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1、清镇市卫城中学 九 年级 英语 教学设计课题名称 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section A 1a-2d 科目English年级Nine班级教学时间2课时执教教师课标要求能用所学词汇谈论事物对人的影响学习者分析与教学环境分析学习者分析教学环境分析教学目标1、知识与技能1词汇:rather, would rather, drive, drive sb. crazy/mad, the morethe more, lately, be friends with sb. leave out, friendship.2.掌握make 的使动用法(make+sb.+i

2、nfinitive without to; make+sb.+adj.)3.能够用英语描述事物对自己感情的影响。2、过程与方法见教学环节3、情感态度与价值观了解一些表达感情的词,能正确的表达自己的感情,并培养学生正确处理事情,特别是不好的事情对自己的正面影响。教学重难点重点1.掌握本课时中出现的生词2.能够用英语描述自己的情感3.正确理解make 的用法难点掌握make的用法教学资源教材、PPT课件。教学环节教师活动学生活动教学效果学生自主学习情景导入完成教材1a-1c的任务课堂小结Step 1 :根据汉语提示完成单词。1.Weshouldspendmoretimewith ourfriend

3、stomakeourfriendship(友谊)stronger.2.Jimisoftenlateforschoolandgetstosleepinclasslately(最近).3.Thisnaughtybabyoftendrives(迫使)Mrs.Smithcrazy.4.Ioftenfeelsleepy(困倦)aftertakingthismedicineinthemorning.5.Ihaverealized(意识到)that thereissomethingwrongwithmypetdog.Step 2Teacher: Most of us like music. A piece

4、of soft music makes us feel relaxed, a loud music may make us feel boring and an exciting one makes us happy and excited. What kind of music do you like? Why? Students: _ I dont like loud music. It makes me angry. I like quiet music. It makes me feel at ease. Step 31. 要求学生看课本P81 1a部分的图片。并按要求完成课本上相应的

5、任务。2. 检查答案,要求2-3名同学根据提示内容回答问题,并把学生所列举的原因写在黑板上。(3分钟) Teacher: Which would you like to go? why? Students: _. Id like to go to the Blue Ocean because I dont like loud music. It makes me angry. Id like to go to the Blue Ocean too because I like quiet music just like the girl in the picture does. It make

6、s me feel at ease. I d like to go to Rockin Restaurant. I like loud music. It makes me feel excited. This loud music makes me want to dance. 3. 要求学生听第一遍录音,并完成课本上1b的听力任务。(1分钟) 4. 要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2分钟) 5. 完成1c的任务,要求学生模仿听力内容,使用“make + sb. + adjective”结构,发表自己的观点。并邀请几名同学当堂进行演示。 Step 4小结训练。要求学生在规定的时间内完

7、成一个小练习。并请若干学生给出自己的答案。有错误的话及时解决。第二课时Review the words. Answer the questions.Look at the pictures.Check the work.Students listen , write tand repeat.Make similar conversation by themselves.通过学生自主学习,在轻松的氛围中为本课的学习掀开了序幕。通过课前的一个师生问答互动引入新课的话题。本环节通过这个活动,对本单元的基本句型进行机械操练,使学生能够脱口而出。通过两个小活动,使语言知识运用到实际交流中。复习热身听力练

8、习情景对话课堂小结作业布置Step1. Review the kinds of movies and answer the question “How do you feel about the movie?”Step 2.Listen and number the pictures 1-4 in the order you hear themPlay the recording again.Check the answers.2cLook at 2a and 2b. Role-play a conversation between Tina and John. Use the example

9、 to begin your conversation.Step 3. 2dRole-play the conversation.Step 4. language points.Step 5. . Homework1. Recite the conversation in 2d.2. 翻译下列句子1)一直等她让我很生气。2)愿待在家里也不愿去公园。3)为什么不去看电影呢?4)汶川在2008年发生了一场大地震。5)我们在一起越多,我们就越开心。Review the kinds of movies and answer the questionSad movies make me cry.Comi

10、cs make me _laugh_. Documentaries make me _sleepy_. Action movies make me _excited_. Students listen and number Listen again. Complete the statements.Work in pairs.Read the conversation and role-play it with partner. 复习为听力练习做准备由听力输入到对话输出教学反思清镇市卫城中学 九 年级 英语 教学设计课题名称Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Sect

