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1、Enjoy the following story Long long ago,there was a hill,On that hill stood a temple,In the temple lived an old monk.The old monk was telling the story to a little monk:”Long long ago.”倒装倒装What are the types of Inversion?倒装倒装 Inversions把谓语动词放在主语之前把谓语动词放在主语之前,叫倒装结构。叫倒装结构。如果如果全部谓语全部谓语放在主语之前放在主语之前,叫全部倒

2、叫全部倒装装 如果只把如果只把助动词或助动词或be 动词等动词等放在主语之放在主语之前前,叫部分倒装。叫部分倒装。Here comes the car.(全倒全倒)Never will Zhou Yang forget.(半倒半倒)动词主体动词主体仍在后面仍在后面部分倒装部分倒装 (partial(partial inversion)inversion)1.There goes the bell.2.Out rush the children.3.Never was he interested in the pop stars.4.In front of the house was a sma

3、ll garden.5.Only then did I realize that I was wrong.6.No sooner had she gone out than the phone rang.1.2.4.goesrushwas那么在高考中,倒装要考什么呢?全部倒装全部倒装考点一:考点一:1.There still exist some problems.2.Here comes your teacher.3.Away flew the bird.4.Out rushed the students.5.Then came a new difficulty.6.Now comes yo

4、ur turn.7.Out went the children.考点二:考点二:1.From the room came a frightening sound.2.South of the city lies a river.全部倒装全部倒装考考点总点总结:结:以以表示地点的介词词组和表示地点的介词词组和here,there,now,then,out,in,up,down,away 等副词开头的句等副词开头的句子子要要全全部倒部倒装。装。注意:注意:代词作主语时代词作主语时,主谓语序不变。主谓语序不变。部分倒装部分倒装考点一:考点一:Never shall I do this again.考

5、点二:考点二:Only in this way can you learn English well.考点三:考点三:So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.考点四:考点四:He has been to Beijing.So have I.考点五:考点五:Hard as he worked,he failed.倒倒 装装全部倒装全部倒装Full InversionFull Inversion部分倒装部分倒装 Partial Partial Inversion Inversion1.在以在以h

6、ere、there、now、then、off、away等副词开头的句子里。等副词开头的句子里。2.表示地点的介词短语位于句首时表示地点的介词短语位于句首时2.Only+状语位于句首时状语位于句首时1.否定副词或短语位于句首时否定副词或短语位于句首时 5.as引导的让步状语从句引导的让步状语从句4.So Neither Nor So Neither Nor 位于句首时位于句首时3.特殊句式特殊句式sosothatthat位于句首位于句首 部分倒装部分倒装never,no,seldom,hardly,scarcely,barely,little,few,rarely,nowhere,by no m

7、eans,at no time,in no wayunder no circumstances,on no account,not only but also,not until,eitheror,neither nor,hardlywhen,no soonerthanFind out the words that do not belong to the Find out the words that do not belong to the groupgroup考考点一:点一:积累标志性积累标志性句型句型 判断是否倒装句判断是否倒装句1.1.区分区分是全部是全部oror部分部分倒装倒装;2

8、.2.找找准准助动词助动词认清时态;认清时态;3.3.考虑倒装语序考虑倒装语序。Task1.Rewrite these sentences using inversion.1.I have never seen him before._ I seen him before.2.she had hardly gone out when a student came to see her._ when a student came to see her.Never haveHardly had she gone out3.I didnt go there.he didnt go there eit

9、her.I didnt go there,_.neither/nor did he4.A terrible Genie(妖怪妖怪)stood before the fisherman.Before the fisherman _ _.stood a terrible Genie5.People seldom did experiment to test their ideas._ to test their ideas.Seldom did people do experiment6.You can learn English well only in this way._ you learn

10、 English well.Only in this way can7.Lu Xun was not only a great writer,but also a great thinker._ a great writer,but also a great thinker.Not only was Lu Xun 8.It didnt stop raining until midnight._ it stop raining.Not until midnight did Task2.Use the words or phrases underlined to rewrite these sen

11、tences.1.You will see so many seats only at a stadium in Beijing.Only at a stadium in Beijing will you see so many seats.2.I have seldom seen a situation which made me so angry.Seldom have I seen a situation which made me so angry.3.You will be able to write a good report only after you have acquire

12、d the information you need.Only after you have acquired the information you need will you be able to write a good report.4.He gave a lot of presents to his friends,but he has never given one to me.Never has he given a present to me though he gave a lot(of presents)to his friends.5.She is not only go

13、od at languages,but also at history and geography.Not only is she good at language,but she is also good at history and geography.6.I have never read such an exciting report before.Never before have I read such an exciting report.7.She took part in a horse riding competition,and did not miss a jump o

14、nce.Not once did she miss a jump when she took part in the horse riding competition.一、肯定不如双否好一、肯定不如双否好二、陈述不如倒装妙二、陈述不如倒装妙三、主动不如被动巧三、主动不如被动巧四、分词结构不能少四、分词结构不能少英英 语语 写写 作作 口口 诀诀 Before I went to China,对对北北京京我我几几乎乎一一无无所所知知.I felt nothing about it.After I arrived,most of my time was spent on training and

