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1、-范文最新推荐- 工程/机械/专业应届生简历范文 Name: Chan xx Sex: Male National: Han Date of birth: December 1984 Marital status: unmarried Height: 176cm Weight: 62kg Residence: Quanzhou, Fujian Province Is the location: Fujian, Xiamen Graduate school: one in Huian Education: junior high school Professional Name: CNC Pro

2、gramming - Machinery Manufacturing Class Year of Graduation: 2003 Work experience: more than five years Job intentions The nature of jobs: full-time Post Category: Engineering / Mechanical / Energy Job Title: CNC Programming; Work areas: Xiamen, Fujian; Treatment requirements: (interview); do not ne

3、ed to provide housing Reported for duty time:到岗may at any time Skills expertise Language Proficiency: Mandarin: Standard Computer level: General Educational Background: Time school qualifications September 1999 - July 2002 in a junior high school Huian Work experience Company:康茂Plastic Industry Co.,

4、 Ltd. Time frame: The 2002 9 months - November 2004 Company nature: private / private companies Industry: machine building, electrical and mechanical equipment, heavy Hold office for: cnc machine exercises Job Description: CNC operator familiar with plastic injection mold, and process Company:康茂Plas

5、tic Industry Co., Ltd. Time frame: 2004 12 months - June 2006 Company nature: private / private companies Industry: machine building, electrical and mechanical equipment, heavy Hold office for: CNC Programming Job Description: CNC Programming, split electrodes, the electrode map Company: Ultra-Preci

6、sion Mold Co., Ltd. Japan Time frame: 2006 8 months - September 2008 Company nature: private / private companies Industry: machine building, electrical and mechanical equipment, heavy Hold office for: CNC Programming Job Description: CNC Programming, split electrodes, the electrode map For additiona

7、l information Self-evaluation: I have been involved in CNC work on the plastic mold processing technology have deeper understanding, a deep understanding of the production cycle of mold and has a base of skilled fitter CNC programming, experience in the public demolition of copper, a spark map can P

8、roficiency in the use of UG programming. You give me the opportunity to stage, I can do a better job, hope your company can be given the opportunity to display their skills! Personal Profiles Name: XXX Sex: Female Ethnic: Chinese political face: the masses Academic qualifications (degree): college P

9、rofession: Graphic Design Phone: 12345678 mobile: xxxxxxxxxxx Contact Address: XX Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing on the 10th Zip: 100007 Educational background Graduate institutions: the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts 1995.9 - 1998.7 graphic design professional Other: Other training * Maste

10、r Photoshop5.0/pagemark6.5/freehand8.0/CorelDraw/Illustrator/Firework, Flash, Dream Weaver and other graphic design software * Often good at drawing cartoon graphics, a work published Work experience * 1998.6 - 1999.6 XX advertising agency graphic design Responsible for the companys creative adverti

11、sing, design and production of complete * 1999.7 - art e-commerce company has engineers XX Company logo design, web design Profile I received formal art education, has a good knowledge of art and artistic quality, according to the companys need for the design of production, master a wide range of co

12、mputer software, able to efficiently complete the work. Character I cheerful, active thinking, highly creative and easy to communicate, have good sense of team. I character Cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the persons circumstances). Another: the most important thing is t

13、he ability, I believe that your company will feel that I am a suitable candidate for this position! Look forward to working with your interviews! Name: Mr. Chen Sex: Male Marital status: unmarried Account: Henan National: Han Political landscape: members 学 历: 大专 Graduate institutions: Henan Industri

14、al Vocational and Technical College Graduation Time: July 2003 Specialties: mechanical design and manufacturing Language: English (PETS-3) Computer level: skilled Work Experience: 5 years Job intentions Work Type: All Nature of units: open Expectations of the industry: machine building, electrical a

15、nd mechanical equipment, heavy Expectations of job: mechanical engineer, mechanical designer Working Location: Hangzhou Expectations of a monthly salary: Open / Negotiable Education Industrial occupational 2000/09-2003/07 Henan Institute of Technology and automation machinery design and manufacture

16、of post-secondary The main design and manufacture of mechanical learning, tolerance, machining equipment, machinery and fixtures, die design and manufacturing, plastic mold design, PLC, MCU, hydraulic and pneumatic technology, mechanical processing equipment and automation. Work experience 2006/03-

17、present: sub-Asahi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Industry: Electronics / Semiconductor Manufacturing Company size: more than 5000 Equipment R & D Division R & D institutions in charge of the following engineers Industry: Mechanical / Electrical company size :500-999 Technology Development

18、R & D engineers in charge of the following institutions Job description and performance: is mainly responsible for the use of PRO / E for the U.S. Electrolux,泰怡凯, South Korea LG vacuum cleaner in appearance and structure of R & D, mold cleaners to follow up and automated test equipment relat

19、ed to the design, development validation, SOP, SIPs making BOM list and development, product packaging design. Self-evaluation I am in the home appliances and electrical products, such as design work for many years, familiar with the structural design of plastic parts and mold structure and the design of non-standard equipment has accumulated certain experience, be familiar with pneumatic, hydraulic original selection, servo and Selection of the stepper motor, vibration plate with the design of sub-bit disk use, transmission design, robot design. 7 / 8

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