11、ion A 3a-3c科目English年级Nine班级教学时间1课时执教教师课标要求能阅读英语故事,理解故事内容。学习者分析与教学环境分析学习者分析教学环境分析教学目标1、知识与技能1词汇:king, power, prime, minister, prime minister, banker, fame, pale, queen, call in, examine, nor, neithernor, palace, wealth. 2.掌握make 的使动用法(make+sb.+infinitive without to; make+sb.+adj.)3.能够阅读理解英语故事。2、过程与方

12、法见教学环节3、情感态度与价值观了解一些表达感情的词,能正确的表达自己的感情,并培养学生正确处理事情,特别是不好的事情对自己的正面影响。教学重难点重点1.掌握本课时中出现的生词2.能够用英语描述自己的情感难点1.阅读理解英语故事教学资源教材、PPT课件。教学环节教师活动学生活动教学效果复习Step1. Review1) 一直等她让我很生气。2) 我宁愿待在家里也不愿去公园。3) 为什么不去看电影呢?4) 汶川在2008年发生了一场大地震。5) 我们在一起越多,我们就越开心。Keys: 1.Waiting for her drove me angry.2.Id rather stay at ho

13、me than go to the park.3.Why dont you/not go to the movies?4.A big earthquake happened in Wenchuan in 2008.5.The more we get together, the happier we are. 学生通过练习巩固所学知识扩展学生思维阅读理解课堂小结Step2. Free talkWhat can make you happy?Step3. Reading1. 3a Read the story and answer the questions.1) Can medicine hel

14、p the ill king? Why or why not?2) Why does power not make the prime minister happy?3) Why does money not make the banker happy?4) Why does fame not make the singer happy?2. 3b 3. 3c Step4. Language points.feel like doing 想做某事pale as chalk“惨白;苍白”call in 召来,叫来neithernor 既不也不Step5. Homework1. 我今天不想打篮球。

15、2. 她的爸爸和妈妈都不喜欢看足球。3. 父母总是很担心我们的学习。4. 学生们应该学好英语,这很重要。5. 一个星期后他会去北京。Free talk.Read the story and answer the questions.Find words or phrases from the story with meanings similar to these phrases.Role-play the story with your group.将下列句子翻译成英语。1) 那两个双胞胎女孩都有礼貌。2) 她的两个哥哥都不喜欢垃圾食品。3) 他或者我准备去参加会议。自由谈论扩展学生思维带着

16、问题阅读课文,有助于学生理解课文小结之后通过练习来巩固教学反思清镇市卫城中学 九 年级 英语 教学设计课题名称Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section A Grammar Fcous-4b科目English年级Nine班级教学时间1课时执教教师课标要求能用使役动词表达事物对情感的影响。学习者分析与教学环境分析学习者分析教学环境分析教学目标1、知识与技能1.掌握本节课生词。2.掌握句式1).Loudmusicmakesmenervous.吵闹的音乐使我紧张。2.)Softandquietmusicmakesmerelax.轻柔的音乐使我放松。3.)Moneya

17、ndfamedontalwaysmakepeoplehappy.金钱和名誉并不总能使人幸福。4.)Shesaidthatthesadmoviemadehercry.她说悲伤的电影使她哭泣。2、过程与方法见教学环节3、情感态度与价值观能正确的表达自己的感情,并培养学生正确处理事情,养成积极乐观的生活态度。教学重难点重点1.掌握本课时中出现的生词。2.能够用积极乐观的态度面对生活。难点2.能够用积极乐观的态度面对生活。教学资源教材、PPT课件。教学环节教师活动学生活动教学效果复习Step1 Review1. 我今天不想打篮球。2. 她的爸爸和妈妈都不喜欢看足球。3. 父母总是很担心我们的学习。4.

