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1、英语试卷(总分:1分 时间:120分钟)考生注意:1、本试卷共12页,包括第I 卷(选择题)与第 卷(非选择题)两部分(满分10分,考试时间120分钟)、在答题纸得密封线内填写学校、班级、姓名、考号等,密封线内不要答题。3、请将所有答案按照题号填涂或填写在答题卡纸相应得答题处,否则不得分.第卷(选择题,共5分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分2分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上.录音内容结束后,您将有两分钟得时间将试卷上得答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共小题;每小题分,满分分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给得A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷得相应位置。1、 Whrewl

2、l th woango on Sturday nigh?A、oa resturant B、 T a library、 C、 To a uprmket、2、 hoes the man ant in the army?A、Itshis deam、B、 t hi fhr dream、C、ts hi brohes dream、3、 Howd oe erially?A、 y pne、 、 Bys、 C、 B tain、 hat do thewoma mea?A、ll lve soon、 B、 Sesbsy nw、 、 h as may question、5、 ha oeankd roabl?A、Awor

3、ker、 B、 dentit、 C、 A poliema、第二节: 听下面对话或独白。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给得、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷得相应位置.听完每段对话后,您都有10秒钟得时间来回答有关小题与阅读下一小题.每段对话读两遍.听第段材料,回答第6至第7题。6、 H longhs th woman workedher rbaly?A、 For 1 yrs、 B、 Fr evealots、 C、 For fweeks、 Weredoes the oman e from?A、 Liveol、 B、 Lacast、 、Arnside、

4、听第7段材料,回答第至第10题。8、Whatds Justin o?A、 Asier、 B、A ianis、 C、 A travelie、9、 here did Jstin wok to an living?A、n a bar、 、Atacafe、 C、 n teae、0、Whatdoes Jsitink fhis jb?A、 Tring、B、Surprin、 C、 ntertainn、听第8段材料,回答第1至第13题.11、 Homanbedroom re he in te hoe?A、 Two、B、re、 C、Fou、12、 Wht oes t ma like?、 The ne rfger

5、at 、B、 Thlight purle walls、The we windo、3、 Why is thhouse ca?、Itso high、B、It dent haveenugh funure、C、 Its littedark、听第9段材料,回答第4至第16题。4、 How wil they cckiforatin au restauants?A、 B maing phonecalls、 B、 B serchingetenet、 C、 By usng a map、15、h wont they toShgu for iner?A、ts oo far、Is notcheap、 C、 tnot

6、good、16、 hatwill they do next?A、 o okyo Sk B、 Inie lliead Boby、C、 Call th stauran、听第1段材料,回答第17至第20题。17、hen wil ey have three ctvites?A、 In cober、 B、 In Nveber、 C、 In Septembr、 、Wat wl theydo firstnext mot?A、 lant tes、 B、Lisen to alecture、 C、 Visi far、1、 Howshuldhe meers o to nsin Prk?、B bus、 B、 By b

7、ike、 C、On oo、2、 o many meigs will tey h his wee?A、 w、 B、 One、 、 Three、第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共5小题;每小题分,满分1分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处得最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.2、 king is _ reat、 Yuwl get cost_ tue an tak exerc t h sme tim、 a; te B、 ; / 、 /; th D、 a;/22、 The, few mont afte arte hd opened the tomb, Lrda

8、rnavon_ ill ith fver nddied Egypt、 semed 、 td C、oudd 、 f 3、 -Te polce hae ben_ te aea for quite long time、 vealso noice t、 Wat ave they been_?A、 seachin; sching B、 seachi for; sercing C、serching; searhingfor D、 seachng for ; earching or24、 Mr Smithwill not b ale o atedhis sons ding ceremony, ecause

9、e_ a prtanpech、A、 ll egiving 、 as gven C、 gies D、 ilhegn25、 MsMais ai theais took heaway so that they ulddo srch _ her、A、 on B、 fo 、 aout D、 ith6、 She_a old fiendof hrs yestrdaywhile s was shoppigat the departmet tore、 A、 turneddow 、 am acoss C、 tooafter D、 dtwith27、Itw_ bakom ftr t xperimet、 、 ot n

10、til midnight i h go 、 not util mniht that wenC、 i inght that e ddt g D、uti midnht hen hedint g28、De to the rt decison,or panato _ th mtifficult tim、A、vive B、 lve 、 chedu D、 escape29、ms wordson which our eon was _ wert tue、 base 、 asig C、 t be bsed 、 aed30、-Whdint yl him bot th meeti? -Heruh outof te

