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1、.一般过去时与过去进行时练习一.选择填空( ) 1. She watered the flowers _. A tomorrow B sometimes C yesterday morning ( ) 2.What _ Mike do last weekend ? A do B does C did( ) 3. I _ my room last Sunday. A cleaned B clean C am cleaning( ) 4. I often help my mother _ housework. A does B did C do ( ) 5. _ you _ TV last nig

2、ht? A Do, watch B Did, watch C Did, watched( ) 6.-Did your father write an e-mail yesterday ?A Yes, he did. B Yes, he does. C No, he dont.( ) 7.They _ on a trip in February ,2007. A are going B going C went( ) 8.Were going to _ mountains tomorrow . A climb B climbed C climbing( ) 9. _ he _ football

3、two days ago? A Does , play B Did , played C Did , play( ) 10.-Good afternoon, Miss Lee. How does Mike feel?-Hes tired . He _ a lot of work _ . A does , this morning B do , this morning C did , this morning ( ) 11.What _ from three to four yesterday afternoon? A have you done B had you done C did yo

4、u do D were you doing( )12 I call you yesterday evening, but there was no answer. - Oh., Im sorry I _ dinner at my friends home. A home B had C was having D have had( )13 My mother _ while my father _TV. A cooked; was watching B was cooking; was watching C was cooked; watched D cooked; watched( )14

5、When I got home, my son _ the music.A am listening to B listened to C was listening to D was listening( ).15 We heard a cry when we _ TV last night.A were watching B would watch C watch D watched( )16 She asked him whether he _ back for lunch.A come B was coming C came D had come( )17 Could you tell

6、 me when _?A she is coming B she was coming C will be come D is he coming( )18 The teacher _ when I came into the classroom.A is drawing B draws C has drawn D was drawing( )19 The pizza _ by my mother. Would you like to have some?A makes B was making C made D was made( )20 Nobody noticed what she _

7、at the moment.A will do B was doing C has done D had done( )21 Was it raining hard when you _ this morning?A left B leaves C was leaving D would leave二、用所给的动词的适当形式填空。1. He _(visit) the Great Wall last year.2. We_(have) a good time yesterday.3. We often _(go) to school by bus last year.4. I _(live)in

8、 the village when I was a child.5. Mike_(see) a big tiger in the nature park last year.6. Sam_ (do) the housework yesterday.7. _(do) you _(enjoy) yourself yesterday?8. _(do)you _(play) the violin in the artroom yesterday? No, I didnt. I_(draw)some pictures there.9. I _ (eat) a big pizza yesterday.10

9、. There_ (be) many sheep on the farm last year.11. I _ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday.12. Her father _ (read) a newspaper last night.13. We _ to zoo yesterday, we _ to the park. (go)14. _ you _ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?15. _ he _ (fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he _.I6 . _( break ) a

10、glass while I_ cook ) the dinner.17. My brother _always_( lose ) his key when he_( be ) a little child.18. “Bob has gone to New York, I hear.” “Oh, I wonder when he_( leave ).”19. Shirley _( write ) a book about China last year, but I dont know whether she has finished it.20. Oh, you have been here

11、already. I_( think ) you_( not come ) until tomorrow.21. Our teacher told us that Columbus _( discover ) America in 1492.22. I saw Tom yesterday but I _( not speak ) to him because he_( talk ) to a wounded girl.23. As she_( read ) the newspaper, Granny _( fall ) asleep.23. The last time I _( see ) J

12、ane, she_( pick ) cotton in the field.24. - Tell me what you_ ( do ) at eight yesterday evening.- I_( watch )TV.25. It_( rain ) when they left the station.26. -What were you doing when he came to see you?- I had just put on my overcoat and_( leave ) to visit a friend of mine.27. Tom_( go ) into the house when no one_ ( look ).28. Alice_( make )a dress when she _( cut ) her finger.29 He said that he_ ( work ) all day on Sunday.4

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