18、 学生们应该学好英语,这很重要。Keys:1. I dont feel like playing basketball today.2.Neither her father nor her mother likes watching football game.3Parents are always worried about our study语法学习练习巩固5. 一个星期后他会去北京。Step2. Grammar Focusmake的使役用法:make作使役动词,意为“使;迫使”,其常用结构如下: make + sb. + adj. 意为“使得某人”。如: make + sb. + do

19、sth.意为“使得某人做某事”。(不能带不定式符号to) 。 注意:make sb. do sth.的被动结构是sb. be made to do sth.,意为“某人被迫做某事”。当make 用于被动语态时,必须带不定式符号to。用make将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 妈妈让她每天弹钢琴一小时。2. 这个故事让王飞很伤心。3. 我们被迫在宾馆待了三天。Step3. Practice. Make sentences with “make.”.The snow makes the world white.The war makes the boys frightened.The two dogs

20、make us feel funny.Step4. Work on 4a. 1. Think of appropriate words for the blanks. Then compare your choices youre your partner.2. How do these things make you feel? Write about your feelings.Step5. Work on 4b. Complete the survey. Then ask two other students.step6. Homework完成句子1. 他父亲为了赚钱,从早忙到晚。His

21、 father is busy all day in order to _.2. 看足球赛使我疯狂。_3. 轻柔的音乐使约翰昏昏欲睡。The soft music _ John _.4. 红色使人们吃得更快些。The color red _ people _ faster.5. 长时间等她使我生气了。Waiting a long time for her _.4.Its important that students should learn English well.5.He will go to Beijing in a week.Read grammar focus and do exe

22、rcises. Keys: 1.Mom makes her play the piano for an hour a day.2.This story makes / made Wang Fei sad.3.We were made to stay in the hotel for three days.When I read about endangered animals, it makes me feel worried about the future.A: What makes you angry?B: When people throw rubbish on the streets

23、, it makes me angry.C: Me, too. It makes me want to tell them to clean up the streets.学练结合教学反思清镇市卫城中学 九 年级 英语 教学设计课题名称 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B 1a-1e 科目English年级Nine班级教学时间1课时执教教师课标要求能听懂英语故事,理解故事内容。学习者分析与教学环境分析学习者分析教学环境分析教学目标1、知识与技能一、掌握重点词组1.remainunhappyforever仍旧永远不幸福2.ashirtofahappy

24、person一件快乐人的衬衫3.searchfor搜寻,寻找4.returntotheking回复国王2、过程与方法见教学环节3、情感态度与价值观能正确的表达自己的感情,并培养学生正确处理事情,做一个积极乐观的人。教学重难点重点1.掌握本课时中出现的生词2.能够用英语描述自己的情感难点掌握重点句式。教学资源教材、PPT课件。教学环节教师活动学生活动教学效果复习Step1. Revision1.他父亲为了赚钱,从早忙到晚。His father is busy all day in order to _. (make money)2. 看足球赛使我疯狂。._(Watching football g

25、ame makes me crazy.)3. 轻柔的音乐使约翰昏昏欲睡。The soft music _John _. (makes, sleepy)Complete the following sentences.引入新课听力练习情景对话4. 红色使人们吃得更快些。The color red _people _ faster. (makes, eat)5. 长时间等她使我生气了。Waiting a long time for her _. (makes me angry)Step2. Free talk Whats the ending of the story about the unha

26、ppy king.Step3. GuessDo you think any of these is the right one? If so, which one?What are some other possible endings to the story? Discuss your ideas with your partner.Step4. Listening1. Work on 1c. Listen to The Shirt of a Happy Man(Part II) and check () the things that happened in the rest of th

27、e story.2. Work on 1d. 1) How long did it take the general to find the happy man?2) What was the poor man doing on the street?3) What made the poor man so happy even though he had no power, money or fame?4) Do you think the general will return to the king with the poor mans shirt? Why or why not?3.

28、Role-play Do you agree with the poor mans thoughts about happiness? Discuss your ideas with your group. Then role-play the rest of the story. Work on 1a. Look at the possible endings to the story about the unhappy king. Tom: The general found a poor man. The man was very happy.Lily: The poor man gav

29、e his shirt to the general.Listen and checkListen again. Answer the questions.Role-play教学反思清镇市卫城中学 九 年级 英语 教学设计课题名称 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B 2a-2e 科目English年级Nine班级教学时间1课时执教教师课标要求能够通过阅读,理解课文内容并回答相应的问题。学习者分析与教学环境分析学习者分析教学环境分析教学目标1、知识与技能一、掌握本节课的重点单词 1. weight n. 重量,分量; 2. kick v. 踢,踹;