11、 rom _I ould sa a wod、A、untl 、 befor C、when 、 fter31、 s St is bos, _pany yuclei devoed、A、 to hom B、 t whs C、 wose D、 o hich3、 Seng e happy _ of uns playing baskeallthe, Int hep thikig ofmy choo yes、A、 view B、 ign C、 sese D、scee3、Guys, I as reornout! I cant walanyfuthe! -e sould hav a es、 W _ thecae

12、holeay、A、 eploing 、 ae eporin C、 been exporing D、 exploe3、She ha set a ew reor, hat i,the sales ofer lst ook_ 50mllion、A、a reing B、 ha ahed 、are reaing 、 ad rache、n oo aovethe toe, whre a pa_, some wkrwer busy sngthe ta、A、 will e held B、 illheld C、 wa e hed D、ieinld第二节:完形填空(共0小题;每小题分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短

13、文后各题所给得A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.Wen I fir eneredunirsity, m ant,wh is nglsh poesor, ve me s newEnlish ictinary、was _36_toseehit was n nglish-English dcionary,s kowna monolinul dictonar、_7_it was a dictinary inend for onativ larners, non o my cassmatshadone _3_, to behnes, I oun itetremely_9_

14、o s atfs、 old ook upos nthe dctnary d ot fll unrstandth means、 I was sd tote _4_ biigul ditioaries,inwic ther are _4_ both in Englshad hnee、 Ireall wndered why y aun _43_to make hin so dificl fr me、Now, ter tudying ngls nivrsit for hree eas, 44_thatmonolnua dctionare are _5 in lerning afoeig lnguage

15、 As I founot,thr i _46_, ofte no perfect equianc(对应) beween two 47_ in two anuge、 My aut e goes so a as to _4_thaa Cnese“euivalent” canneer iv yo the _49_ eanin wrd inEglish! _50_ , sisedtht I redte finitn(定义) of awordia mooingul dicoary _51_ I wandt get a beterndrstningof itsmeaning、_52_, I ae e to

16、se wahe meant、 sig a onoingual itionaryfor learnrs ha eled mn anhr mportanay、 Thi dictinary uses a(n) _5_ numerfwos, ound , 000, in it dfintion、 Whe I eadhse defnitin, Ia _54_ exposd to(接触)the basi word an earn ow ty are used oelainbjecsand idas、_5_ this, Ican express mysef moe easily iEnglih、第三部分:

17、阅读理解 (共1小题;每小题2分,满分3分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给得四个选项A、C与D中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.AOn ay 、 Brown sees ayong womn in thestreetith children、 H i veysrrisdecause all he chdrenar waing the sme clothes、White cas, buecasand yelow trousers、 “Are al thesehidren yous?” asks the woan、 “Yes, they are、”se nswers、“oyou always de

18、ss the the saeclothes ?” sks Mr、Brown、“Yes,”sers themther、 “When wehae four chiren, we dr them inth sm clohescase wedon ant lse ay of them、 It iseay to see ur cilre amogthe children ecaus they aral wearig te sae cothe、And now ehave ten,e dressthem like this becuswe ot antto takeoth hiden hom by mita

19、ke、 Wethee eoth idren among ours, t asy to se them becase teir cothes aredfrent、6、 Howmany le dos Mr、 Bwn sein the stet one ? He es _in all、 A、 elve B、 eleven C、 o D、 tn cilde57、W iMr、 Bown surpid?eca _ 、 、 l te children are oys B、 llt cildren are in te same lthes C、 al he hide are lovely D、 al the

20、cildren e wearing the same rousers、 h doe the woma des hrchldrn n the sameclothes? Be _、 A、 sh hasso mny chldren B、 se lves er hldren C、 she doent want to tae h ildrn home 、he wants to eeher ciden easly og otesBBettys not trdiina Ameria eut、She s nshionable, has hick red lass,untidy hair andlarge me

21、talbres (牙套)on eteth、 Butis hsnt sopped hr rm bng ne o Amrians favrite Vchaaers、 So how dd hmanage to d t? Tanswe i hatcham c be more active hanbat、 etty sth min haracter i a TVsho UyBt、he shw iabout her ife a n officeworer a fason agzie in New rk、 The Vhow has jst arted、 Be as maexcting expric and

22、romtic stries、 ty is ten ooked ononan laughed aty the eopl aoud、 Bu she mangs to do bete thanoerwith her had wrk,harmd wisdm、 Thesho tell us about wagirl gos fman gly young nto a beaulswan、 Thougyou ay ko heendng o the sowfrom thebeginninand the stoy i familiar t many f s, i hsll een ai uccess inheS

23、A、 Itha trcte a largenumber f iewrsandwon to lnesaad, one of the gest honors fora televsin pgramint US、“ I tik yo canse bit of Betyn all ofus, ndIean en, bcue bouttheundo (弱者),says Aey Jensen,ho plays one ofthe racts on thshow、 Throgrm is s popl becuse of the prformace o he23eald actress Amerca Ferr

