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1、主将从现是指在主将从现是指在时间状语从句时间状语从句 和和条件状语从句条件状语从句中,如果中,如果主句主句是一般将来时,是一般将来时,从句从句用一般现用一般现在时替代一般将来时在时替代一般将来时。什么是主将从现?什么是主将从现?if:If you ask him,he will help you.引导条件状语从句引导条件状语从句的词有哪些?的词有哪些?unless:Ill go there tomorrow unless it rains.when,while,before,after,untill,till,since,as soon as,引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句的词有哪些?的词有

2、哪些?1.主将从现主将从现2.主祈从现主祈从现3.主情从现主情从现主将从现有哪些内容?主将从现有哪些内容?主句是一般将来时,从句用一主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。般现在时。When I grow up,Ill be a doctor.If you go to the party,you will be happy.1.主将从现主将从现主句是主句是祈使句祈使句,从句用一般现,从句用一般现在时。在时。Dont laugh at me when I make a mistake.2.主祈从现主祈从现主句主句中含有情态动词中含有情态动词,从句用,从句用一般现在时。一般现在时。You should

3、 be quiet when you are in the reading room.3.主情从现主情从现Exercise1.If I come,I _(see)you.2.If it is fine,we_(go)for a walk.3.If it rains,they _(stay)at home.4.You will spoil it if you _(not be)careful.will seewill gowill stayarent5.We will be very much pleased if you _(come).6.Will you help me if I _(ne

4、ed)you.7.They will get wet if it _(rain).8.We will answer if we _(can).9.If you eat too much,you _(get)eneedrainscanwill get()10.-What will Bill do if he _in the test?-He will try again.A.fail B.fails C.will fail D.is failing()11.Please tell her the news when she_.OK,I will.A.comes B.will come.C.com

5、e D.would comeBA()12.The students will plant trees if it _ tomorrow.A.didnt rain B.hasnt rained C.wont rain D.doesnt rain()13.We_ home if there is no bus.-Oh,what a pity!A.will walk B.have walked C.walked D.walkDA()14.If it _ tomorrow,Ill go by car.A.rain B.will rain C.rains D.would rain()15.If Mary

6、_next Sunday,we will go boating together.A.will come B.comes C.shall come D.shouldcomeCB()16.-Dont forget to ask him to write to me.-I wont.As soon as he_,Ill ask him to write to you.A.will come B.came C.comes D.is coming C()17.-Can I go to Beijing for my holiday,Dad?-You can when you _ a bit older.A.will get B.get C.are getting D.got()18.If he _harder,he will catch up with us soon.A.study B.studies C.will study D.studiedBB()19.Frank _to see his grandma if he _ free tomorrow.A.will come;will be B.comes;is C.will come;is D.comes;will beA

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