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1、牛津译林版7B Unit2 知识点总结与练习ic strip1. Im afraid they wont wele visitors like you. 恐怕他们不会欢迎像你这样的客人。(1)Im afraid 译为“恐怕”,是一种口语表达习惯,通常不用 hes afraid, shes afraid.例: Im afraid it is going to rain tomorrow. 恐怕明天要下雨了。翻译:恐怕他下个星期不能去上学了因为他得了感冒。 补充:be afraid of sth 害怕某物 我害怕蛇 Im afraid so. 我恐怕是这样的。 Im afraid not. 我恐怕

2、不是这样的。 I think so. 我如此认为。 I dont think so. 我不这样认为。 be afraid of doing sth be afraid to do sth 表示“怕. ”之意 难道他不怕死吗?-Can I have dinner with you?我能与你共进晚餐吗?- Sorry, Im afraid not.这里的意思是:对不起,不能例:( ) Will you e to join us in the trip? . You see, I have to get ready for the ing party. A. Thank you B. Id love

3、 to C. I am afraid not D. All right例:( )The little girl was afraid _ on the wooden bridge. A walks B walk C to walk D walking (2)visitor 派生词 有visit演变职业 baker barber butcher carpenter cashier cleaner dancer driver engineer employerfarmer gatekeeper hairdresser hunter keeper lawyer manager officer pai

4、nter player producer reporter singer shopkeeper soldier teacher waiter waitress worker writeractress beggar employee actor conductor director doctor editor inventor professor sailor tailor accountant assistant astronaut servant artist dentist host pilot priest scientist typist businessman fishman sp

5、aceman policeman postman seamancaptain model DJ judge cook nurse clerk secretary(3) like 介词 像 与一样 like 与as 的区别动词 喜欢做某事2. Most of them have 14 floors.大多数楼有14层。most的用法 表示“数量上最多,最大”,为many或much 的最高级。例: She had the most money of all of them.在这些人中,她最有钱。 most of + the/this/these/that/those/物主代词+名词,指某一范围内的多

6、数。(名词前面一定要有修饰词)例:Most of the students e from China. most of my books most of +可数名词复数+ V复 most of +不可数名词+V单most 与 most of 的区别 1 most+名词 表泛指,无范围 如: most young people II most of + 名词 指某一范围的多数 III most of +人称代词,of 不能少 如: most of them 两者有时可互换: Most teachers in this school are women.= Most of the teachers

7、 in this school are women.翻译: 那里大多数的医生来自中国。 大部分水是干净的。3 Its good to live in a neighbourhood like that. 住在那样的居民区里真好。It+ be+ 形容词+ to do sth 是英语中常见的一个句式,是“做某事是的”。表示对某人来说做某事是.的:如果形容词说明人的品质、性格特征,则用:翻译: 弹钢琴很容易。对我们来说,保护我们的地球是重要的。帮助那位老人你真善良。练习1. People who live next to each other are n_ .2. Do you want to be

8、e a doctor l_ him ?3. Wow , how tall the new _ (build) are!4. Every year many v_ e to London to see Big Ben.5. Would you like _( anything) to eat , please?6. The two beautiful sweaters are for the _( twin ).7. There are many different _ ( 访客) in this place.8. Palace is my _ ( 最喜欢的) .9. One of _(wait

9、) is his cousin. 10. Stephen likes sports very much, like _(play) football, basketball and so on.1. Wele _ (visit) our city! 2. There _ (not be ) any interesting news in today s newspaper. 3. Would your mother like _ ( wash ) the dishes after dinner?4. Huang Lei is good at _ ( check ) cars. 5. When

10、and where _ they _ (meet) their friends? 6. Tom , _ ( not be ) late for school again. 7. Lets _ (go) to the zoo by bike!8. Amy _ ( not teach ) us puter games.Reading1. They are kind and helpful. 他们友好而且乐于助人。helpful (adj.) 乐于助人,有帮助的 help-helpful care-careful如:琳达经常帮助我,她是一位乐于助人的女孩。 kind用法2. Theres somet

11、hing wrong with my puter. 我的电脑坏了。theres something wrong with sth =sth is not working well=sth is broken 意为“某物失灵”something -复合不定代词,类似有anything,nothing,everything, somebody, nobody, everybody 等。 Something多用于肯定句中,否定句或疑问句中常用anything 做主语时谓语动词用单数形式。形容词,动词不定式,else 等词修饰不定代词时,要后置 如: nothing interesting 没什么有趣

12、的 anything else 其他任何东西 Theres nothing new in todays newspaper. 3. Im going to ask a puter engineer to check it. 我打算叫一个电脑工程是来检查一下。 ask sb to do sth 要求/请求某人做某事 ask sb not to do sth 要求/请求某人不做某事 ask (sb) for help (向某人)请求帮助 例: You can ask 110 for help when you have trouble. ask (sb) for sth (向某人)要求得到某物 例

