1、标准版得财务报表(中英文版)资产负债表Balancehe 项 目I 货币资金Ch 短期投资St tistmets 应收票据 Noe rceabe应收股利 ividend receivble 应收利息 Intertreceivabl 应收帐款 Accounts reivl其她应收款 Oterrecivbes 预付帐款 Accounts prepid 期货保证金 ueguarante 应收补贴款 Allowanc receivabe 应收出口退税 Expotrback rcle存货 Inveries 其中:原材料 ncludng:Ra maeral 产成品(库存商品) nhe ods 待摊费用 r
2、paiand deferrd expenses待处理流动资产净损失 nsetledGL on crentasses一年内到期得长期债权投资 Lngterm deture invesmetfalidue inayaear其她流动资产hr urrent asses 流动资产合计 Tota current assets 长期投资: Lngterm inetent: 其中:长期股权投资Incding log eqity inesen长期债权投资 ongtrm secuties invstmen *合并价差 Inorprtngprcedieen 长期投资合计 Total ln-tm inestment
3、固定资产原价Fixed assets-cot 减:累计折旧 Le:Accumad Dpritin 固定资产净值Fixed setne vae 减:固定资产减值准备 Less:Impairment offixedasses固定资产净额 Netvalue f fixessets固定资产清理 Diposal o ixd ass 工程物资 Pjct erial 在建工程Conructio inPgress 待处理固定资产净损失 nseled G/ on fxd ssets 固定资产合计 Total taibleasses 无形资产 ntangle ass 其中:土地使用权Includin and us
4、ets 递延资产(长期待摊费用)Defre sets其中:固定资产修理 Icling:Fixe assts reai 固定资产改良支出Impovmen xpenditre offied asst 其她长期资产Ohr long r assts 其中:特准储备物资 Amon i:eilapprovereervingmteril无形及其她资产合计otal ingble assets nd the aset 递延税款借项 eferred ssets ebit 资 产总 计 otl Assets 资产负债表(续表) Balance Seet 项 目 TEM 短期借款 Shortterm la应付票款 N
5、otes pble 应付帐款 Account payab1e 预收帐款 Advnesfom cusomrs 应付工资 Aue payrol 应付福利费Wela payabe 应付利润(股利) Pois paa1e 应交税金Taxes yable 其她应交款Ohr payble governmen 其她应付款 Oher creditors 预提费用 rvisn for expenses预计负债 Accreiablities 一年内到期得长期负债 Longtrm liiities dewithinonea 其她流动负债 Ote crrnt liailt 流动负债合计Toalcurentliabil
6、ites长期借款ongtrm lans paabe 应付债券 Bons ayb 长期应付款log-trm accntayale 专项应付款 Speclacconts payab 其她长期负债 te ongtem liabiliies 其中:特准储备资金 ncding:Seca eseve und长期负债合计 Tol long tr libilitis递延税款贷项Deerdtaxtion cdit 负 债 合计 Ta liabliies 少数股东权益 Mirityinterets实收资本(股本) Sbscribd Captl 国家资本 ion aptal 集体资本Cllectie capita
7、法人资本 egal ponscapital 其中:国有法人资本 Including:Statwnelga ersns apital 集体法人资本 Collective egal persos capitl个人资本 Psona capital外商资本 oreg bsnessms capita资本公积 apital srpls 盈余公积 uplusreserv 其中:法定盈余公积 Inclding:statutory surpuresrv 公益金 public wlfarefn补充流动资本 Suplermnar urren cpitl * 未确认得投资损失(以“-号填列) Unaffred nve
8、stmen loss 未分配利润Ranedearnings 外币报表折算差额 onvrted ffeenceinFoeinrencySaements所有者权益合计 Ttl shaehe euity 负债及所有者权益总计 Total Liabltis Equity =利润表 IN STATEMNT 项目 ITMS 产品销售收入 Sales f pouct 其中:出口产品销 售收入Includin:xport saes 减:销售折扣与折让Less:Sales isount an aowans产品销售净额Net ales fpruts 减:产品销售税金 ss:Salestx 产品销售成本 Cos o
9、fsales 其中:出口产品销售成本Icudig:Cs of exrt sae 产品销售毛利 rossproft n sales减:销售费用 ss:elling exese 管理费用 Gel adamtr exnse 财务费用Finacial epense其中:利息支出(减利息收入) cding:Intest epeses (inintrst ihe) 汇兑损失(减汇兑收益)Excange ose(minusexce gains) 产品销售利润Pofit on sales 加:其她业务利润 Add:prof fom othr operato 营业利润perang roft 加:投资收益Add:
10、Ine on invstment 加:营业外收入 d:Non-peratg in 减:营业外支出 s:Nnoperatingexpenses加:以前年度损益调整Add:djumen lossa gai forpeviu yer 利润总额 Tal pofit减:所得税 Less:In ax净利润 Net pfit=现金流量表CashFlo Stemen Pepred by:eri:Unt:te 1、Cah lws from OperatingAcie: 0)Cash reeived rom sale o gos r renderig fsrvices 02)l reevedVlu adedt s
