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1、英语 时态 廖宇杰 2015-12-1第三人称单数练习一、单项选择1. Ben_a new bicycle.A. have B. has C. are D. were2. Kitty_her bicycle to the park.A. ride B. riding C. rides D. ridden3. A man _in front of his car.A. walk B. walks C.walking D. work4. Sams bicycle _a bell.A. have B. has C. having D. is having5. The girl on the bike

2、 _ “Excuse me”A. say B. saying C. says D. sayes6. How _it feel?A. does B. do C. are D. is7. Mog_not like his cushion.A. do B. is C. does D. are8. He _Mins cushion.A. likes B. like C. does D. are9. He_with his nose.A. smelling B. smells C. smell D. is smell10. Lucy_with her hands.A. touch B. touching

3、 C. touches D. touchs11. Superboy _the boysA. see B. sees C. seeing D. ses12. Supergirl and Superboy _them.A. saves B. sav C. saving D. is saving13. Jack_their cow.A. sells B. sell C. selling D. are selling14. Jack_up the beanstalk.A. gets B. get C. climb D. climbs15. The giant _boys.A. eating B. do

4、nt eat C. eats D. eat16. The goose_ golden eggs.A. lay B. lays C. layed D. layes17. The woman _the beanstalk.A. cut B. cutting C. are cut D. cuts18. Her mother _the beanstalk.A. take B. is take C. takes D. taking19. Jack and her mother _cosmic books.A. does B. are C. is D. have20. He_the beans in th

5、e ground.A. buy B. puts C. put D. buys二、根据括号内单词适当的形式填空1. She _(do) homework by herself.2. Jack _ (go) home by bike.3. The giant_ (climb) up the beanstalk.4. Her mum _ (run) to the goose.5. He_ (do not) like apple.6, Sam_ (put) it under his arm.7. The boy_ (chase) it.8. Kitty_ (watch) TV every day.9.

6、 He_ (feed) them at 8:00 in the morning.10. When _ (do) he get up?11. Grandma Wang_ (live) in Pudong.12. The girls_ (give) the key to Grandpa.13. That key _ (open) the old box.14. She _ (say) “I like these puppets”.15. What_ (do) Alice find?16. Which toy_ (do) she like?17. He doesnt_ (know) her name

7、.18. John cant_ (find) his watch.19. Where _ (do) Grandma live?20. How does he_ (go) to the post office?附加题:Please describe a friend of yours.I have a friend. She is a girl. Her name is Chris. She is tall. She is lovely. She likes to play with her dog. She likes studying English. We always play together.This is my friend. What about yours?I have a friend_单选20题参考答案:1-5BCBBC 6-10ACABC 11-15BBADC 16-20BDCDB2

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