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1、情态动词情态动词can,may,must的用法的用法情态动词后接动词原形情态动词后接动词原形;没有人称和数的变化没有人称和数的变化;不能单独作谓语不能单独作谓语,与后面的动词共同作谓语与后面的动词共同作谓语;其否定形式在后面直接加其否定形式在后面直接加not。Modal verbs情态动词情态动词can/can notmay/may notmust/must notModal verbs情态动词情态动词can/can not1.表示能力表示能力(会会)Mary can speak English,but she can not speak French.2.表示允许表示允许(可以可以)Can

2、I use your dictionary?I cant find mine.3.表示表示推测推测(可能可能)-通常用于否定形式通常用于否定形式 He cant be in the office.I saw him go out just now.1.S1 _ Kitty _?S2 _.2.S1 _ Kitty _?S2 _.Can spellYes,she canCan addNo,she cant3.S1 _ Derek _?S2 _.4.S1 _ Kitty _?S2 _.Can subtractYes,he canCan multiplyNo,she cantmay/may not1.

3、表示表示允许允许(可以可以)May I come in?2.表示表示推测推测(可能可能)-通常用于肯定形通常用于肯定形式式 She may be still waiting for us.3.表示祝愿表示祝愿 May you have a happy weekend.may的用法的用法:may/may not以以may开头的疑问句,其否定回答开头的疑问句,其否定回答用用cant或或 mustnt。-May I go home now?-Yes,you may.No,you cant.may not的用法的用法:Answers:1.May I carry your bag for you?2.M

4、ay I open the door?3.May I get you a chair?4.May I switch on the TV?5.May I borrow your new bicycle?must/must not1.must表示必须表示必须 You must do your homework first.2.must表示表示 一定一定(肯定性推测肯定性推测)He must be at home.must的用法的用法:must/must not1.mustnt表示禁止表示禁止(不准;不允许不准;不允许)You mustnt smoke here.2.以以must开头的疑问句,其否定

5、回答开头的疑问句,其否定回答要用要用neednt.-Must I clean the classroom now?-Yes,you must.No,you neednt.must not的用法的用法:What do the signs mean?Do you know?You must not cycle.You must be careful.You must turn left.You must not enter.You must pay ten yuan.You must keep silent.You must not turn right.You must not smoke.用适

6、当的情态动词填空:。1.I can play football._you swim?2.Dont worry.You _ return me this book tomorrow.3.My grandma is ill.You _ talk so loudly here.4.I cant play with you.I _finish my homework first.5.I_ get up early tomorrow.because I have a meeting.6._you please open the window?CanmaycantmustmustCan9.Nobody _

7、live without air.10._he speak Chinese?Yes,a little.11.The book _ be returned before Saturday.12._I come in?Yes,please.13.You _give up smoking at once.Its bad for your health.14.Excuse me._I ask you a question?15._you tell me where the station is?16._ I finish the work now?No,you _.You _ do it this evening.17.May I use your dictionary?Sorry,you _.I am using it now.18.Look at the ground.Its very wet.It _ have rained last night.can Can mustMay must May Can Must neednt can cant must

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