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1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?单元知识总结重点短语及句子play 与不同的词搭配表示不同的意思。在球类名词前不加冠词,表示玩耍,打/踢球。 1.play soccer踢足球 2.play tennis打网球3.play ping-pong打乒乓球 4.play volleyball打排球5.play basketball打篮球 6.play baseball打棒球7.play puter games打电子游戏 8.play games做游戏在乐器前加定冠词the, 表示弹奏play the piano/ guitar 弹钢琴/吉他9.play cards打牌

2、 10.play sports=have sports做运动11.tennis racket网球拍 12.ping-pong bat乒乓球拍13.baseball bat 棒球棒 14.sports club运动俱乐部15.watch TV看电视 16.have an English class上英语课17.be in Class One在一班(读书) 18.every day每天(常用在句末)19.have a great sports collection收藏了大量的体育用品20.on TV在电视上(通过电视播放)21.on the TV在电视机上(表方位)22.interesting有趣

3、的=fun反义词boring无聊的23.difficult困难的反义词easy容易的24.I have a basketball. 我有一个篮球。(肯定句) I dont have a basketball ball. 我没有一个网球。(否定句) Do you have a basketball ball? (一般疑问句) Yes,I do./No,I dont. (肯定及否定回答)25.He has a baseball. 他有一个棒球。(肯定句) He doesnt have a ping-pong ball. 他没有一个乒乓球。(否定句) Does he have a ping-pong

4、 ball? 他有一个乒乓球吗(一般疑问句) Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.(肯定及否定回答)26. Lets play puter games. 我们去打电子游戏吧!这是一个以动词let开头的祈使句。祈使句是要求,命令别人做什么的句子,一般情况下是“动词原形其他”,主语省略。let sb. do sth. 意思是“让某人做某事”表示说话人的建议:其肯定回答:OK. /All right. /Yes, lets/That sounds 否定回答:Sorry, I 27.That sounds good/interesting(fun)/boring/relaxing/

5、difficult. 那听起来不错/有趣的/无聊的/轻松的/困难的。sound 是系动词,意思是听起来,后面跟形容词作表语,构成系表结构。The song sounds very nice. 这首歌听起来很动听。系动词除了be以外还有look, get, feel, smell, bee, turn. 系动词后加形容词、副词、名词或介词短语作表语。28.We have many sports clubs:basketball,ping-pong,soccer,and more.我们有许多运动俱乐部:篮球,乒乓球,足球等等。29.He only watches them on TV他只在电视上看

6、它们。(only修饰动词,常用在动词之前)30. He has only five basketballs. 他只有五个篮球。(only修饰数词,常用在数词之前)31.She plays sports every day她每天做运动。32.He plays basketball and watches TV every day他每天打篮球和看电视。(并列动词短语,都用三单线形式)33. many, much, some 辨析 many 大量的,许多的,修饰可数名词。I have many friends. 我有许多朋友。much 很多的,大量的,修饰不可数名词。There is much wa

7、ter in the bottle. 瓶子里有许多水。some 一些,既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词。She has some apples and I have some milk. 她有一些苹果,我有一些水。34. good, well 辨析good 形容词,好的,可用在名词前修饰名词,充当定语;也可以用于系动词后,做表语。Linda is a good girl. 琳达是个好女孩。This book is very good. 这本书很好。well (1)当形容词时,表身体好。How are you? 你好吗?Very well, thanks. 我很好,谢谢。(2)当副词时,用

8、来修饰形容词,副词或动词,在句子中做状语。He plays soccer well. 他踢球踢得很好。35. and, but 辨析and 连词,和,又表示语气的并列或递进。I can sing and dance. 我会唱歌和跳舞。but 连词但是表示语气的转折。He can sing but he cant dance. 他会唱歌但不会跳舞。35.every day, everyday辨析every day 每天,在句子中做状语。I go to school every day.我每天上学。My father watches TV every day. 我父亲天天看电视。everyday

9、形容词,日常的,只能做定语。everyday life 日常生活I speak everyday English every day. 我每天都说英语的日常交际用语。人称代词的主格和宾格人称代词 单数 复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称I 我mewe我们us第二人称you你youYou你们you第三人称he 他himthey 他们themshe她herthey 她们themit 它itthey 它们them语法知识:一.含有实义动词的句子,句中不能出现be动词,反之,含有be动词的句子,句中也不能出现实义动词。例:The book is on the desk. 数在课桌上。We are siste

10、r and brother. 我们是兄妹。I need my pen. 我需要我的钢笔。They have a set of keys. 他们有一串钥匙。二.含有实义动词的句子,当主语为非第三人称单数时,动词用原形;而当主语为第三人称单数时,动词要用三单线形式。例:I have a pen. We take the books to his sister. They need a map. He has a ping-pong ball. My father likes English. 三.第三人称单数的具体内容(1) 人称代词:he she it(2) 指示代词:this that (3)

11、单一的人名或地名:Mary,Li Yudi,China(中国),Chengdu (4)所有的单数名词:my father, his pen, Jims sister, my parent, English, her name(5)表算术的短语:two and two(二加二) three and six(三加六) 四.当主语为第三人称单数时,实义动词的变化规则。(简称“动词的三单线形式”)(1)一般情况,在动词后加-s; (2)以字母s,x,sh,ch结尾的动词加-es; (3)以字母o结尾的动词也加-es; (4)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先将y变为i,再加-es; (5) 以元音字母加y结