15、competing.我我从从未未学学过过中中文文.My roommate said the Great Wall was great.So the day before leaving,I went there.What a shock!我我很很少少见见到到这这 么么 多多 的的 人人.What was more shocking,the salesgirls could speak so good English and the goods were so cheap.我我决决不不会会浪浪费费这这次次机机会会.In a few minutes,my wallet was empty but

16、my hands were full.直到那时我才喜欢上了北京直到那时我才喜欢上了北京.Task 3.1.对北京我几乎一无所知对北京我几乎一无所知 2.我从未学过中文我从未学过中文.4.我很少见到这么多的人我很少见到这么多的人 5.我决不会浪费这次机会我决不会浪费这次机会 6.直到那时我才喜欢上了北京直到那时我才喜欢上了北京.请根据以下内容要点,运用倒装句写一篇短文,介绍自己请根据以下内容要点,运用倒装句写一篇短文,介绍自己学习英语的经历。学习英语的经历。1 1 我将永远不会忘记我学习英语的经历。我将永远不会忘记我学习英语的经历。2 2 我一上高中就发现英语比以前难学了很多。我一上高中就发现英

17、语比以前难学了很多。3 3 直到我考试不合格,我才意识到我要努力学习英语,直到我考试不合格,我才意识到我要努力学习英语,赶上其他同学。赶上其他同学。4 4 尽管我努力,我还是没什么进步。尽管我努力,我还是没什么进步。5 5 老师给了我一些学习建议:不仅要牢记单词和好句子,老师给了我一些学习建议:不仅要牢记单词和好句子,还要学会正确的运用它们。只有这样,我们才能取得进步。还要学会正确的运用它们。只有这样,我们才能取得进步。Task4.write the passage using inversion.【训练二】Never will I forget the experience of learn

18、ing English.Hardly had I studied in the high school when I found that English was more difficult to learn than before.Not until I failed the exam did I realize that I had to study hard and catch up with others.Try as I might,I didn t make any progress.My teacher gave me some advice:Not only do you l

19、earn English words and good sentences by heart,but also you have to use them properly and correctly.Only in this way,can we make great progress.三练习:将下列句子译成英语的倒装句。1)她这么自私,没有人喜欢她。2)只有在失去自由之后,人们才知道自由的可贵。3)他一点也不了解自己多么幸运。4)现在是我们植树的大好时机。5)任何时候你都不应把个人利益放在首位。6)这就是我们刚接到的电报。7)直到最近我才有点知道导弹是什么样。8)他声音那样大,连隔壁屋子里的

20、人都听得见。9)我们曾多次警告他们不要这样做。10)他还没有全说完,就有人起来驳斥他的观点。四练习:运用倒装句型改写句子。1)Following the roar,a tiger rushed out from among the bushes.2)A tall policeman stood at the far end of the room.3)Quite a number of small hydro-electric power stations are scattered in the mountains.4)He would not give up writing his sat

21、ires under any circumstances.5)A lasting peace will be established in the area only if both sides accept the agreement.6)He became confused to such a degree that he didnt know where he was.7)He spoke so loudly that even people in the next room could hear him.8)I didnt have any idea what a guided mis

22、sile was like until recently.9)We do not believe their nice works,and we are not intimidated by their bluster.10)A layer of air of unknown thickness is surrounding the earth.11)You cannot hear so many languages spoken anywhere else in the world.12)This instrument has never been adequately tested by

23、any properly qualified technician.13)He looked so absurd that everyone stared at him.14)She knows little of what goes on behind the scenes.15)He agreed to our plan only after a long argument.三练习参考答案:将下列句子译成英语的倒装句1)So selfish is she that no one likes her.2)Only when one loses freedom does one know it

24、s value.3)Little did he realize how fortunate he was.4)Now is the best time for us to plant trees.5)At no time should you place your personal interest first.6)Here is the telegram we have just received.7)Not until quite recently did I have any idea what a guided missile was like.8)So loudly did he s

25、peak that even people in the next room could hear him.9)Often did we warn them not to do so.10)Hardly had he finished when someone rose to refute his views.四练习答案:运用倒装句型改写句子。1)Following the roar,our rushed a tiger rushed from among the bushes.2)At the far end of the room stood a tall policeman.3)Scat

26、tered in the mountains are quite a number of small hydro-electric power stations4)Under no circumstances would he give up writing his satires.5)Only if both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established in the area.6)To such a degree did he become confused that he didnt know where h

27、e was.7)So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.8)Not until recently did I have any idea what a guided missile was like.9)We do not believe their nice works,nor are we intimidated by their bluster.10)Surrounding the earth is a layer of air of unknown thickness.11)Nowh

28、ere else in the world can you hear so many languages.12)By no properly qualified technician has this instrument ever been adequately tested.13)So absurd did he look that everyone stared at him.14)Little does she know of what goes on behind the scenes.15)Only after a long argument did he agreed to our plan.

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