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1、人教版高中必修五unit1练习题Book VUnit 1 Great scientists第一部分 单元知识掌握目标I、 重点词汇1. _v、断定,得出结论; 结束(正式)2. _vt。打败(敌人、对手)n、失败3. _vt、出席,参加,照顾,护理,注意vi专心,留意4. _vt、 使暴露,受到,使曝光v、揭露5. _n、治愈、疗法vt、治愈、治疗6. _n、挑战vt、向挑战7. _vt、怀疑就是n、嫌疑犯8. _ vt、污染9. _n、把手vt、处理、操纵10. _vt、宣布;通告11. _vt、吸收;使(精神)贯注; 吞并12. _n、过失,责备vt、责备,谴责13. _vt、教,教导,命

2、令, 指示, 通知14. _vi、 & vt、捐助,捐献,贡献;投稿15. _vt、拒绝(建议、要求);不接受II、 重点短语1. _提出;提议以供参考2. _得出结论3. _除之外没有/还有4. _暴露在下5. _将与联系或链接起来6. _对严格得7. _有意义、讲得通、有道理III重点句式1. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak、2. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the sour

3、ce of all the water supplies be examined、3. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense、4. So between 1510 and 1514 he worked on it, gradually improving his theory until he felt it was complete、5. He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system

4、with the planets going round it、 重点语法1. 动词-ed得形式做表语或定语。动词得-ed形式分为两类:动词类与形容词类。动词-ed形式做定语有得置于被修饰词得前面,有得置于被修饰词得后面。第二部分 综合强化练习I. 单词拼写1. Diligence and perseverance are _(特征)of most successful people、2. We can safely draw a _(结论)that worlds economic crisis will go on for a while、3. _(分析)what you have and

5、then make a plan、4. The General was_(照顾)by several expert doctors and recovered、5. Parents should_(让接触)their children to good books and ideas、6. No_(受害者)was found in this accident、7. I was so_(吸引)in the book that I would not put it down、8. As soon as an outbreak hit London, John Snow would be ready

6、to begin his_(询问)、9. The US is now facing_(严重得)economic problems、10. Disasters cannot be_(预见)and we should get prepared at any moment、11. Love can_(联系)parents and their children、12. The government has_(宣布)plans to create 10,000new jobs、13. He told us with_(确定)that everyone may have good luck in life

7、、14. Teachers should_(指导)children how to make a practical plan for their studies、15. A new school library is now under_(建筑)and itll be completed next September、II、 根据各句上下文意义,选择正确得单词填入空白处(注意所给单词与短语有多余,所填短语得形式变化)第一组 movement, construction, theory, cure, absorb, engine, positive, contribute, characteri

8、stic control1. The new tunnel hasnt been finished; it is still under_、2. It is kind of new medicine can _people of heart disease、3. _are to machines what hearts are to animal4. As we know, exercise_ to better health、5. The hotel fire was completely under_ the moment the firemen arrived、6. The need t

9、o communicate is a key_ human society、7. I am a witness、 I am _about what time it happened、8. He seemed totally _ in that book、 When I came in he didnt notice me at all、9. According to the_ of relativity, nothing travels faster than light、10. Wearing loose clothing gives you greater freedom of_、第二组

10、handle, serve, enthusiastic, scientific, analyse, complete, blame, valuable, spin, conclude11、 She is a_ woman who never smiles、12. They didnt draw a conclusion until carrying out lots of _experiments、13. It came as a _ surprise to me、 I never thought of that、14. This kind of gold watch is really _、

11、 It costs a lot of money to buy one、15. He _ his speech by wishing everyone a safe trip home、 16. Suddenly the phone was _out of control、17. Who is to_ for this road accident?18. It took us a long time to_ what went wrong、 And eventually we knew the problem、 19. She was even less _about going to Jap

12、an、20. She turned the_ and opened the door、第三组 cautious, repeat, reject, pump, virus, announce, expose, defeat, instruct, radium21. I _three times but he still couldnt remember it、22. This engine is used for _water out of the mine、23. The government _yesterday to the media plans to create a million

13、new jobs、 24. This is the first time that our team has been_ at a basketball match、25. Madame Curie is always remembered by people as the discoverer of_、26. You will be _where to go as soon as the car is ready、27. Dont_ yourself to strong sunlight; it will harm your skin、28. He was seriously ill bec