24、rawho aysth roleof Betty、 Shebringsth hartr alv onthe sreen、 5、Bttyis poulrbecue of _、A、 hr cloth B、e cham C、er esoalty D、he pprace60、Whic is tereas or thsuccss of he how?A、 A large nmbr o vers、 B、 He ife as anofice worker、 C、 T wonderul perforane、 D、o Glen Glbesawards、1、Wich ote foloigisNOT trueaco

25、rdi of heshow? A、 Bet isairl o isom、 、 Bettyacs asa beaiful swann the sho、 、Betty is anAmericn forite TV charce、 D、 Betty i ften ookeddw on hepole around、 62、 Wh canbeth bet tte fr the pasage? 、Beuy om with、 B、A roati tor、 、 A uly r、 D、 n exciig experiene、CWhen thiking about qutin(o) soing,istlth re

26、aoshy ouant o quit、 very niht eforgon to bd, epatone of theran 10tie、 Dcide pstey hat y wan to quit、 Try to avodneatve ougts abt ho difficulit mght be、 evelop stro ersnleasosas wellas youhalh anrespnsiblty others、For xamp,thinkof all te time youwaste tking cgaet beaks, ruhig utt buy a pack, hunting

27、lght, etc、 St at fo uitting perhapsa spci ay le yrbitdy, a hoidy、 If you so ealy at wor, ut durin our vton、Mae he a holriousy,and dn le anthnchne it、 Begn to coion yorself phyically; ata mdest (适当得) xrcise; dik mor wate; gt plenty o ret、mmeiatl fter qutting、 The firt e ayar yu i, sped a much fretime

28、as possble in place whre smokng is prohibied, e、g、librari, museums, theate, department stores,et、Drnklae quantities of wter a frit juce、 Tr t avoi wi, cee, and othe dinks whichrmndou ofcigaette smoking、 Strikeup a onesation wit soeone ited of a matchor a cree、 ou iss thefeelg ofhaving acigarette nyo

29、urand,play wit soehing ele - a pecil, pn,a rulr、I yu ms ngmhing inyr mouth, tryafake (仿制得) cgrette、63、 Accoring to th asag, wihof thflwig sateets s true? 、 Whne youfe lkea cigete, tr toforet bysleepn、 B、 ryto start cversatonbfoe askingo a ligh、 C、Ifyo s feling of hvia cigartt n yourmouth, layh a pe、

30、 D、 Eery nitbefore going t bd, repet all the aos10 imes、64、 rom thepasage,wnwokers _、 A、 should drink t offe B、hv o t to smke rom ieo tim C、soul drik lotof wineD、 should otdo an exerce、 Accodin to he pssg, watoeshe undrlin wod “proibited” mean? A、foridn B、 allwed 、 receied 、 wele、 Ifte assage i in a

31、 nesper, which eo(部分)isit ? A、ports B、New C、 alh D、Culture D Mostyoung ople ejoy some formof psiclacivty、 t mayb walkng, cylg, or swimming, or i witer, sktingorskiing、It may be gme of soe kind football, hocey, lf, o enns、 I aymounneern、 Those ho hve a asson for cimig high and dfilt mntans ae often l

32、oked upnithasonishmnt、 W are mn ad women ilingto fer old and harship, andto take rskonhighmountains? Tis astonhen is aused pobal thedifeence betee ounanein ndother frmsof acivity t wihngivetheir raation、 ontineerg isa spt an no a gam、eee an-maerl, s theae for such me as golf nd ootll、Ther are, of co

33、us,rules adifrt knd which t would be grous to gnore (忽略), butit is tsreedm rm man-md ulethat makesmountaieeg tracieo manypeopl、Ths who imb moutain arfree to utheir ow method、 f e ae munainng andoter more fmilir sports, wemght hnk that one b deence i thtoutineing is t a “ta game”、Wehul be istan n thi

34、s、The ae, is u, no “matchs” been “eams” of climbers, butwhen clbers are onarock fceie y pe on whi their lies may dpen, there is ouy teamwork、heotaiclimbernows that he ay ave to fightfor thtare trner and more poerful tan man、 He h to ight the focesof nue、 issot equres high mental and phical qualtes、

35、A mountai climb continuestoimoe skill e ater year、 A sk(滑雪者) s prablypshis best bthag o irt, and os intational nnischapions aren thir earlytwenies、 But i not nusua for man of ffty r ty to climbthe hgest ontins in Alps、 Themay tak more i thyougr men,but they robabimbithre skl ad less wstefeffrt, ahe ertail exience eqal noymen、

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