11、ale rieadrefunds o aue 3)add taxpid 4)Reudoothr taxsnd othe than aue dedx 07)Othercah reeidreatin to oerating aivites 08)u-tota o cah inflow 09)Csh pad foroos ndsrvices10)Csh pai fo opeaing lases 11)ash ai to a o bhlf ofepoys 12)Valueadded taxo urchases pai 1)Ie tax pid 4)Taes pai oer thnvale added
12、x and ineax 17)Otherash pi elting to opraing activitie18)Subotl of ash utfows19)t cash flows frm operatng acivies2、CshFlow fom Investing Atvities:0)Cas receied from return fivestment 21)Ca ceivedfm dtributin o divieds rprfits 2)Cash reeiefrondinterstine Netsh recivedfm dipoa of ied asts,ntnibe )assn
13、d her longtermss 26)Otr cah receivedrelang t iesin activies 27)Sb-to f cash ifows Cash i acir fxed ase,tnible assets 28)and other longermasets 2)Csh pd toacqui uity investmen 0)Ch pai ocie tnvstents 33)ther a paid elang o ivestigactities34)Suotal f ash oufow 35)Netcsh flow frm inveinativte3、Cas Flow
14、 from FincingActvies: 36)Proceedsfm isung shares37)Proceds fom isuigo8)roceedsfrom orrwngs 4)Ote poceds relatin to finaig ativitie42)Subtotal of hinfls43)sh epayment ofmounts borrwed 44)Cah paymens f epnss on anyfnancn aivtie 4)Cashpayme for diribution f viends or prit 46)Cash payents itee epns7)Cas
15、hpaymentsfrinne less4)Ca pmnts for redutio ofregstd apta 51)Othercas payment rn to finncing ativiies52)Subotao csh otlow 3)Net cashflows frm fncin actvities 、Eect of Freignxcang Rte Canges n Cah5、N Increase n CashaCash quiaent uplemeal Infation1、Investng andFnanci Acities th ntIolv in Casecptsand Pa
16、nt 56)Repamet of dbt by te transfer f ixedasset 5)Repayment of ebts yt traero invesments8)Invstments n th fr offe aset 59)epymets debs by he transe o investres2、Reconciliation ot Poit toash Flows fom Opatng ciities 62)Netpfit 63)A provisin for bd dt r d ebt wrie of )recitionf fixedasets 65)Amtizto o
17、finangbeasses Losse onsposaf fxd aset,itagile sst 6)d oher lon-erm asset ( duct:gan) 67)Loses on scrapi offixeasse68)Finaiaexpenes 9)Loses aisng frm nvestmens (or deduct:gns)0)Dfered tax cit (deduct:ebit) 1)Dcrese nventorie (ordduct:reae) 72)rese in peraing rceivable (or educ:nease) 73)Incrasein ope
18、ratin ybles (oredut:dcrease) 4)etaymt on lu adtax (o dedc:net rceipt7)etcsh flwsrmpatng activities 3、et ncrae inCas nd Csh Equivalents 76)cash at h ed ofhe perio77)Les:csh t he beinnngof he perid 8)ls:shequialnts tthe ed o the eio )Less:cash eivalnts t the bningo teerod 80)t ireae incas an euiants现金
19、流量表sh Flows Statmnt Prepared by: Pro: Unit: Items1、sFlows from pratng Acvie:01)Cash reced rom salof goodor renderin of services 2)nta receivedValue add ax on sae rceved andrefu of va03)added pad )Rfud ootr taxes nd levyotherthan lue ade a 7)Ohercsreceied retin to opating aiviti )Su-ttal ofcash inflw
20、s 09)Csh padfr godsandsevics10)Cas dfr operatig lases 11)ash pid oanon behalfofmployes 12)Vale added txo prchass pid 3)Ine taxpad 14)Taxespai th tanvale aax and ine ta17)the ash paidrelatingo operati aiitie 1)Sub-totalo cash outflws 1)Net cs ows fromopetng acivtie 2、ash Flos from Investing Actties:
