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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date电大大学英语B作文参考范文参考答案【精编打印版5电年夜年夜学英语B作文参考范文写作操练问题问题11  体会对方结业后的情形。2  你的现状。3  邀请对利便利时来访。 Dear Mary,  How time flies! I havent seen you for 3 years. How is it going t

2、hese years? Whats your job and where do you live? Are you married ?  I have been an English teacher of Fuzhou No.1 middle school since graduation. It is not easy to be a good teacher, but I love my work. My students are lovely and diligent. I am happy to be with them. I married two years ago. M

3、y husband is a teacher too. He is very humorous.  Now I live in Fuzhou. It is a beautiful city. Would you please come to visit me when you are free? I hope to see you soon. Best wishes to you.  Yours faithfully  Joan写作操练问题问题11    告知对方你比来将去旅游。2    体会对方地址地的

4、旅游景点。3    请对方给以辅佐放置。请对方给以辅佐放置。 Dear Jack.  How is it going recently? National Day is coming and I plan to spend the holiday in your city with my husband. I wonder if it will bring any trouble to you.  I know little about your city. Would you please introduce some scenic

5、 spots for me? It will be better if you can send some pictures of the scenic spots to me.  My flight will arrive at 5 pm on Oct. 2nd . Please help me book one double room with an extra bed and one twin room. I plan to stay there for three days. Thank you and best wishes to you.  Yours trul

6、y  Susan 写作操练问题问题11    体会对方迩来的情形。2    通知对方同窗将在元旦进行聚会。3    请对方加入。 Dear Susan,  How are you and your family? Did your have a happy holiday in Xiamen? Please pass my greetings to your family.  We classmates are planning to have a get

7、- together on New Years Day. So long we havent seen each other. All of us are excited to look forward the day.  Please come to share the happiness of the meeting. I will notice you the time and place when it is set. Please phone me if you have any questions. Best wishes to you.  Yours fait

8、hfully  Jack写作操练问题问题11    体会对方比来的进修情形。2    你的进修情形。3    请对方说说提高英语水平的阅历。 Dear Mike,  I hope you are well. How is your study? The final examination is coming, how is your preparation? How many hours in a week do you usually spend on your Engli

9、sh study?  I am busy preparing for Public English Test. I try to spend two hours on English study every day. After working hard, I make some progress in reading and vocabulary, but still weak in grammar and listening. Thought I practice listening every day, the improvement is not obvious.  

10、;You have passed Band 4 last summer. You must have rich experience in studying English. Would you please tell me how to improve listening and grammar? Thanks.  Yours truly  Jone   写作操练问题问题1 1 你的现状。2 请对方帮你采办英语语法书。3 邀请对利便利时来访。 Dear Jane.  I hope you and your family are well. L

11、ast month I changed my work . Now I work in a foreign company. English is very important for my position. I am trying to improve my English skills, especially reading.   I have learned nearly all the grammar in college, but now I have forgotten most of them. One of my colleagues recommended a g

12、rammar book by Lou Guangqin. It is A Concise English Grammar. I cant find it in Fuzhou. Would you please buy it for me in Beijing?   Please come to visit us when you are free. I am looking forward to seeing you. Very best wishes from Mary. 写作操练问题问题11告知对方你将加入英语四级考试。2询问对方若何做筹备。3请对方建议一些参考书。&n

13、bsp;Dear Jim,  How are you and your family? Thanks for your untiring kindness to us when we are in Beijing. These days I am busy preparing for CET 4. It is difficult for me, but I am trying my best.  You told me that you had passed CET 4. I think you must have rich experience in preparatio

14、n for the test. I am especially weak in listening and writing. Would you please give me some suggestion?  By the way, I need your recommendation of some reference books for the test. I will greatly appreciate your timely help.  Very best wishes from Jane. 写作操练问题问题12、参考范文:假设你叫李彦,你在6月16日的中国日

15、报上看到五洲宾馆聘请打字员的广告。你当即写求职信。介绍春秋,并告知刚竣事贝利华打字黉舍的一年培训,每分钟100字。338 Shennan RoadWuzhou HotelFutian DistrictShenzhen , 518008June 17 , 2004Dear Sir,I have read your advertisement in China Daily of June 16 and I want to get the position of the typist very much.I am 18. I have just finished a one-year trainin

16、g course at Beliva Typing School and my speed of typing is 100 letters a minute.You can get some information about my work from the school. Ill be available  at any time for an interview or a test.                &n

17、bsp;                                   Yours faithfully             &n

18、bsp;                                          Li Yan写作操练问题问题12、参考范文:下表是某市2002年下半年交通事情伤、亡数统

19、计。请争辩表中数字,出格是12月份与7月份人数的差异,声名该市交通事情的严峻性。Traffic Accidents in City ATraffic accidents have become more serious in City A , and more people are injured and even killed in the accidents every year. Take the above chart as an example . In the only six months from July to December , 2002 , 17,600 people

20、were injured and 3,900 people lost their lives in the traffic accidents . If you take a careful look at the chart and study the figures, you will find that the number of the people injured in the traffic accidents in City A has been doubled over nearly half a year. There were 2,000 people injured in

21、 July while in December the number of the injured went up to 4,200.There was an increase of 110% ! As for the people killed in the accidents, in July , the figure was only 300 , but in December it rose to 1,200 , which was three times as big as it was in July . So the traffic problem has become a bi

22、g headache for the city government .写作操练问题问题1lFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an email to tell your American friend a day in your life. You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the Chinese outline below.   1. 日常糊口   2. 首要工作   3. 社交糊口写作操练问题问题2lFo

