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1、高教版基础模块英语高教版基础模块英语Unit 51.Read and match.play go listen to fly collect playmusic computer games chess kites fishing stamps2.Look and complete.playing chessI like .I like _.listening to music2.Look and complete.大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点I like _.f

2、lying kites2.Look and complete.I like _.(going)fishing2.Look and complete.I like _.collecting stamps2.Look and complete.I like _.playing computer games2.Look and complete.Dialogue3.Think and choose.lovelearnenjoybe(am)interested inthink aboutbe(am)crazy aboutI like painting.4.Listen and tick.5.Liste

3、n and judge.Zhang Qing loves singing English songs.4 1Wang Yangs hobby is playing football.2Wang Yang enjoys watching football games.3 36.Listen,read and underline.Sara:Ben:Sara:Ben:Sara:Ben:Sara:Hi,Ben,whats your hobby?Oh,I enjoy playing football very much.Do you like American football?No,I dont.Wh

4、ats your hobby,then?I love listening to music.What kind of music do you like?Im crazy about pop music.What s your hobby?My hobby is.What do you like/love?I like/love.Whats your hobby?Im crazy about/interested in.Do you like/love/enjoy.Yes,I do./No,I dont.What about you?7.Practice and talk.playing fo

5、otball/basketballplaying computer gamesplaying the pianoplaying chess listening to music singing and dancingwatching movies8.Talk and complete.NameLikeDont LikeI really like/love/enjoy singing.I really like/love/enjoy singing.Im crazy about dancing.Im crazy about dancing.I hate dancing.I hate dancin

6、g.Dancing is my favorite.Dancing is my favorite.我真的非常喜欢唱歌。我真的非常喜欢唱歌。我真的非常喜欢唱歌。我真的非常喜欢唱歌。我对跳舞很着迷。我对跳舞很着迷。我对跳舞很着迷。我对跳舞很着迷。我讨厌跳舞。我讨厌跳舞。我讨厌跳舞。我讨厌跳舞。跳舞是我最喜欢的事。跳舞是我最喜欢的事。跳舞是我最喜欢的事。跳舞是我最喜欢的事。9.Read and complete.Hello,Im Wang Yang.I enjoy playing computer games a lot.I dont like singing.Hello,my names Zhang

7、 Qing.I love singing English songs.I hate playing the piano.Hi,Im Tang Hua.Im a teacher.Playing chess is my favorite.I dont enjoy football games.Hi,Im Sara.Im from America.I think American football is very exciting.But I dont like playing chess.Its boring.9.Read and complete._playing computer gamess

8、inging_singing English songsplaying the pianoplaying chessfootball gamesAmerican footballplaying chess10.Read and match.She loves singing English songs,but she hates playing the piano.4 1)He likes playing computer games,but he doesnt like singing.2)She enjoys playing chess,but she doesnt like footba

9、ll games.3 3)She likes American football,but she doesnt like playing chess.4 4)_ _ _ _ _ _ _11.Read and write.Grammar focusI like singing.He likes playing football.They dont speak Chinese.He doesnt like shopping.Do you go to work at 6 oclock?Does she live here?Where do they come from?What does she l

10、ike doing?12.Look and complete.He _(like)driving.likes12.Look and complete.She _(enjoy)jogging.enjoys12.Look and complete.They _(love)playing football.love12.Look and complete.She _(hate)playing the piano.hatesA:_ he like flying A:_ he like flying kites?kites?B:No,he _.He B:No,he _.He _ fishing._ fi

11、shing.13.Look and complete.DoesDoesdoesntdoesntlikeslikesA:_ you like A:_ you like playing computer playing computer games?games?B:No,I _.I B:No,I _.I _ watching TV._ watching TV.DoDodontdontlikelike13.Look and complete.A:_ she like A:_ she like singing?singing?B:No,she _.B:No,she _.A:What _ she lik

12、e?A:What _ she like?B:She _ painting.B:She _ painting.DoesDoesdoesntdoesntlikeslikes13.Look and complete.doesdoesA:_ they enjoy A:_ they enjoy shopping?shopping?B:No,they _.B:No,they _.A:What _ they A:What _ they enjoy doing?enjoy doing?B:They _ playing B:They _ playing chess.chess.DoDodontdontenjoy