14、ause of a_ infection、29. This proposal was firmly_ at the meeting、30. He is very _about committing (承诺)himself to anything、第四组:把下列短语填入每个句子得空白处(注意所填短语得形式变化)Put forward, draw a conclusion, in addition, linkto, apart from, be strict with, lead to, make sense, point of view, apart from31. You must organ

15、ize your composition well、 _, you should pay attention to your handwriting、32. What he thought and said didnt_、33. It was because of his carelessness that _his failure、34. My boss_ me in my new work、35. He was brave enough to_ objections at the meeting、36. Peter, whats your _on that matter?37. _Chan

16、gjiang and Huanghe there are many other rivers in china、38. After reading the article once again he _、39. You may your mobile phone_ a computer、40. Army is happy_ the fact that she cant go home every week、III句子翻译1、 _(除了)going to the park, I limit my activities to my neighborhood、2、 It is difficult t

17、o _(得出结论)without ample evidence、3、 These scientific enquiries will_(有助于)the success of our project、4、 He often _(提出)unusual plans、 So, _(慎重)them before you decided to join in、5、 Who was the first person_(反对)the idea that earth was the centre of the universe?、6、 Although his writing doesnt _(有意思), Fr

18、ed is_(确信) that his composition will score a high mark、7、 _(每次我打开书), I cant help reading it for hours、8、 _(为了阻止交通事故再次发生), the local government has taken strict measures、 9、 Only when you lose it_(您才能意识到)how valuable time is、10、 Nobody_(应受责备)for this unavoidable mistake、IV语法与词汇A组1. Do you know who _t

19、he Pythagorean theorem?A、 put aside B、 put off C、 put away D、 put forward 2. Working abroad _his weak points、A、 exposes B、 lets out C、 gives out D、 suggests3. Unemployment is a hard problem to _、A、 heal B、 cure C、 treat D、 recover4. Hall was _of stealing his neighbors new SUV car、A、 charged B、 cured

20、 C、 doubted D、 suspected5. The _he pipe leaked, Im afraid Rosa _ for it、A、 should blame B、 is blamed C、 is to be blamed D、 is to blame6. The terrible weather _the delay of the project、A、 contributes to B、 leads to C、 brings up D、 adjusts to7. I cant put up with my parents, for they are very strict _

21、 me _ everything、A、 with; inB、 with; forC、 in; with D、 in; for8. Only when you reread the poem_ make good sense of it、A、 do you B、 you C、 can you D、 you can9. I dont think it_ to work without certain aims of life、A、 make a difference B、 makes good sense C、 makes trouble D、 make profits10. The change

22、s Copernicus made _ the old theory were revolutionaryA、 for B、 to C、 at D、 into11、 Please dont _yourself to viruses without any protection、 A、 show B、 extend C、 exhibit D、 expose12、 The storm struck the whole city,_ many deaths、 A、 to cause B、 having caused C、 causing D、 caused13. The project_ by th

23、e end of next month、A、 is completed B、 is to complete C、 is to be completed D、 will complete14. We had a pleasant time on the sea shore,_ the unexpected terrible weather、A、 except B、 apart from C、 in addition to D、 without15. Children_ to good books are good at thinking、A、 exposing B、 exposed C、 to

24、expose D、 to be exposed16. SARS is an epidemic disease、 It is hard for _ people to breathe、A、 affecting B、 affected C、 effective D、 affective17. A _is way of performing his plan、A、 determining B、 determined C、 convincing D、 convinced18. The police were searching for the person _of having stolen the

25、Camry car、A、 suspect B、 suspecting C、 to be suspected D、 suspected19. Sorry, my computer is out of order、 Ill have to it _ 、A、 to repair B、 repairingC、 to be repaired D、 repaired20. The policy _ to be adopted turned out to be set aside、 A、 being expected B、 to be expected C、 expecting D、 expected完型填

26、空When we study the great _1_of the world, we find that they are either very _2_、 Basic things like the wheel or very complex things like the computer、 Some inventions were silly, some deadly serious, _3_ even the inventions that were not _4_ were not all failure either、 Each invention shed some ligh

27、t on the good _5_ of the inventor and their quest to improve the quality of life、 Here are some invention facts and myths _6_ to amaze, inspire and amuse you、Did you every wonder why the item _7_ at stores always seem to end in 99, instead of _8_ dollar amounts、 Well see if you can guess _9_ this ne