23、r this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a traffic accident. You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the Chinese outline below.   1. 事情发生的时刻和地址   2. 事情发生的经由   3. 功效写作操练问题问题3lFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short passage to express

24、 your views on the topic: Distant Learning. You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the Chinese outline below.   1. 远程进修的普及   2. 远程进修的好处   3. 你的进修情形写作操练问题问题4   1. 连结身体健康的主要性   2. 连结身体健康的体例   3. 重申连结身体健康的意义Keep the healthy body is count for much, if hav

25、e no healthy body, usually get sick, would influence our normal work,study and live, how keep the health of the body?Carry on everyday appropriate of 磨炼 , run to take a walk,play ball,climb mountain perhaps etc., also want to notice from the food, want to eat vegetable,fruit more, the business wants

26、 to be equally, hugging body of use the health, then can complete any affair that we want to do.写作操练问题问题5   1. 此刻有各类交通体例   2. 你最宠爱的交通体例及缘由   3. 结论My favorite means of transportation is subway.The city vehicle of now is more and more, usually taking place transportation to stop,Time go

27、ne to work or gone off work especially, the on the road is because of can't usually block up a car to let us go to work or go off work in time.The subway speed is quick, will not take place to block up a car very on time again, can let our safety arrive destination, so I like to embark subway.写作

28、操练问题问题6lFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short passage to express your views on the topic: My Home. You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the Chinese outline below.   1. 描述你家的位置   2. 描述你家的四周情形   3. 是否宠爱此刻住的处所写作操练问题问题7    1. 电视节目丰硕多

29、彩   2. 我最宠爱的电视节目   3. 缘由I like to watch a television, the time of rest watches a television to let me feel happily, the television program is a lot of, greatly part of I like to see, especially news program, Reading the news program can let you understand the current news,interesting matte

30、r of the world, can also learn to some knowledge, Some programs will let person the felling is very boring, but the news program lets you feel forever the oneself is studying new knowledge.BE a very good program, I like very much.写作操练问题问题8 lFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write

31、 a postcard to a friend about your tour in Beijing. You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the Chinese outline below.   1. 你到北京的时刻   2. 在北京的两天的勾当放置   3. 返回的时刻写作操练问题问题9    1. 你抱负的工作是什么   2. 你的理由   3. 若何实现你的抱负Becoming a calculator software a design

32、er is my ideal. The software design of the calculator is a work that has a challenge very much, This kind of work look very interesting, have prospect and have quite good guerdon again. Like to be a software designer needs to have the brains of the cleverness, also needing to study a great deal of c

33、alculator software design knowledge, still wanting to the computer to understand very.For making the oneself be able to become a calculator software a designer, I must study hard.写作操练问题问题10 lFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an email to a friend in Beijing about your trip n

34、ext month. You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the Chinese outline below.   1. 接管伴侣的邀请下月去北京游玩   2. 但愿对方去接机   3.告知对方日期和航班号写作操练问题问题11 lFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a note to tell your boss that you cannot attend this afternoons meetin

35、g. You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the Chinese outline below.   1. 你接到妻子的电话   2. 你得带孩子上病院看病   3. 晚上跟老板联系写作操练问题问题12 lFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to a pen friend who you have never met. You should write at least 80 words

36、 and base your email on the Chinese outline below.   1. 介绍你自己的情形   2. 表达你想体会对方哪些方面的情形   3. 但愿经常连结联系写作操练问题问题13 lFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short passage: An Unforgettable Event in My Life. You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the

37、Chinese outline below.   1. 事务的经由   2. 事务给你带来的影响   3. 感应写作操练问题问题14 lFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short passage: Inernet. You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the Chinese outline below.   1. 因特网与现代社会   2. 因特网对糊口的影响  

38、3. 你的观点问题问题1Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short passage to express your views on a given topic. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the Chinese outline below:因特网与现代社会因特网对糊口的影响问题问题2Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes

39、 to write a story about what happened to you or to someone else. You should write at least 80 words and base your story on the Chinese outline below:1  事务发生的时刻和地址2  人物3 事务的经由问题问题3Saying something about going abroad for holidays (谈谈出国家假), 可以搜罗以下内容:1.       

40、;  How to choose a certain country.2.         Why are you willing to go abroad for holiday.3.         Advantages and disadvantages.4.         What are you going to do in the c

41、ountry.问题问题4写一篇阐述短文,描述你本人进修英语的体会。可以搜罗以下内容:5.         The importance of learning English.6.         How to learn English well?7.         What are your good experience and failing le

42、sson?写作操练问题问题1假设你是王华,想云报社应聘,写80词摆布的应聘信。Dear Sirs,My name is Wuhua,In 1965 on July 6th was born the Changchun city of Jilin province,China.I am a reporter and have already had 11 year,s work experence . I will speak English,Japanese,German.I wele-traind operation computer.Resume:The University of Pek

43、ing news fastenned graduation in 1990.     The 1990 in the newspaper agency of Shenzhen work to 1996.1997 to 1998 I studiedin the England  BBC.Returned to a news agency work in 1999.I will be very lucky if I can work in your newspaperThe 21st century and Ithink I have abilityies to do

44、 the job well.Yours Sincerely Wuhua 写作操练问题问题1假设你是深圳广播电视年夜学同学会主席,写一份书面通知时刻:2004年5月5日,礼拜六晚7:30-9:30。NoticeOn May 5th evening my school will hold an English report,The classmate that has interest can invite the comrade of the friend or the outside school to attend,Please don't be late,Hear the report through, please write a feeling in English.Time:May 5th in 2004, on Saturday evening 7:30-9:30Location:Cultural center hallTeaching teacher :The Shenzhen broadcasts an Open University professor IycidroContents:American Indian and American history精品电年夜复习资料4

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