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1、八年级下册完型填空仁爱八年级专项练习之完型填空篇 (一) Every country has its special customs. Americans feel that the first rule of being a polite guest is to be _1_. If a person is _2_ to dinner at half past six, he should not be there too early. He should be there on time or at most a few minutes _3 _. When the guests can

2、not come on time, he should call the host or hostess(女主人)to give the _4 and tell what time he can come. As guests _5 , the men in the group should stand when a woman goes into the room and go on _6 until she sits. When the guests sit down at a table, the men should help the women _7_ their chairs un

3、der them. Americans drink soup from the side of the soup spoon instead of the tip(尖). _8_ not a good manner to leave a spoon in a soup bowl or coffee cup or any plate. If for some reasons a guest has to leave the table _9_ the meal, he should ask the hostess, Will you excuse me for a minute.? Follow

4、ing the meal, guests usually stay for about two hours, but a polite person is careful not to stay _10_. As the guests, they should thank the hostess for a very good time. After two or three days, the guests should call the hostess for her asking. 1. A. on time B. in time C. on the time D. rich2. A.

5、invite B. invites C. inviting D. invited3. A. before B. ago C. later D. early4. A. why B. reason C. time D. place5. A. get to B. arrive at C. reach to D. arrive6. A. stand B. standing C. stood D. stands7. A. with push B. by pushing C. to pushing D. and push8. A. Thats B. This is C. Its D. Youre 9. A

6、. during B. in C. on D. between10. A. too long B. alone C. very long D. lonely (二) I always thought that a wise and good man would become rich, but this year I think that this is not 11 true. I learned this from my teacher. He is both wise and good, but isnt rich at all. For 12 a teacher, he doesnt

7、have a good income(收入). He may 13 get more money if he gives up(放弃) teaching for business. But he is so 14 of being a teacher that he takes pleasure in helping young people. He stays at school from morning till late afternoon and works very hard. He always be strict with us. We often go to 15 help.

8、He is kinder to us than anyone else. I think it must be easier 16 history or math than to learn 17 such a man. He scolds (责备) us when we do 18 , but he teaches us to try to do better. We all hope to study with him as _ 19_ as possible, but that may be impossible. Some of us may become doctors, some

9、become businessmen, some become engineers, some become writers, but we all want one thing very much - to become men 20 our teacher. 11. A. always B. never C. often D. seldom 12. A. be B. being C. is D. are 13. A. can B. can bale to C. is able to D. be able to 14. A. happy B. proud C. unhappy D. prid

10、e 15. A. ask him for B. ask for him C. make him D. set his 16. A. learn B. learns C. to learn D. learnin 17. A. how to become B. what become C. how become D. what 18. A. something wrong B. wrong something C. nothing wrong D. wrong anything 19. A. soon B. long C. short D. quickly 20. A. seem B. look

11、like C. same D. like(三)A loud noise suddenly hurts your ears while you enjoy a movie in the cinema. A stranger makes you 21 as he shouts at his friend on 22 side of the city. Mobile phones are everywhere and 23 they can be very annoying (讨厌的). 24 they are necessities of modern life, it is common 25

12、people complain about mobile phones.Most public places have mobile phone rules. So try to keep your phone ring 26 or put it on vibrate mode (震动模式). It is good 27 your phone at home when you would be at school or when visiting a hospital. If you need to make or take a call 28 in a meeting, at a resta

13、urant or a theater, go to the washroom. If you are expecting a call, get a seat near the door. It is 29 to tell others at the beginning that you are expecting an important call. When you get a call and you are with friends, keep the call short and speak 30 . A good way to make sure that people dont

14、interrupt (打断) you and others is to tell your friends when its a good time to call.21. A. happy B. cry C. jump D. sad22. A. another B. other C. the other D. others 23. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. some time 24. A. Although B. Because C. But D. so 25. A. hear B. to hear C. listen D. to listen 2

15、6. A. as low as possible B. as loud as possible C. as loud as can D. as noisy as you can 27. A. to forget B. left C. forget D. to leave 28. A. when B. at C. while D. between29. A. impolite B. polite C. unnecessary D. badly 30. A. quite B. quietly C. quickly D. fast (四) 先通读短文,在了解大意的基础上,从方框中选择适当的单词填入文

16、中的空白处:trouble, need, lose, surprise, still, think about, quick, please, give, forget, Bill was fourteen years old. He thought he was a young man but his parents thought he was 1 a boy. They said, When you begin to 2 helping others, you will be a young man.One morning, his parents 3 him some money to

17、 buy milk in a shop. He saw an old man there. The man looked very sick , Bill went to him and asked, Are you all right? The old man answered, Yes, but I 4 something to eat. Then lets go to the restaurant, said Bill.When the waiter asked what they wanted, Bill said, Just a glass of water.Do you want

