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1、新概念英语一 91-106测试一按照有求,写出单词的相应形式1. man (复数) _ 2.he (反身代词) _ 3.write (过去式) _4.spell (单三)_ 5.hour (同音词) _ 6.friend (形容词) _7. one (序数词)_ 8. keep (过去式) _ 9. buy (过去分词)_10. knife (复数) _二、请写出下列动词的各种形式 单三 现在分词 过去式 过去分词1.buy _ _ _ _2.do _ _ _ _3.have _ _ _ _4.see _ _ _ _5.open _ _ _ _6.air _ _ _ _7.ask _ _ _

2、_8.put _ _ _ _9.go _ _ _ _10.remember_ _ _ _三、用所给动词的正确形式填空.1.What will he _(do) tomorrow morning ? 2.We havent _ (have ) lunch now .3.When did he _ (telephone) me yesterday ? 4.Is your brother _ (write ) a letter ? 5.Dont _ (close )the window . 6.He can _ (go) with me .7.I will _ (leave) here tomorr

3、ow. 8.They are going _ (move)to London next year . 9.She doesnt _ (like ) English at all .10.Have you _ (finish) your homework ?四、单项选择题(请将你的答案写在序号前).1.She is going to fly _ Tokyo. A.in B. to C. at D. for2.My watch is fifteen minutes _. A. slowly B. slow C. fastly D. lately 3.-Are these the students

4、books ? -Yes, they are _. A. their B. them C. theirs D.themselves 4.There is a label _ the handle _ his name and address on it .on, in B. with, on C. in , with D. on , with5.The book doesnt belong _. A. for me B. to me C. to my D. to mine 6.Im sure that you need _ X-ray . A. an B. a C. some D. any 7

5、.He _ that he is drinking his tea . A. say B. says C. saying D. said 8.I often help my mother _some housework .A. does B. did C. doing D. do 9.I hope you _well . A. are all B. all are C. are every D. every are 10.She doesnt do her homework , _? A. do she B. Doesnt she C. does she D.dont she 11. His

6、brother is a member _ Y.H.A. A.of B. in C. for D. on 12.I sat there and looked _ my papers _ two hours . A. at , for B. for ,at C. for, in D. at, after 13.The English papers werent easy _ him . A. in B. at C. for D. on 14. Is your sister old _ to go to school ? A. too .B. enough C. very D. quite 15.

7、 The questions were _ difficult for me _ answer. A. enough , to B. very , to C. much, to D. too , to 16. The teacher _ me is an English teacher . A.next in B. next to C. next for D. next on 17.The bottle _ water . A. is full in B. is full of C. are full of D. are full in 18.Please tell him _ in the

8、street . A . to not play B. dont play C. Doesnt play D. not to play 19. Listen! Who _in the classroom now ? A. singing B. is singing C. sang D. sing 20. Lets _ the box to the house . A. carry B. to carry C. carrying D. carries 21.He doesnt like playing basketball, _. A. too B. very C. either D. to 2

9、2.Has Ann _ to a new house yet ? A. moved B.will move C.moves D. moving 23.He is only thirty years old , _ he is a successful person . A. or B. and C. to D. but 24There are some new _ on my desk . A. book B. key C. books D. car 25.You had better _ at home now . A. live B. stay C. lives D. stays 26.S

10、am wanted _ the eight to London . A. catch B. catches C. catching D.to catch37.Whats the matter _ you ? A. to B. with C. in D. on 五、句型转换1.She has already had her lunch.(改为一般疑问) _2. She listened to the radio just now .(同上) _3.He cleaned the room this morning . (同上) _4. His brother works in the factor

11、y . (划线部分提问)_5. We are fishing in the river . (改为否定句)_.6.He has gone to Beijing . (同上) _. 六、将下列句子改为反义疑问句1.He does his homework every day , _ ?2.They are teachers , _ ?3. She cant dance , _ ? 4. Tom isnt reading a magazine, _ ?5.They cleaned the classroom yesterday afternoon , _ ?6.You have done the work, _ ?七、写作用所给的关键词写一篇短文,字数不少于50词。注意语句要通顺。 a picture of , Linas bedroom , bed , big , small , desk , chairs, some cartoon books , computer, under , a hairpin , some flowers , near the window , mom and dad , photo , on the wall .

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