected. Greetings and goodbyesShaking hands is a normal and formal way to greet or say goodbye in western countries. _24_ In Romania, f

30、or example, only men usually do it. And they shake hands every time they meet, not just the first! In England, however, its unusual to shake hands with someone you are introduced to in an informal setting. Kissing cheeks is something done in many countries, especially in Europe, though the number of

31、 kisses, the occasion for doing so, and which cheek they start off on vary. _25_ When you communicate with foreigners, one secure way is to understand. respect and follow the culture.ABody language varies from country to country.BBut its done in different contexts in different countries.CHowever, in

32、 Greece, nodding actually means the opposite meaning.DHere are a selection of gestures (姿势) and their meanings in different cultures.ESome cultures, such as Japanese culture, consider long-time visual contact awkward.FHere are five communication skills that you should keep in mind when in a foreign

33、country.GHowever, in different countries, people may have different explanations about hands shaking. It seems likely that you fought like cat and dog when you were young. But siblings (兄弟姐妹) can actually improve your physical and mental health. _26_.Having brothers and sisters makes you kinder. _27

34、_. This is probably because you have a same-generation relative to make you care about others._28_. Brothers and sisters, whether younger or older, help prevent you from feeling terrible, unloved, lonely, anxious and fearful. That can only be an advantage when you reach adulthood (成年时期).Having broth

35、ers and sisters can help you have a healthier lifestyle. As a survey shows, 43% of people believe their family and friends have the biggest effect on their health. _29_.Having good friends can bring many of the same benefits. Not all of you have brothers and sisters, _30_. Dont worry. Research also

36、shows that having close friends can boost your health and happiness. Make friends by signing up for groups or classes and finding people who enjoy the same things as you.AHere are some benefits of having siblingsBSiblings can be your healthy-eating partnersCThat makes you much more likely to help ot

37、hersDHaving brothers and sisters helps remove bad feelingsEHaving siblings increases the chance of a happy marriageFor you might not be in a good relationship with your siblingsGand having brothers and sisters might well be worth the trouble Ice fishing is a sport about catching fish from within a f

38、rozen lake or other body of water. Before going ice fishing, the fisher must make sure that the ice is at least four inches thick to ensure his or her safety, The fisher must then drill a hole in the surface of the ice. _31_.When ice fishing, a fisher may sit outside in the cold on a stool. _32_. Th

39、ese cabins are referred to by a variety of names, such as fish house and ice hut. They may include cooking facilities, and light, and are usually used on a multi-day ice fishing trip._33_. Sometimes, a strainer (滤网) may also be necessary to remove new ice as it forms while drilling the hole or while

40、 ice fishing. The types of fishing poles needed for ice fishing depend on the fish the fisher hopes to catch.A small, lightweight pole is used to fish. A fisher may also use a tip-up pole when ice fishing. This pole is ideal for the fisher who does not wish to attend completely to the fishing pole.

41、_34_. In order to use a spear for ice fishing, the fisher also needs fish decoys (诱饵) to draw the fish to the hole in the ice._35_. A flasher is a system capable of telling the fisher how deep the fish are in the water. The fisher may also use underwater cameras in order to watch the fish. This can

42、add an interesting aspect to the sport of ice fishing.AFishers may also use a flasherBThus, they can easily catch fishCThe fisher may have many choicesDThe fisher may also use a spear for ice fishingEOnly then can the fisher drop a fishing line into the body of waterFIn some cases, however, the fish

43、er may sit inside a heated cabin on the iceGTo go ice fishing, the fisher needs a drill or ice spade to cut the hole in the ice With the rapid development of science and technology, we dont know how different our life will be in the future. _36_.At first we think about human relationships. In the ye

44、ar 2050, we will use computers almost every day. We will be making new friends through the Internet even our husbands or wives will be met in this way. _37_. On the other hand, our relationship with people wont be as important as they are today we will feel a little lonely.Computers will also help u

45、s in many other activities in 2050. For example, they will be used by the children at school to make their learning easier. In addition, there will be much more other machines which will play a similar role as computers, like robots which will do the housework for us._38_ . Traveling to other planet

46、s or to the moon will also be available for everyone. Means of transport will, of course, change, too. We will be using solar-powered cars, which will be much more environmentally friendly.We could expect that the faster technological progress would lead to a more polluted environment. But it isnt t

47、rue. _39_. And, scientists will probably find cures for many dangerous diseases, like cancer or AIDS. Therefore, our surroundings as well as health will be in a better condition.Although we cant predict the exact changes which will be made in the world, we often think about them. We worry about our

48、and our childrens future; we have expectations, hopes as well as fears. But I think we should be rather confident about our future. _40_.AHowever, we are convinced of the followingBWe should be happy and believe good things will happenCWe will pay more attention to protecting the environmentDWe can only imagine itESpending holidays will also be completely differentFIt will be much faste

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