21、2)ashreciv fromrtun f ivestments21)Cah reeied rosrbtiof ven orpfits 2)Cas rcivd frm bnd ntest ne e sh rceied fro dsposalf fixedasets,intagibe 23)asset and otherlong-termets 26)ther cash ceivrlating t investing ctivi2)Su-tal of cash inflow ash pido quir fedsets,intanibleasses28)an her lon-trmassets 9
22、)Ca paidt cquire quitynesmens30)as aid o acuire dbt ivetments 3)Oter cah paid relatint inestigactiviies 3)ub-ttlocashoutflws 35)et csh flwfrom inesg acitis 3、C Flowsfom inncing Activtis: 3)roeds romsung shar37)Procdsfrm isung ds)Proceeds fom borowing 41)Other ocedsreating tofnanigativitis4)Sub-toaof
23、 cashnfow 4)as repaymsof amontsborowed 44)ash pamentso xenses on anyincingactvitie )Cahpayents or ributon ofdivideds r ofis 4)ash pyments f inerst expene 47)Cash payments or finane es 48)Cas payments fo redution of regiterd capital5)Othe cshpamentsrelaing o financing aivtie 52)u-totlf cah ouflws 53)
24、et cs flows from inancing actvtie 4、Efect ofForn nge Rae Changes on as 5、et Increas in Cash andChEquivensSplemntlInfmaion 、Investin and inang tiitie thatt Involve Cash Recits an Pymnts 5)epayen f des b the trafero ixed sst 57)Repentof debtsy h trnsfer of investments 5)nvstms inefrmof fied assets 59)
25、Rements f dets by te tanfer of invstre、Reconciton of N Prot t ash Flowsfm paing Acviis62)Ntrofit 63)Ad ovso frba deb o baddebt wrie off4)Depreiatio o fixed sets5)Amrtizai of intanibleastsLossesndsposa o fixed asets,intangibleasets 6)n ther lnterm ssets (o dedct:gans) 67)Losses o scaping offixe st )F
26、inialexpene6)osses rsnrm nvestmnts (ordeuc:ans) 70)eferd ax credi(r dedct:deit)7)ecrease nientories (r deduc:icse) 7)Decra i peraingrecevble (or dct:incrae)3)Increas inoraing ayabls(or dedu:dreae)74)N amnton vae adde ta (or deduct:et reept75)Nt ash flows romoertin acviis 、Net nease n Cash ashEquvale
27、nt 76)csh at te en of he eriod 77)Les:ashattheeginin of teerod 78)Plu:casuivaent tth end ofhri 79)Less:cas eat t te begnningof the peid 8)Net nes i cashandcash quivalent 现金流量表得现金流量声明 拟制人:时间:单位: 项目 、cash流量从经营活动:01 )所收到得现金从销售货物或提供劳务 02)收到得租金 增值税销售额收到退款得价值 03 )增值税缴纳 04)退回得其她税收与征费以外得增值税 07 )其她现金收到有关经营活动
28、 08)分,总现金流入量09 )用现金支付得商品与服务 1 )用现金支付经营租赁 1 )用现金支付,并代表员工12 )增值税购货支付 1 )所得税得缴纳 14 )支付得税款以外得增值税与所得税 17 )其她现金支付有关得经营活动 1)分,总得现金流出 19)净经营活动得现金流量2、csh流向与投资活动: 0 )所收到得现金收回投资 21 )所收到得现金从分配股利,利润 2 )所收到得现金从国债利息收入 现金净额收到得处置固定资产,无形资产3 )资产与其她长期资产 26 )其她收到得现金与投资活动27 )小计得现金流入量 用现金支付购建固定资产,无形资产28)与其她长期资产 2 )用现金支付,以
29、获取股权投资30 )用现金支付收购债权投资33 )其她现金支付得有关投资活动 34 )分,总得现金流出 5)得净现金流量,投资活动产生3、as流量筹资活动: 6)得收益,从发行股票 7)得收益,由发行债券 38 )得收益,由借款 41 )其她收益有关得融资活动),小计得现金流入量 3 )得现金偿还债务所支付得 44 )现金支付得费用,对任何融资活动 45 )支付现金,分配股利或利润 46 )以现金支付得利息费用 7 )以现金支付,融资租赁 48 )以现金支付,减少注册资本 5 )其她现金收支有关得融资活动 52 )分,总得现金流出 5 )得净现金流量从融资活动 4、effect得外汇汇率变动对
30、现金 、net增加现金与现金等价物 补充资料 、iet活动与筹资活动,不参与现金收款与付款56)偿还债务得转让固定资产7 )偿还债务得转移投资 58 )投资在形成固定资产 9)偿还债务得转移库存量、reconciliatio净利润现金流量从经营活动 6 )净利润 63 )补充规定得坏帐或不良债务注销 64 )固定资产折旧 5 )无形资产摊销 损失处置固定资产,无形资产6 )与其她长期资产(或减:收益) 7)损失固定资产报废68 )财务费用 6 )引起得损失由投资管理(或减:收益) 0 ) deer税收抵免(或减:借记卡) )减少存货(或减:增加) 7 )减少经营性应收(或减:增加)3 )增加得经营应付账款(或减:减少)74)净支付得增值税(或减:收益净额 )净经营活动得现金流量 3、nt增加现金与现金等价物 76 )得现金,在此期限结束7 )减:现金期开始 )加:现金等价物在此期限结束7 )减:现金等价物期开始 80) ,净增加现金与现金等价物