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1、The differences between differences between Chinese and Western clothingChinese and Western clothing Dress culture is a cultural phenomenon unique to human beings.As it has different aesthetic ideas,different dressing concepts and different dress etiquette in China and west,it forms Chinese and west

2、ern dress culture of the different connotation and characters.China:conservative VS the West:opening 010Major Traditional Chinese clothesChinese Cheongsam旗袍The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion.01t

3、he Lightest Silk Clothing 丝绸 Silk is a great contribution to human life from Chinese people,so it is impossible to talk Chinese clothing culture without silk.01Chinese Tunic Suit 中山装Chinese Tunic Suit,also called“Zhongshan Zhuang”in Chinese,is a kind of traditional male attire.Modern clothes in Chin

4、aModern clothes in China Chinese wear pattern structure is mainly straight,few arcs and curve.The Western Palace clothes are produced complicatedly,symbolizing their noble status.Western-style clothes is dynamic,clipping apparel sculpt seeking a bulk feeling and dynamic law feeling.Western-style clo

5、thes,pattern is split apart by the mutual suture pattern and cut into clothing.Clothing in the west often acts as a part of human art.Wide,easygoing,elegant is the basic elements of traditional Chinese costume.Wide,easygoing,elegant is the basic elements of traditional Chinese costume.Wide,easygoing,elegant is the basic elements of traditional Chinese costume.In Chinese clothing culture,there some traditional and important color like red.Compared with the Chinese clothes,the western clothes are more colorful.The end,Thank you

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