28、wspaper publisher thought it was a great idea、 Why did it get _10_?Melville Stone was a self-made man, who worked his _11_ up from newspaper carrier to publisher of the Chicago Daily News、 _12_ Stone first started his newspaper in 1875, the price was a _13_、 Circulation rose _14_ at first, then leve

29、led off、 Then sales started lagging、 When Stone investigated why _15_ people were buying his paper, he discovered the problem had nothing to do with its _16_、 Pennies were in short supply、 Stone decided he had to do something、First he traveled to the United States mint in Philadelphia and brought ab

30、out the transfer of barrels of pennies to Chicago、 The problem then became _17_to get the pennies into circulation、 So Stone _18_Chicago merchants to sponsor “odd-price sales,” during which they would sell their merchandise for a penny_19_ the regular prices、 The odd price did the _20_、 People had p

31、ennies again, and Stones flourished、 And that is why store items today costs “$8、99,” or $12、99, instead of even dollar amount、1. A、 history B、 discoveries C、 facts D、 inventions2. A、 easy B、 simple C、 important D、 valuable3. A、 but B、 so C、 then D、 therefore4. A、 important B、 silly C、 successful D、

32、 reasonable5. A、 intentions B、 benefit C、 impression D、 dreams6. A、 hoped B、 meant C、 designed D、 had7. A、 prices B、 goods C、 work D、 product8. A、 still B、 even C、 some D、 any9. A、 how B、 if C、 why D、 when10. A、 worked B、 started C、 run D、 begun11. A、 way B、 method C、 power D、 strength12. A、 when B、

33、 because C、 during D、 though13. A、 coin B penny C、 success D、 failure14. A、 slowly B、 evenly C、 safely D、 rapidly15. A、 many B、 more C、 few D a few16. A、 price B、 value C、 quality D、 quantity17. A、 when B、 where C、 whyD、 how18. A、 helped B、 persuade C、 advised D、 meant19. A、 underB、 above C、 around

34、D、 at20. A、 joke B、 trick C、 work D、 effect阅读理解 Batteries can power anything from small sensors to large systems、 While scientists are finding the ways to make them smaller but even more powerful, problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves、 Univer

35、sity of Missouri(MU) researchers are developing a nuclear energy source that is smaller, lighter and more efficient、 “To provide enough power, we need certain methods with energy density(密度),” said Jae Known, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at MU、 “The radioisotope (放射性同位素

36、)battery can provide power density that is much higher than chemical batteries、”Known and his research team have been working on building a small nuclear battery, recently the size and thickness of a penny, intended to power various micro/nanoelectromechanical systems(M/NEWS)、 Although nuclear batte

37、ries can cause concerns, Kwon said they are safe、“People hear the word nuclear and think of something very dangerous,” he said、 “ however, nuclear power sources have already been safely powering a variety of devices, such as pace-makers, space satellites and underwater systems、”His new idea is not o

38、nly in the batterys size, but also in its semiconductor(半导体)、 Kwons battery uses a liquid semiconductor rather than a solid semiconductor、“The key part of using a radioactive battery is that when you harvest the energy, part of the radiation energy can damage the lattice structure(晶体结构) of the solid

39、 semiconductor,” Kwon said、 “by using a liquid semiconductor, we believe we can minimize that problem、”Together with J、 David Robertson, chemistry professor and associate director of the MU Research Reactor, Kwon is working to build and test the battery、 In the future, they hope to increase the batt

40、erys power, shrink its size and try with various other materials、 Kwon said that the battery could be thinner than the thickness of human hair、1. Which of the following is true of Jae Kwon?A. He teaches chemical battery、B. He developed a chemical energy source、C. He is working on a nuclear energy so

41、urceD. He made a breakthrough in computer engineering、2. Jae Kwon gave example in Paragraph 4_、A. To show chemical batteries are widely applied B. To indicate nuclear batteries can be safely usedC. To describe a nuclear-power systemD. To introduce various energy sources3. Liquid semiconductor is use

42、d to A. Get rid of the radioactive waste、B. Test the power of nuclear batteries、C. Decrease the size of nuclear batteries、D. Reduce the damage to lattice structure4. According to Jae Kwon, his nuclear battery_、A. Uses a solid semiconductor、B. Will soon replace the present ones、C. Could be extremely

43、thin、D. Has passed the final test5. The text is most probably a _before appearing in daily ext life、A、 science news report B、 book review C、 newspaper D、 science fiction storyBAn increase in students applying to study economics at university is being attributed to the global economic crisis awakening a public thirs

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