12、尾的动词,直接加-s. (6)特殊:have-has /hz/ 有be-is 是do-does/dz/ 做,干五含有实义动词的句子的否定句。规则:1.在句中找到实义动词;2.再根据主语找到相应的助动词(dont/doesnt);3.将助动词加在实义动词之前;4.如果原句中动词为三单线形式,要将其变回原形。注意:dont=do not(用于非第三人称单数) doesnt=does not(用于第三人称单数) 例:(1)I have a pen. -I dont have a pen.我没有钢笔。(2)They need a map. -They dont need a map.他们不需要地图。(

13、3)He has a ping-pong ball. -He doesnt have a ping-pong ball. 他没有乒乓球。(4)My father likes English. -He doesnt like English. 他不喜欢英语。【典型例题】按要求完成下列句子1. I have a volleyball. (改为否定句) I _ _ a volleyball. 2. His brother has a baseball. (改一般疑问句) _ his brother _ a baseball? 3. Do your parents have a puter? (作出肯

14、定回答) Yes, _ _. 4. Does Mary have a tennis racket? (作出否定回答) _, _ _. 5. Lucy has two brothers. (变否定句) Lucy _ _ two brothers. 【模拟试题】(答题时间:90分钟)一. 根据句意及汉语提示,用单词或词组的正确形式填空。1. The class _ (听起来有趣). 2. My cousin _ (有) an English-Chinese dictionary. 3. Mike _ (没有) a sister. 4. Lets _(玩)puter games. 5. I _ (做

15、运动) every day. 6. She _ (看电视) every evening. 二. 用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。1. Tom _ (do not ) go to school today. 2. My uncle _ (have) a cat. 3. Lets _ (play) football. 4. I can play basketball, but I cant play it _ (good). 5. Jack _ (watch) TV in the evening. 三. 单项选择1. She _ a small toy collection. A. have B

16、. do have C. has D. does have. 2. Does your brother _ a toy car? A. has B. is C. have D. are 3. _ you have a big house? A. Is B. Does C. Are D. Do 4. Mary _ have a soccer ball. A. dont B. doesnt C. do D. hasnt 5. Lets _ ping-pong. A. do play B. playing C. play D. plays 6. That _ boring. I dont like

17、it. A. sounds B. sound C. sounding D. is sound 7. Do you play _ volleyball? A. the B. a C. /D. an 8. Lets play puter games. _. A. Thank you B. Thats all right C. That sounds interesting D. Im sorry 9. _do you want? I want a basketball. A. Where B. What C. Who D. Whats 10. Ed Smith watches sports _ T

18、V every day. A. in B. on C. for D. to 四. 按要求完成下列句子。1. We have two basketballs. (对划线部分提问) _ _ we _? 2. They have many questions to ask. (改为单数句) _ _ _ _ to ask. 3. My cousin has some friends. (改为否定句) My cousin _ _ _ friends. 4. Does Tom have a soccer ball? (作肯定回答) _, he _. 5. I have a volleyball. I do

19、nt have a soccer ball. (用but 连成一句) _. 五. 完形填空Sonia Hall is my good friend. She _1_ sports. And she has a _2_ collection. In the day she often plays _3_ in the club. In the evening, she looks after _4_ collection. _5_ go to her home and have a look at _6_. Look! She has five baseballs, eight volleyba

20、lls, four soccer balls, twelve tennis rackets and thirteen ping-pong balls. But she has _7_ basketballs. She wants _8_ some basketballs and _9_ other balls. Can you help her? Can you give your old basketball _10_ her? 1. A. does B. do C. likes D. like 2. A. much B. balls C. sport D. sports 3. A. the

21、 B. /C. a D. one 4. A. her B. she C. hers D. their 5. A. She B. Let C. Lets D. Lets 6. A. they B. it C. them D. their 7. A. not B. no C. not a D. no any 8. A. to collect B. collect C. collection D. collecting 9. A. more B. much C. a little D. so 10. A. for B. to C. on D. of 六. 阅读理解I have three good

22、friends. We like sports very much. My favorite (最喜欢的) sport is ping-pong. I have three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. I think playing ping-pong is fun. But Linda thinks it is boring. Her favorite sport is baseball. She plays baseball every afternoon. She has four baseballs. Gina is Lindas s

23、ister. She likes playing tennis. She thinks its interesting and she has four tennis balls and four tennis rackets. My friend Frank likes playing soccer. He plays it very well. Its relaxing for him to play soccer. But he has only one soccer ball. 1. Whats my favorite sport? A. Ping-pong. B. Soccer. C

24、. Baseball. D. Tennis. 2. How many ping-pong bats do I have? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 3. Linda and Gina are _. A. boys B. brothers C. sisters D. cousins 4. What does Gina think of tennis? She thinks its _. A. fun B. boring C. interesting D. relaxing 5. How many soccer balls does Frank hav

25、e? A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 七. 根据下表内容,写一篇短文。姓名收藏的种类所收藏物品的数量收藏的地点Lucysports collection10 tennis ballsin the drawer5 tennis racketson the wall3 basketballsunder the bedLily school thing collection100 bookson the bookcase15 rulersin the backpack5 pencilsin the pencil case试题答案一. 1. sounds

26、 interesting 2. has 3. doesnt have 4. play 5. play sports 6. watches TV 二. 1. doesnt 2. has 3. play 4. well 5. watches 三. 15 CCDBC610 ACCBB四. 1. What do have 2. She/ He has a question 3. doesnt have any 4. Yes, does 5. I have a volleyball but I dont have a soccer ball. 五. 15 CDBAD610 BBAAB六. AACCA七.

27、 One possible version: Lucy likes sports. She has a sports collection in her room. She has 10 tennis balls in the drawer, 5 tennis rackets on the wall and 3 basketballs under the bed. Lily has a great school thing collection. She has 100 books, 15 rulers and 5 pencils. The books are on the bookcase. The rulers are in the backpack and the pencils are in the pencil case.

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