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1、www.paper-妙文翻译公司翻译样稿劳动报酬Article 8 Remuneration1. 甲方根据国家有关规定和企业经营状况实行对乙方实行公司等级工资制度,并根据乙方所担负的职务和其他条件确定其相应的工资标准,乙方的劳动报酬由下列项目组成:Party A will adopt the system of graded salary as per the relevant rules of the state and its operation, and will determine Party Bs salary standard as per his/her position and

2、 other conditions. Party Bs remuneration is composed of:(1)基本工资;(2)职务津贴;(3)奖金;(4)培训工资;(5)其他依法属于劳动报酬的项目。i. Basic salary;ii. Position allowance;iii. Bonus;iv. Training salary; andv. Other items which shall be concluded in the remuneration as required by the laws.2. 本合同的工资计算形式为(请打勾):The salary agreed h

3、erein shall be calculated as per one of the following methods (please tick): 计时形式,即乙方每月税前工资为_。如果公司制定了相关工资制度或双 方又有另行约定的,则以公司相关工资制度或双方另行约定的为准。Calculated as per the Time: Party Bs monthly salary before tax is _ unless otherwise specified by the company in its relevant salary policies or otherwise agree

4、d by both Parties. 计件形式,即乙方的税前工资为_。如果公司制定了相关工资制度或双方 又有另行约定的,则以公司相关工资制度或双方另行约定的为准。Calculated as per the Quantity: Party Bs monthly salary before tax is _ unless otherwise specified by the company in its relevant salary policies or otherwise agreed by both Parties.3. 甲方根据经营盈利情况、乙方的绩效考核分数、乙方的行为和工作表现及乙方

5、在甲方 工作的工龄调整薪酬,乙方未达到甲方规定的工作量、质量指标及相关规定的将不予加薪。乙方的岗位、职位或职责变动的,其劳动报酬应与变动后的职位及职责相适应。Party A will adjust Party Bs remuneration as per its operation and profits and Party Bs performance appraisal, behavior, performance and working years in Party A. Should Party B fail to meet the requirements of Party A re

6、garding the workload, the quality and the other similar aspects, Party A will not increase Party Bs salary. In case of any change in Party Bs position, title or duties, his/her remuneration will also be changed accordingly.4. 甲方确定,每月的15日为甲方对乙方的基准发薪日。该月15日如遇法定休假节日或休息日,甲方通过银行发放工资的,不得推迟支付;直接发放工资的,应提前至法

7、定休假节日或休息日之前的最后一个工作日支付。Party A confirms that it shall distribute the salary to Party A on the15th day of each month. Where the 15th day is the statutory holiday or the off day, Party A shall not delay the distribution if it distributes the salary through the bank or shall distribute the salary on the

8、 last working day prior to the statutory holiday or the off day if it directly distributes the salary to Party B.5. 乙方各种假期期间的工资及相关待遇,甲方按照其相关规章制度执行。Party A shall abide by the pertinent rules and policies regarding Party Bs salary and relevant benefits during various holidays or leaves.6. 甲方根据企业利润情况设立

9、年终奖金,奖金的数额视乙方的工作表现、绩效考核结果及在公司服务的年限和其创造的经济效益进行综合评定。Party A has the year-end bonus as per its profits. The amount of the bonus will be subject to Party Bs working performance, performance appraisal results and working years in Party A as well as the economic benefits created by him/her.7. 甲方根据公司经营利润情况

10、及乙方的行为和工作表现每年进行工资调整。乙方如未能按照甲方规定的标准完成绩效目标时,甲方有权调整乙方工资级别的标准。Party A will adjust Party Bs salary in each year as per its operation and profits and Party Bs behavior and performance. Should Party B fail to meet the performance goal as specified by Party A, Party A shall have the right to adjust Party Bs

11、 salary standards.8. 乙方工资及其他劳动报酬为税前的,乙方自行承担个人所得税,甲方代扣代缴。Where the amount of Party Bs salary and other remuneration is the amount before tax, Party B shall undertake his/her personal income tax at his/her own cost and Party A will withhold and pay the same for and on his/her behalf.9. 对是否应该支付工资等劳动报酬、

12、支付数量以及支付的方法等,甲方有合理疑问,或需要相关考评结果,暂时未向乙方支付的,乙方理解并同意,甲方该种情形并不表示甲方不愿意支付或故意拖延支付。甲方有合理疑问暂时未向乙方支付的,甲乙双方应积极协商、沟通,或者通过向第三方进行专业咨询、调解或裁断等方式,尽快解决疑问。Should Party A pay no remuneration to Party B for the time being due to its reasonable doubt on or requirement for the relevant appraisals on the payment of the remu

13、neration, the amount, the method of payment and the like, Party B understands and agrees such delay. In addition, such acts of Party A shall not be deemed as Party As unwillingness to pay or purposeful postponement. Under such conditions, Party A and Party B shall take the initiative to negotiate and communicate with each other or settle such problems as soon as possible through consultation with the third party, mediation, judgment or the like.妙文上海翻译公司版权所有

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