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关于统计学符号规范化书写的要求 (1).pdf

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9、:198 206.19 于丽娜,于景翠,单核苷酸多态性与中国人群胃癌易感性和进展相关性的研究现状J.现代肿瘤医学,2 0 2 0,2 8(10:17 7 3-1777.YU LN,YU JC.Research on the relationship between the singlenucleotide polymorphism(SNP)and the gastric cancer suscepti-bility and its progression in Chinese population J.Modern On-cology,2020,28(10):1773-1777.20ALMAW

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12、ip between IGF2BP2 andIGFBP3 polymorphisms and susceptibility to non-small-celllung cancer:A case-control study in Eastern Chinese Han popu-lationJ.Cancer Manag Res,2018,10:2965-2975.24 WANG X,GUAN D,WANG D,et al.Genetic variants in mAregulators are associated with gastric cancer risk J.Arch Toxi-col,2021,95(3):1081-1088.3979.pathwayJ.Cell Signal,2022,94:110313.(编校:张西敏)关于统计学符号规范化书写的要求根据国家标准GB3358-93统计学术语的有关规定,作者在书写统计学符号时应注意以下要求:样本的算术平均数用英文小写x,不用大写X也不用Mean或M;标准差用英文小写s,不用SD;标准误用英文小写s不用SE;t检验用英文小写t;F检验用英文大写F;卡方检验用希文小写;相关系数用英文小写r;自由度用希文小V;样本数用英文小写n;概率用英文大写P;以上符号x、S、S、t FV、r Vn、P均为斜体。现代肿瘤医学编辑部(

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