13、: Dont ask your parents too much money to buy snacks. ask sb about sth 询问某人关于某事 例: She asks me some questions about animals.4. My cousin Annies bicycle is broken, so shes going to ask someone to fix it. broken 形容词 “坏的,破的,折了,断了” 例: The glass is broken, who broke it?玻璃坏了,谁弄碎的? break-broke-broken 打破,打断

14、,弄坏 例: Dont break the eggs, they are for you.fix 5. Some college students are ready to help. 一些大学生很乐于帮忙。 college students 大学生 go to college 上大学 be ready to do sth 乐意/准备干某事=be willing to do sth 例: One of my classmates is always ready to help other students. 我的一个同班同学一直很乐于帮助其他同学。翻译:他总是乐意帮助他人。 be ready

15、for sth 为.做好准备翻译: 孩子们,请准备好上课。 get sth ready for sb 为某人准备好某物翻译:我的奶奶经常为我准备好早饭。 6. Some of them often visit the old people and do some shopping for them. 他们中一些人经常拜访这些老人并帮他们买些东西。 visit 参观,拜访 visitor 游客 例: 参观长城 visit the Great Wall 来自日本的许多游客A lot of visitors from Japan do some shopping 意为“买些东西,购物”“do+som

16、e+ving”短语表示一些笼统而不明指的事例: do some cleaning 做些打扫 do some reading 读些东西 do some washing 洗些东西7. Youre lucky to live in a neighbourhood like that,Simon.你住在一个像那样的社区真的很幸运,西蒙。 lucky(adj.)-luck (n.) -luckily (adv.) be lucky to do sth 意为“很幸运做某事” 翻译:1)成为你的朋友我很幸运。 2)你足够幸运得到这份工作。 3) _(luck), I could get the last t

17、icket to the concert. good luck to sb with sth 祝某人某事好运8 They help us with all kinds of problems. 他们帮助我们解决各种各样的问题。help sb with sth 帮助某人解决某种困难 帮助某人做某事 help sb (to) do sth 例:我喜欢帮助妈妈做家务(2种)常用含help的短语在.的帮助下 帮助某人克服困难/度过难关禁不住做某事 随便吃 1、There is a _ (社区)centre in my neighborhood.2、There is _ (某物,某事)interesti

18、ng in todays newspapers.3、Can you lend your bike to me? Mine is _ (弄坏了).4、There are always some _ (志愿者)doing some cleaning in the park.5、These _ (学院)students are ready to help poor children.6、We should use our _ (技能)to make our country stronger.7、One of the _ (工程师)in this factory es from the USA.8、T

19、hey are very _ (幸运的)to win the basketball match.9、It is _ (乐于助人的)of her to help others at any time.10、Daniel often _ (修理)puters for his workmates.1. She may go shopping with her friends if she _ (be) free tomorrow.2. Teachers always tell us _ (not play) in the street after school.3. All the parents

20、hope their children _ (live) a better life than them.4. Jim hopes _ (visit) the Summer Palace this summer holiday.5. Look at the clouds in the sky. I think it _ (rain). 6. My puter doesnt work. My uncle _ (fix) it at the moment.7. Some people are ready _ (help) the old in our neighbourhood.8. She is

21、 very lucky _ (get) a job like that.9. The boss (老板) always makes his workers _ (work) for 10 hours every day.10. We _ (have) a spring trip (春游) next month. 1. 我的手机出故障了。(两种)My mobile phone _ _. = _ _ _ _ my mobile phone.2. 我打算叫个电脑工程师检查一下。 Im _ _ _ a puter _ _ _ it.3. 一些大学生乐意帮助我们解决各种问题。 Some _ studen

22、ts _ _ _ _ us _ _ _ _ _.4. 这个周末,他们将帮老人们打扫打扫。 This weekend, they _ _ _ _ for the old people.5住在那样的小区你真幸运。 You _ _ _ live in a neighbourhood _ _.6. 很多社区福利工作者既友好又乐于助人,他们和我们分享各自的一技之长。Many social workers _ _ and _, they _ _ _ _ _ us.7. 你住哪一楼?我住在5楼。 _ _ do you _ _? I live _ _ _ floor.8. 一个志愿者正在修理Simon的自行车

23、。_ _ _ _ Simons bike.Grammar一般将来时(Simple Future Tense)1.定义:表示将来发生的动作或情况2.三种结构:(1).will+动词原型 (2).shall+动词原形 (3).be going to +动词原形 He will play cards with his brother this evening. I shall meet my friends in the park tomorrow. She is going to visit her uncle next Monday.3.否定句和疑问句否定句:will/shall+not+do(

24、wont/shant+do) am/is/are+not+going to+do疑问句:Will/Shall+主语+do; Am/Is/Are+主语+going to doSchool will be over in two hours. School will not be over in two hours. Will school be over in two hours? We shall take a bus to school next week. Shall we take a bus to school next week?The policemen are going to