30、3.besides adv.而且; 4. courage v. 勇敢,勇气二、掌握重点词组 1.the winning team 必胜的球队 2. on the shoulder在肩上 3. on the soccer field在球场上 4. miss scoring the goal错过进球 5. let down使失望 6. kick sb off开除 7. support each other相互支持 8. rather than而不是 9. pull together齐心协力 10. nod in agreement点头同意 2、过程与方法见教学环节3、情感态度与价值观能正确的表达自

31、己的感情,以积极的态度面对错误,学会团结协作。 教学重难点重点1.掌握本课时中出现的生词2.能够通过阅读理解课文难点学习重点词组,阅读理解课文教学资源教材、PPT课件。教学环节教师活动学生活动教学效果引入话题阅读理解Step1. Free talkHave you ever made a mistake? How did it make you feel? Talk to your partner about what happened2. Presentation. Learn some new words.Step2. Work on 2b. _ Peter got home and we

32、nt to his room._Peter talked to his teammates.Work on 2a.eg. In the English exam last week, I was too nervous that I made a spelling mistake. It made me feel very angry about myself.Skim the story and number the events in the correct order.重点词组学习运用练习巩固_ Peter missed a goal._Peters father gave him ad

33、vice._Peter realized that he had been worried for no reason.4. Work on 2c.1) Why did Peter feel angry and worried?2) What kind of advice did Peters father offer to his son?3) Do you agree with Peters father? Why or why not? 4) What happened after Peter told his teammates that he was sorry?5) Why did

34、 Peter think that he was on a winning team even though they lost the last game?Step3. Language points1. The general finds a happy person with power, money and fame. with 表示伴随,“带着, 与 一起, 随着,有” ; 反义词: without 意思是“没有”。两个词的后面均可接名词或动名词。2. How could he have missed scoring that goal? could have done 表示“过去本

35、能够做某事但未做”,含责备意义。3. He was really worried that his coach might kick him off the team. kick v. 踢;踹 kick sb. off 开除某人4. Ten minutes later, Peter heard his father knocking on his bedroom door. knocking 在这里做hear 的宾补。相同用法的词还有:see/ watch/ find/ hear/ notice sb. doing sth. 5. But whatever it was, dont be to

36、o hard on yourself. be hard on sb. 过于严格地要求某人; 对某人过于严厉; 以刻薄的方式批评、对待某人6. Besides, wining or losing is only half the game. besides “除以外还有”,表示包括后面提到的人或物在内。 except “除去”, 表示不包括后面所提到的人或物在内。7. The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart. courage n. 勇气;勇敢 rather tha

37、n 并非;而不是8. But I think if we continue to pull together, were going to win the next one. pull together 齐心协力;通力合作Step4. PracticeWork on 2d. Step5. Role-play a conversation between Peter and his father. HomeworkTranslate the following phrases.1. 使失望 2. 开除 3而不是 4. 齐心协力 5. 在肩上 6. 停止做某事7. 敲门 8. 和交流9. 向学习

38、10. 继续做某事Read the story again and answer the questionsFind idioms or phrases from the story to replace the underlined parts of these sentences.教学反思清镇市卫城中学 九 年级 英语 教学设计课题名称Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B 3a-Self Check科目English年级Nine班级教学时间1课时执教教师课标要求能用所学词汇将自己的经历记录下来。学习者分析与教学环境分析学习者分析教学环境分析教学目

39、标1、知识与技能掌握重点词组和句子 1. lose the competition输了竞赛 2. get good grades on an exam在考试中取得好成绩 3. get into a fight with your best friend与你的好朋友发生争吵 4. speak in front of many people在众人面前讲话等2、过程与方法见教学环节3、情感态度与价值观能用英语正确的表达自己的感情,并培养学生正确处理事情,特别是不好的事情对自己的正面影响。教学重难点重点1.掌握本课时中出现的生词。2.能够用英语描述自己的情感。3.能用英语记录自己的经历。难点能用英语记录自己的经历。教学资源教材、PPT课件。教学环节教师活动学生活动教学效果复习Step1. Revision翻译下列短语1.使失望 let.down 2. 开除 kick sb. off3. 而不是 rather than 4. 齐心协力 pull together5. 在肩上 on ones shoulder 6. 停止做某事 stop doing7. 敲门 knock on the door 8. 与 交流 communicate with9. 向

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