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1、Unit 5 The power of nature - Language points 第一部分:Warming Up&Pre-reading&ReadingLearning aimskey words: erupt ; alongside; appoint; evaluate; wave;absolute; suit; potential; actual; shoot; anxious; panic; guarantee; key phrase : burn to the ground; make ones way to ; in the distance; glance through;

2、 vary.from; pick upKey sentence:1. however, the most important thing about my job is that.(表语从句)2. This is because no one lives near the top of mount Kilauea.3. I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.4. .but this being my first experience,i stayed at the top

3、 and watched them.(独立主格结构)【合作探究】Step One: 词汇精研1、alongside (1)在.旁边;沿着边;并排地 alongside of 与.并排;在.旁边The police car pulled up alongside. 那辆警车在旁边停下。(2)prep 在.旁边;与. 同时;沿着.的边;与.一起Many factories were located alongside rivers._He crossed the street and walked alongside the central park._I travel to unusual pl

4、aces and work alongside people from all over the world. _ 2、appoint 任命;委派appoint sb to be / as .任命某人为appoint sb to do sth 委派某人做某事 appointed time 规定的时间She has been appointed ( as/ to be) monitor._They appointed her to take care of that old man._The time appointed for the meeting was 10:30.翻译_【知识链接】ap

5、pointment n. 任命;约会 have an appointment with sb 与某人有约make an appointment with sb 与某人预约【巩固训练】(1)Hes been _ as judge in the Supreme Court of the state of California.A .determined B. appointed C. admitted D. assumed (2) I have an appointment _ Dr Smith ,but i need to change it.A. to B. off C .with D. fr

6、om (3) 用appoint 的 适当形式填空Kate was _ to act as secretary. Now she is making an _ with the manager of the marketing Department.3、evaluate 评估;评价;估计evaluate ones ability 评估某人的能力evaluate the value/ quality of sth 评估某物的价值/质量evaluate + wh-clause 评估I cant evaluate his ability without seeing his work . _【知识链接

7、】evaluation n 评估,评价 self evaluation 自我评价 【巩固训练】(1)We need to evaluate how well the method is working._4、burn to the ground全部焚毁,用于被动语态,构成be burnt/burned to the ground _ 这些房子全部被焚毁了。5.wave (1)n. 波浪;挥手; 飘扬;风潮,心潮 a wave of 一阵;一股 radio waves/ microwave 无线电波/ _ give sb. a wave 向某人挥手A wave of anger swept ov

8、er him. 他心底涌起一股怒潮。He gives me a wave. _ (2) vi. 波动,飘动,起伏 vi./vt. 挥手,挥手示意,挥舞 wave ones hand 挥手 wave to /at sb.向某人招手 wave sb. goodbye =wave goodbye to sb 挥手告别某人My mother was crying as I waved goodbye to her._The weeping willow is waving in the breeze._【巩固训练】(1)她离开时向我挥了挥手。 She _ _ _ _ as she left.(2) v

9、t. 他挥手告别 She _ her hand to say goodbye.翻译句子(1)她在窗口向我们挥手告别。_ (2)旗帜在风中飘扬。_6. make ones way (1)前往;向.走去She made her way to her house._If you want to make your way, you must work hard._【巩固训练】(1) 看很多孩子正往沙滩走。Look! Many children _ the beach.7. potential (1)n.潜在;可能性;潜能;adj 可能的;潜在的 have great/lots of potentia

10、l 有很大的潜力 have the potential to do sth 有做某事的潜力The boy has great potential._Volcanoes have the potential to cause great damage._(2) adj. 可能的,潜在的She was the first to realize the potential danger of their situations._【巩固训练】As a good teacher, she should use different ways to encourage all the students to

11、 realize their full _ and achieve their goals.A possibility B conception C difference D potential Step Two: 重要句式1、However the most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earth - the volcano.然而,最重要的是,通过我的工作我能保护人们免遭火山的威胁,火山喷发具有世界上最强大

12、的破坏力。注解: 这是一个主从复合句,that在此引导表语从句,that只起连接作用【知识链接】表语从句的引导词除了that之外,还有how,why,when, what, where, whether, because, as, as if/ as though等。如:The problem is how we can get the things we need._Thats where he used to live._Thats what he said to me._Thats why he doesnt want to see her again._【巩固训练】(1) Id lik

13、e to start my own business-thats _ Id do if I had the money. A why B when C which D what2、Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.收集和评估这些信息之后,我就帮助其他科学家一起预测熔岩接着将往何处流,流速是多少。 having collect and evaluated

14、the information是现在分词短语的完成式。在句中作_ 状语。A. 如果分词所表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生,分词用完成时having done;B. 如果分词所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作(几乎)同时发生或发生在谓语动词之后,分词用V-ing. 【注意】现在分词短语的否定形式:not+ 现在分词短语Not having received a reply, he decided to write again. _【巩固训练】_the project, they had to stat there for another three weeks.A. Not pletin

15、g B. Not pleted C.Not having pleted 3、I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.我刚要再睡,突然我的我是亮如白昼。 Sb was about to do when .正要做,这时突然 Sb had just done when .某人刚做完某事,这时突然 Sb was doing sth when .某人正在做某事,这时突然 【巩固训练】(1) Jim _ a late-night film at home when, right in

16、the middle of a thrilling scene,the television went blank. A watched B had watched C was watching D would be watching (2 )Tom was about to close the window _his attention was caught by a bird. A when B if C and D till4、The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study,

17、but this being my first experience, i stayed at the top and watched them.另外两人爬下火山口去收集供日后研究用的熔岩,我是第一次经历这样的事,所以留在山顶上观察他们。(1)句中but连接两个并列分句,第二个分句,this being my first experience 是代词+现在分词短语 构成的独立主格结构,在句中作原因状语。语法功能: 作状语,表示原因,条件,让步,结果,伴随状况等 名词./主格pron./指示pron.+ 分词语法构成 名词/主格pron./指示pron.+不定式 名词./主格pron./指示pr

18、on.+adj/adv/介宾短语 名词/主格pron./指示pron.+n.特征: 意义上相当于一个句子,结构上并非如此Time permitting, I will go and play with you. _The storm over ,everything was in peace again._There were 100 people in the room, the youngest a boy of 12._【巩固训练】(1)The party will be held in the garden,weather _.A permitting B to permit C pe

19、rmitted D permit (2)He entered the room ,_.A his nose was red with cold B and his nose red with cold C his nose red with cold D his nose been red with cold【当堂检测】基础题1、 火灾过后,他的房子被彻底烧毁了。(burn)After the fire ,his house _.2、 尽管天黑了,但是我们还是朝着那个村子前进。(way)Though it was dark ,we still _ to the village.3、 那座房子不是很适合一大家子人住。(suitable)The house is not really _ a large family.4、 我们要任命谁为主席?(appoint)Who shall we _ chairman.5、 我爬上山,看到远处的房子里发出微弱的光。【小结反思】本节课我有如下收获_此外,我的努力方向为_

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