25、catch the thief this afternoon. The policemen arent going to catch the thief this afternoon. Are the policemen going to catch the thief this afternoon?4.常用的时间状语 A. 由tomorrow 组成的,如:tomorrow morning/evening明天早晨、晚上 the day after tomorrow 后天 B. 由next组成的,如:next Tuesday/Sunday 下周二/日 C. 由this 组成的,如:this af

26、ternoon/evening 今天下午/晚上 D. 由ing组成的,如:the ing Sunday 下个星期天 这些表时间的单词或短语的前面都不能加介词 E. 由in组成的,如:in two hours 在2小时内, in a few days 在几天内 in the future 在未来5. 几个结构的区别 “be going to+动词原形”与“will+动词原形”的区别A. be going to +动词原形用来表示某人打算做某事,一般带有计划性,预见性和主观性,或用来表示可能发生的事,含有主观意愿。 如: Look at this clouds. Its going to rain

27、.B. will+动词原形是对将来要发生某事的客观陈述,表示纯粹的将来或现在正在制定的计划 Shall we meet at 2 oclock? I will be 20 next year. (这是不受主观影响的将来会出现的情况,也有顺其自然的意思,应用一般将来时态) C. 在单纯表示将来时,二者可以互换 They are going to have a basketball match next week.=They will have a basketball match next week.6. 几点注意:A. shall 和will 还可以表示征求对方意见或询问情况 Shall I

28、open the window? Will you go shopping with me tonight?B. Will you please ?表示客气地请求或邀请,意思是“请您好吗?” Will you please close the door? Its so cold outside.C. there be 句型的将来时 There will be+名词/there be going to be+名词 There will be a sports meeting in my school.=There is going to be a sports meeting in my sch

29、ool. There will be three football matches next week.=There are going to be three football matches next week.D. 在英语中,有些动词如go, e ,leave arrive, fly, move等可用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。 例:Where are you going this afternoon?Im going to the library. The bus is ing.1 They are going to bring some water.BringTake Carry2

30、 How about your uncle? How about =what about doing sth 向对方询问、介绍、打听情况3 He is going to make a fire. Fire 火 可数名词 make a fire 生火 着火 点火 玩火1. We are lucky _(live) in our neighbourhood.2. -_ he _ (play) basketball the day after tomorrow? - Yes, he is.3. Its not polite _ (laugh) at others.4._ they _ (have)

31、a meeting this weekend? 5.Ask the girl _(not be) late for class next time.6. Its so cloudy .I think it _ (rain).7. There _(be) an interesting film tonight8. The girl is afraid _(go) out alone at night.9. _(see) different kinds of animals, you can go to the zoo.10. _(swim) is a good kind of sport.11.

32、The college student _ (help) the boy with his homework.12.Some college students are ready _ (help) the children. 13. She often goes to work without _( eat) breakfast.14. My bike is broken . I _ (ask) an engineer _ (check) it.15. Mum often makes her son _( fix) her bike .( )1. Its _ walk from the par

33、k to the theatre.A. 10 minutes B. 10 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 10-minutes-( )2. Why_ go to the Space Museum?A. dont B. not you C. dont you D. dont you to( )3.My father hopes you _e to my home. A, will B, are can C, will can D, to( )4._do you want to go and _ do you want to meet? A, Where else, else w

34、ho B, Else where, else who C, Else where, who else D, Where else, who else( )5.Here _ some good news _you. A, is ,for B, are, in C, are, for D, is ,in ( )6.I cant go with you. I have many things_. A, do B, to do C, doing D, does( )7 There is only _ money in her purse. A. a few B. a little C. few D.

35、little ( )8. There is a bridge over the river. It is about _ long.A.5 hundreds meters B.5 hundred meters C.5 hundreds meter D.5 hundred meter( )9.Why not ask your father to draw _ map for you ?Then you can get to _Sunshine Town ? A, a, the B, /,an C, the ,a D, a, /( )10.There _ a talk _ the history

36、of China tomorrow. A. is going to be; about B. will have; on C. will have; about D. will be; of Integrated skills1. What are you going to be in the future? 你将来想干什么? in the future, “将来”用于一般将来时,指较长的将来一段时间例:What will life be like in the future?未来的生活会是什么样子呢?Id like to be teacher in the future? 将来我想当一名教师

37、。2. Im sure youll be good at it. 我确定你将会做好它的。be sure to do sth 肯定做某事 We are sure to win. 我们肯定会赢。be sure +that 从句 We are sure he will e to help us.sure (adv.) 意为“当然可以”=certainly 例: -May I use your bike?-Sure./Certainly.3. That sounds like a good idea. sound like _ sound 作连系动词时,意为“听起来”其后一般接形容词作表语 例:The music sounds beautiful.音乐听起来很美。 翻译: (1)你的注意听起来很棒! (2) 这个故事听起来很有趣。 回忆还有那些系动词?_4. I want to help sick people. 我想要帮助病人。 病的=ill be sick=be ill例:Jack didnt e

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