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1、五年级第六单元检测卷姓名 成绩 一、选出每组词语中不同类的一项(每小题1分 共5分)( ) 1. A. Chinese B. English C. skate( ) 2. A. boy B. warm C. cold( ) 3. A. between B. beside C. hard( ) 4. A. friend B. Sunday C. Friday( ) 5. A. dance B. Art C. swim二、单项选择(每小题1分 共10分)( ) 1.Mary is good at .A. dance B. dancing C. dances( ) 2.Wang Bing an En

2、glish friend .A. have B. has C. is( ) 3.- Jane dance beautifully ?-Yes , she . A. Is ; is B. Does ; is C. Does ; does( ) 4. The girl well.A. skating B. are skating C. skates( ) 5. Jack is from London. He Chinese in China.A. does B. study C. studies( ) 6. Shall we and football ?A. go ; play B. goes ;

3、 play C. going ; playing( ) 7. Im writing an email my e-friend .A. to B. from C. /( ) 8. Peter often goes swimming Friday.A. in B. on C. at ( ) 9. - he e from China ?-No , he es from .A. Is ; US B. Does ; the US C. Is ; the US( ) 10. - does Anna like doing ?- She going fishing .A. When ; likes B. Ho

4、w ; like C. What ; likes三、情景配对(每小题1分 共10分)( ) 1.Do you have an e-friend ? A. Billy is.( ) 2. Is he your friend ? B. Yes, he is.( ) 3. Lets go to the park ! C. He is 11.( ) 4.Who is your friend ? D. Yes, I do.( ) 5.How old is he ? E. Good idea!( ) 6.Where are the cakes ? F. Yes, Im Helen Brown.( ) 7.

5、Is there a reading room in your school ? G. Thank you ! ( ) 8. Youre really good at English ! H. Of course , he does!( ) 9. Can you tell me your name ? I. Yes , there is .( )10.Does he swim well ? J. They are in the fridge. 四、选出最恰当的一项完成下列句子(每小题1分 共10分)( )1. He has _ new schoolbag, and I want _ like

6、his.A. an; one B. a; one C. the; a D. a; an( )2. The Smiths and the Greens _ going hiking.A. are B. is C. be D. am( )3. _ shirt is blue and white?A. Whose B. Who C. Whos D. Where( )4. We _ trees on Tree Planting Day.A. panting B. plants C. plant D. is planting( )5. The girl _ a white skirt is very _

7、.A. wearing; prettierB. wears; pretty C. worn; prettiest D. wearing; pretty( )6. The _ class begins at 8:00 in the morning.A. one B. first C. big D. my( )7. Would you like to _ with me?A. going B. goes C. went D. go( )8. Summer is _ and _ in China. A. sunny; snowy B. sun; cold C. sunny; hot D. warm;

8、 snowy( )9. _ a good boy he is!A. How B. What C. Which D. Where( )10. -What is Mother Kangaroo doing?-She is _.A. jumped B. jump C. jumping D. jumps五、对话填空 从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话(其中有两个多余选项)(每小题1分 共5分)A. What can I do for you? B. What does he like? C. What about you, Bob? D. Here you are. E. How much is i

9、t? F. When do you want them? G. Anything to drink?Waiter: Good morning. 1 Sarah: A hamburger, please. 2 Bob: I want some noodles.Waiter: 3 Sarah: Yeah. A bottle of Coke, please.Bob: A glass of orange juice, please.Waiter: OK. A hamburger, noodles, a bottle of Coke and a glass of orange juice. 4 Bob:

10、 Thank you. 5 Waiter: Five pounds, please.Bob: Here it is. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 六、阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)(每小题2分 共10分) Hi, Im Alice. Today my mother and I went running. My dad looked sad. I asked him, Does your chest (胸) hurt? Yes, a little. Dad answered. Do your legs hurt? No, theyre OK Do you feel well? No.

11、Dad isnt very fit (健康的) !We are all fit expect(除了) Dad! I go running every day. Mum sometimes does exercises. She likes swimming. Does Dad do any exercises? Almost(几乎) never!Does he eat good food? Nohe loves fast food.( ) 1. Alices Dad looked happy.( ) 2. Alices Dad hurt his legs.( ) 3. Alice goes r

12、unning every day.( ) 4. Alices Mum goes swimming every day.( ) 5. Alices Dads health is not good because of his bad habit (习惯).七、按要求改写句子(每空1分 共10分)1. Tina studies English after school.(对划线部分提问)What Tina after school ?2. She likes going shopping with her mother .(改为否定句)She going shopping with her mot

13、her.3. Tom plays football well.(改为一般疑问句) Tom football well ?4. She goes to school by bus.(改为复数句) to school by bus .5. Wang Fang likes English?(对划线部分提问)What Wang Fang like ?八、用所给单词的适当形式填空(每空1分 共10分)1. I like ( live ) in China.2. What book does he like ( read )?3. Please ( sit ) here.4. Dont ( wait )

14、him.5. She doesnt have ( some ) oranges.6. Shes good at ( swim ).7. She has three ( e-friend ).8. Dont ( worry ).9. My friend can speak Chinese very ( good ).10. Let me do my homework ( one ).九、根据汉语提示完成句子(每空1分 共10分)1.看!刘涛正在操场上踢足球。Look! Liu Tao is football the playground.2.我有一名网友。他住在加拿大。I have an e-f

15、riend. He in .3.-你会说中文吗?-不,不会。- Can you speak ? No , I .4.王兵和他的朋友放学后学习英语。Wang Bing and his friend English school.5.-他喜欢什么学科 ?- 他喜欢数学。-What does he like ? -He Maths.十、看图,阅读短文,填写单词(首字母已给出)(每空1分 共5分)Im Mike. I live near Park Road. Today is Sunday. The weather is fine. I want to go to the lake. Look at

16、the map, and you will know how I get to the lake. It takes me twenty minutes to get there. Mike l near Park Road. He wants to go to the l today. He should drive a Park Road and t right. Go across the bridge and pass the pub. After t minutes drive, he can get to the lake.十一、阅读短文,回答问题(每小题2分 共10分)Helen

17、 Brown is my e-friend. She lives in London. She is twelve years old . She can speak a little Chinese. She likes Music and Maths. She has Chinese lessons at school. She studies Chinese after school too. She likes playing table tennis. She has a sister. Her sister is nine years old. Her sister likes p

18、laying table tennis too.1. Where does Helen live ?_2. Can Helen speak Chinese?_3. How old is Helens sister?_4. Does Helen have Chinese lessons at school?_ 5. What does Helens sister like doing?_ 十二、趣味英语(每小题1.5分 共4.5分)( )1. Whats the meaning of Look before you leap(跳)?A.三思而后行B.跳下去再看C.一边看一边跳D.犹豫不决2. Mike is 3cm taller than Peter, but 2cm shorter than Ann. Ann is 168cm tall. Peter is_ tall.3. Write the first letter of the pictures and use them to make a new word.

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