18、anything to eat? asked the waiter. The old man didnt answer, and Bill asked him, Have you had your breakfast?No, I havent had any food and I havent any money, because I 5 it, answered the old man.The boy said to the waiter, My friend wants to have bread and coffee.Im giving you too much 6 , said the

19、 old manl. The old man ate 7 what the waiter had brought him. Im fine now, he said. Tll never 8 your kindness! You are a very good young man.Bill was 9 because the old man thought he was a young man. The waiter came, and to their 10 , he said that the food was a present because it was the birthday o

20、f his boss and they were the first customers of the day. (五) Mrs. Smith was looking at the show window of a shop selling shirts. She wanted to buy a 16 for Mr. Smith, her husband. There were so many beautiful shirts that she couldnt decide 17 . At last, she chose one and brought it home.While Mr. Sm

21、ith was reading a newspaper, she showed him the shirt. She wanted to know whether it would fit her husband or not. Her husband 18 the shirt. But it didnt fit him 19 . It was both too long and too big. Mrs. Smith washed it in order to make it become smaller. But the shirt 20 didnt fit him. Now it was

22、 too small for him. She asked Tom, his son, to 21 , and he did so. The shirt didnt fit him, 22 . Then the woman began to wash the shirt once more to make it 23 . But this time the shirt became too short after she washed it again.Now the little girl, her daughter was 24 when her mother dressed her in

23、 this shirt. Why? Because it was too large, she didnt like it at all. None of them knew 25 . Mrs. Smith felt so upset. ( )16. A. shirt B. shoes C. clothes D. short( )17. A. she chose which one B. to choose which one C. that which one she chose D. which one to choose( )18. A. tried on B. tried out C.

24、 wore D. put on( )19. A. not at all B. at all C. any longer D. any more( )20. A. usually B. still C. ever D. always( )21. A. put on it B. put it on C. have on it D. have it on( )22. A. also B. too C. as well as D. either( )23. A. smaller B. bigger C. the smallest D. the biggest( )24. A. happy B. ner

25、vous C. worried D. unhappy( )25. A. how to do with B. what to do C. when to do D. how to do仁爱八年级(下)期末专项练习 之完形填空篇参考答案A)1-5 ADCBD 6-10 BBCAA 11-15 ABDBA 16-20 CAABD 21- 25 CCCAB 26- 30 ADCBBB) 1.still, 2. think about, 3. gave, 4. need, 5. lost, 6. trouble, 7. quickly, 8. forget, 9.pleased, 10.surprise

26、 16. Aany用于否定y句和一般疑问句中。17. C考查so . that句型。so . that意为“如此以至于”。18. Bput on中的put在此为过去式,意为“穿上”,强调穿的动作; wear则强调穿着的状态。19. D特指回到那个刚去过的聚会,应用the。20. C根据后面的and gave him the best food 可知, and前后时态应一致。21. Csurprised意为“吃惊的”,主语常是人;surprising 意为“令人吃惊的”,主语常是物, 有时也可修饰物。22. C考查的是ask sb. to do sth.。23. Aat first意为“起初”,

27、而at last意为“最后”。24. B否定句中连词用or而不用and, or表示全部否定。25. D本题考查give sth. to sb., sb. 应用宾格形式。16. A 由上句“Mrs. Smith正在看商店里出售的衬衫”及下文“有如此多的衬衫”可判 断出:“她想为她的丈夫买一件衬衫。”故选A。 17. D 本题考查特殊疑问词加不定式作宾语的用法。从形式上即可排除A、B、C;该 句意为:“有如此多的衬衫以至于她不知该选哪一件。”故选D。 18. A 本题考查动词的用法。try on意为“试穿”;try out意为“试验”;wear意为“穿 着”,强调状态;put on意为“穿上”,强

28、调动作。由句意:“她想知道这衬衫是 否适合她的丈夫。”可知,她的丈夫试穿了这件衬衫。故选A。 19. B 由上句“她的丈夫试穿了衬衫”和下句“它又长又大”可知,“这件衬衫一点也 不适合他。”故选B。 20. B 由下句“现在对他来说又太小了。”可知“这件衬衫仍然不适合他”。usually 通常;still仍然;ever曾经;always总是。故选B。 21. B put on是由动词加副词构成的短语,若代词作宾语,须放在中间。故选B。 22. D 本题考查词语辨析。这四个词都有“也”的意思。also常用于句中;too常用于 肯定句句末;as well as 常用于句中作连词;either用于否定句或疑问句句末。故 选D。 23. A 由上文可知,这件衬衫对丈夫来说太小,但对儿子来说太大。于是她又洗一次, 想使这件衬衫变小点。故选A。 24. D 由下文可知,这件衬衫对于女儿来说太大了,因而女儿不喜欢它。故选D。 25. B 通读全文可知,这件衬衫对谁都不适合,因此没有人知道怎么办。“怎么办”用 what to do。故选B。

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