13、enjoy13.Look and complete.dodo14.Talk and practice.My mother likes.,but she doesnt like.My father loves.My friend.enjoys._ _ _ _ _ _Vocabulary practiceplaying football/basketball.playing football/basketball.playing chess.playing chess.singing and dancing.singing and dancing.fishing.fishing.flying ki

14、tes.flying kites.playing computer games.playing computer games.playing the piano.playing the piano.listening to music.listening to music.collecting stamps.collecting stamps.interesting.interesting.boring.boring.exciting.exciting.15.Read and write.ItsI like/dislike/enjoy/hate15.Read and write.I like

15、playing basketball.Its exciting.1 1)_2 2)_3 3)_16.Describe and guess.Student A from Group 1:He likes playing basketball.Student B from Group 1:He doesnt like singing.Student C from Group 1:He enjoys drinking coke.Student D from Group 2:Is he Wang Yang?Student A:No,he isnt.Student E from Group 2:Is h

16、e Ben?Student A:Yes,he is.Make a survey about your classmates hobbies to set uphobby groups in your class.You are going to set up hobby groups in your class.Now you need to make a survey about the hobbies of your group members.1)Write down your information.Name:_Name:_Age:_Age:_Dislikes:_Dislikes:_G

17、roup number:_Group number:_Likes:_Likes:_2)Work in groups of 6.Find out the information of your group members.NameAgeLikeDislikeMake a survey about your classmates hobbies to set uphobby groups in your class.Make a survey about your classmates hobbies to set uphobby groups in your class.3)Share your

18、 group information with other groups in the form of a report or a chart.We are Group _.There are _ people in our group._(how many)people like(s)_._ people like(s)_._ people dont/doesnt like _._ people dont/doesnt like _.A Sample Report:4)Decide on your class hobby groups._My dear father likes drinki

19、ng beer.My fair sister likes eating pear.My poor little brother is not sure,Whether he likes or dislikes his tour.Listen and repeat.()collect()collect()crazy)crazy()kite()kite()painting()painting()stamp()stamp()hate()hate()music()music()exciting()exciting()fishing()fishing()hobby()hobby()enjoy()enjo

20、y()fly)fly()meat()meat()boring()boring()ask and answer questions about ones()ask and answer questions about ones likes and dislikes.likes and dislikes.()use simple present tense.()use simple present tense.()talk about hobbies in English.()talk about hobbies in English.()give simple reasons about one

21、s hobbies.()give simple reasons about ones hobbies.n.喜好;业余爱好喜好;业余爱好n.调查调查v.放放(风筝风筝);飞;飞v.收集收集n.音乐音乐n.国际象棋国际象棋n.风筝风筝n.钓鱼钓鱼n.邮票邮票collectchessfishingflyhobbysurveymusickitestampadj.最喜欢的最喜欢的v.喜欢喜欢v.不喜欢;憎恶不喜欢;憎恶adj.令人兴奋的,令人激动的令人兴奋的,令人激动的adj.无聊的无聊的n.慢跑慢跑n.绘画绘画对对 十分喜爱十分喜爱joggingpaintingbe crazy aboutfavori

22、tehateenjoyexcitingboring In the 16th century,a favorite toy for In the 16th century,a favorite toy for children of all ages was the hobbyhorse(children of all ages was the hobbyhorse(木马木马木马木马).A).A hobbyhorse could be as simple as a stick,or it hobbyhorse could be as simple as a stick,or it could h

23、ave a wooden horses head on it.Later,the could have a wooden horses head on it.Later,the hobbyhorse became not very popular,but the hobbyhorse became not very popular,but the pleasure of doing something outside the routine pleasure of doing something outside the routine(日常的日常的日常的日常的)activities of da

24、ily life brought a new word)activities of daily life brought a new word into the language.The word“hobby”is the into the language.The word“hobby”is the shortened form of hobbyhorse.shortened form of hobbyhorse.Hobbies today include many activities.But it Hobbies today include many activities.But it does not include spectator(does not include spectator(观众观众观众观众)activities like)activities like watching television.It also excludes(watching television.It also excludes(不包括不包括不包括不包括)schooling and work done to make a living.schooling and work done to make a living.

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