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1、The palace museumThe Forbidden City-陈美均 NO:Nowadays,when we talk about it,many Chinese people will call it“The Palace Museum”,but in many western countries,almost every brochure which introduces the old palace still use its old name“The Forbidden City”.What the most western people interested in is t

2、o explore the mysterious atmosphere of ancient Chinese royal family that was presented in the movie The Last Emperor and oriental feudal autocratic system(封建帝制)Introduction This is the palace This is the palace museum;also know as museum;also know as the Purple Forbidden the Purple Forbidden City.It

3、 is the largest City.It is the largest and most well reserved and most well reserved imperial residence in imperial residence in China today.Under China today.Under Ming Emperor Ming Emperor YongleYongle,construction began in construction began in 1406.1406.It took 14years to It took 14years to buil

4、d the Forbidden City.build the Forbidden City.(the Hall of Supreme Harmony)(the Hall of Complete Harmony)(the Hall of Preserving Harmony)TheTheforbidden forbidden city city SightseeigSightseeig mapmap 午午 门门the Meridian Gate to the south东华门东华门 The Dong Hua Gate to the east西华门西华门 The Xi The Xi HuaHua

5、Gate to the west Gate to the west 神武门神武门 The spiritual The spiritual valourvalour to the north to the north(the Palace of Heavenly Purity)the hall of unionthe Palace of Earthly Tranquility IntroductionAmong the five greatest palaces in the world,the Forbidden City ranks first.Lying at the center of

6、Beijing,the Forbidden City,was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties.Rectangular in shape,it is the worlds largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares.The ensemble(整体布局)Traditionally,the Forbidden City is divided into two parts.The Outer Court and Inner Court.The Inner Court inclu

7、des the northern sections,and was the residence of the Emperor and his family,and was used for day-to-day affairs of state.The Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation.Some famous halls The Hall of Supreme Harmony(太和殿)The Hall of Central Harmony(中和殿)The Hall of P

8、reserving Harmony(保和殿)The Hall of Supreme Harmony(太和殿)Entering Taihemen,you will see Taihedian(Hall of Supreme Harmony)across the spacious square,which covers of 30,000 square meters.Standing on a three-tier marble terrace,this grandest timber framework ever in China is overwhelming.The Hall of Cent

9、ral Harmony(中和殿)The Zhonghedian is located between the Taihedian and the Baohedian.These three halls,known as the Three Great Halls of the Outer Court,are on the central axis(轴)of the Forbidden City.The Zhonghedian served as a place for rest for the emperor when he was on his way to hold ceremonies

10、in ZhonghedianThe Purple Forbidden City is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today.It was built begin in 1406 and it took 14 years to built it.The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi.North to south is 961 meters,and 753 meters from east to west.And

11、 the area of about 725,000 square meters.And the Forbidden City was recognized as a world cultural legacy.Beijing Forbidden City is also the head of the worlds top five palace.The Hall of Supreme Harmony(太和殿)太和殿)This is the most grandiose one.And this temple area is the largest one of various in For

12、bidden City.This temple is the place where the emperor held a major ceremony.The Hall of Complete Harmony(中和殿)This temple is a place where the emperor to take a break before the ceremony and do a pre-exercise。The Hall of Preserving Harmony(保和殿)This was a place where the annual New Years Eve emperors

13、 entertained the other kings.At the same time,the final imperial examination was held here.Palace of Heavenly Purity(乾清宫)The Hall of Union(交泰殿)Palace of Earthly Tranquility(坤宁宫)The Gate of Devine MightThe Meridian GateGate XiHua Gate DongHuaGatesThe Gate of Devine Might(神武门)The Meridian Gate(午门)故宫角楼

14、风姿故宫角楼风姿美美观观的的斗斗拱拱中和殿中和殿 太和殿太和殿 乾清宫乾清宫午门马道午门马道午门马道午门马道收藏文物收藏文物100万件万件收藏文物收藏文物100万件万件收藏文物收藏文物100万件万件Want to know more?http:/ Inside The Forbidden City National Geographic ChannelHave a visitBaohedian,the Hall of Preserved Harmony,stands at the northern end of the three-tier marble terrace.Similar in

15、style but somewhat smaller than the Hall of Supreme Harmony,it is larger than the Hall of Central Harmony.It was built in 1420,rebuilt in 1625 and renovated in 1765.In 1789,the midpoint of the Qing dynasty,Emperor Qianlong decided the final stage of the Palace Examination should be transferred from the Taihedian to the Baohedian.This was the highest level of the nation-wide imperial examination system and the emperor would honour the top ten successful candidates by reading the papers they had submittedThank watch!

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