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1、-范文最新推荐- 高一优秀学生十二月入团申请 敬爱的学校团委:我是一名高一的学生,自从上初中以来,我就对团有了很大的好奇心。我一直以来的希望就是入团。因为共青团是一个属于青年人自己的组织。从出一到现在,在这几年间,我通过对团和团章长期的学习,我已经对共青团有了很深入的了解。而我对入团的心就更加热切了。共青团是党领导下的先进青年的群众性组织,是党的可靠的、得力的助手和后备军,是培养青年学习共产主义,具有“四有”“五爱”品质的大学校。我已经认识到作为一名跨世纪的青少年,就更应该积极加入中国共产主义青年团。我要从现在开始不断地锻炼自己,为祖国的将来而积极奋斗。正是如此,我更应该争取加入中国共青团。我

2、向团委申请:我一定用实际行动积极争取及早日加入共青团,请考验,请批准。如果我被批准了,我决心遵守团章,执行团的决议,遵守团的纪律,履行团员义务,参加团的工作,做一名名副其实的共青团员,处处起模范作用,为“四化”贡献自己的全部力量,为祖国的未来继续努力;但是,如果我未被批准我也决不会灰心,我会继续努力,继续磨练自己,积极提高自身的道德文化水平,符合共青团的要求,继续接受考验,不断改正自己的缺点,为迎合祖国的未来建设继续努力。文秘范文希望团委组织可以批准我的申请。我随时准备着迎接新的挑战,我会以自己的实际行动来证明我所说的一切,请相信我,我一定会做到的!此致敬礼申请人:某某 Dear Examin

3、er, you judge a teacher:Pass the exam, today, I written the first results of this post into the interview. To me, this opportunity is particularly valuable. My name is *, 27 years old this year. July 1997 I * Normal School artists Fine Arts graduate program at their own expense. As from 97 countries

4、 no longer their own expense since health package distribution, so that I and the most brilliant career under the sun missed. Fortunately, at River West Malaysia factory complete lack of small teacher, was introduced, small as I completed one year of the temporary supply teachers.Recall that period

5、of time both sweet and really good, although substitute low wages, but listening to students around the side of teacher, teacher is called a stop, looked full of confidence which both eyes, then draw a childish little face, all the unhappiness in life have suddenly vanished. I originally thought, if

6、 not its edge, as long as the school needs is that when my life I would gladly substitute teachers. But then, countries started in 1998 and return of temporary and substitute teachers, the school received an oral notice, I harbored feelings reluctantly and quietly left the school.Today, I would like

7、 to re-examination by the aspirations of the rostrum was so urgent! My family a total of three sisters, two sisters who work, in order to take care of the elderly parents, I have been to stay around them. I have held a shop, first operational craft, then garments. But no matter how the business is h

8、andy, when a teacher is always glorious people yearn for and I am willing to make every effort to pursue the cause of life. I have many times to take the test, but for various reasons are unable to realize their dreams, but I secretly determined, given the chance, I have been test continue until the

9、 ideal realized.Today, I am, after the test of life, compared to my competitors in the age I am no longer an advantage, but Im more than a child they love, patience and sense of responsibility, more of a mature and self-confidence.The teaching profession is sacred and great, he asked teachers not on

10、ly must be knowledgeable, but also a noble sentiment. Thus, normal reading, I was very focused on the comprehensive development of its widely develop their own hobbies, and learned a trade, to do things than good at painting and calligraphy, but also sing, speak, speak. High school only as a teacher

11、, inspires them for the Fan in the knowledge-learning and I also paid attention to develop their own high moral character, consciously abide by the law, abide by social morality, no bad habits and behavior. I think these are all educators should have a minimum quality. If I passed the interview and

12、become a member of a number of teachers in, I will keep study hard, work hard, as the home of education contribute their efforts to live up to the human soul, this glorious title. 尊敬的学校团支部:中国共产主义青年团是中国共产党领导的先进青年群众组织,是广大青年在实践是学习共产主义的学校,是中国共产党的助手和后备军。为使自己更好的进步,努力成为一名共产党领导下的先进青年成为共产党后备军,我恳切要求加入共青团,希望团支

13、部能够批准。作为一名初中生,加入中国共青团是非常必要的。我一直是这么想的,我能够加入中国共青团是我的荣幸。在初中阶段前两年的学习中,在文化知识的学习上,我抓紧时间学习,多钻研问题,改善了以往学习的方法,因此,成绩不断有所进步。同时,我还积极参加劳动,遵守学校的各项规章制度,不迟到、不早退,有事请假,不缺课,尊敬老师,团结同学。在思想上,我能严格要求自己,不做不道德,不礼貌和对别人、对学校、对社会不利的事。自学校开办铜管乐队,我就参加学习,无论是学习打小鼓,还是吹黑管,我都刻苦用功,还利用假期参加学习训练,因此,取得了较好的成绩,在全市的比赛中,和队员一起取得全市的第二名。但是,我也有自己的不足,就是学习还怕艰苦,缺乏一种持之以恒的扎实态度。因此,也出现成绩忽高忽低。当我发奋学习时成绩就猛地提高,但一松弛成绩就往下滑今后我一定要努力发扬自己的长处,克服自己的不足,努力做一个不论在学习、思想上都不断长进的好学生。我十分希望加入共青团,虽然第一次申请未获批准,但我决不放弃,继续严格要求自己,争取早日加入这个组织,遵守团章、执行团的决议,遵守团的纪履行团员的义务,参加团的工作,做个名副其实的共青团员,处处起着模范的作用。我恳切要求加入共青团,希望团支部能够批准。此致敬礼申请人:XxXx 年 Xx 月 Xx 日 5 / 6

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