2、约相当于将3万公斤重的物体向上举到喜马拉雅山顶峰所作的功。w人体的发动机w如果按一个人心脏平均每分钟跳70次、寿命70岁计算的话,一个人的一生中,心脏就要跳动近26亿次。一旦心脏停止跳动而通过抢救不能复跳,那就意味着,一个人的生命终止了。w心脏病是人类健康的头号杀手,全世界13的人口死亡是因心脏病引起的,而我国,每年有几十万人死于心脏病。The location of the heartwThe heart is ramp located in the mediastinum in the chest.Around 1/3 at the middle of the right side of
3、the body.2/3 at the middle of the left side.wThe heart of the front to the sternum and costal cartilage 2 6.The face of the heart after 5 8 thoracic vertebra.Heart on both sides with the adjacent pleural cavity and lung.Even on the great vessels from the heart.Even under the diaphragma.心的外形 The card
4、iac contourw一个近似前后略扁的圆锥体w心尖朝左前下方,心底朝右后上方;w中国人心长轴长约1214cm,横径911cm,前后径67cm.大小如拳。w心底冠状沟绕心一周,分心为房和室(房室沟)w前后面有前后室间沟,心尖交汇处为心尖切迹。室间沟将心分为左右。w心的外形可分为一底一尖,两面、三缘和三条沟。The cardiac contourwBefore and after a slightly flat approximate the cone。wApical left before the bottom,after the top of the bottom of the heart
5、 to the right;wChinese peoples hearts long axis of about 12 14cm,diameter 9 11cm,diameter 6 7cm.Size such as boxing.wCoronary sulcus mind circle around the heart,the heart is divided into ventriculus and atrium(crux).wAnterior and posterior has sulcus interventricularis anterior and sulcus intervent
6、ricularis posterior.The apex cordis junctions called cardiac apical incisure.The sulcus interventricuaris divided into left and right.wThe cardiac contour can be divided into one apex and one base,two sides and three edges and three sulcuses.心的外形与血管External features and blood vessels of the heart心的各
7、腔 Heart of the cavity w右心房:wright atriumw位于心的右上方,壁薄腔大。wLocated at the top right of the heart,thin-walled and cavity large.w关键词:1.右心耳:right auricle w2.卵圆窝:fossa ovalis右心室(right ventricle)w位于左心房左前下方,构成胸肋面的大部分。wLocated at the bottom of the left anterior left atrium,which constitute the majority of ster
8、nocostal surface.w关键词:1.三尖瓣:tricuspid valve w2.乳头肌:papillary muscles w3.肺动脉瓣:pulmonary valve左心房(Left atrium)w四腔中最靠后,位近中线,右房的左后方.wMost rely on four-cavies,the bit near the middle right atrium of the left rear.左心室(left ventricle)w位于右心室的左后下方wLeft at the bottom of the right ventricle w关键词:二尖瓣:mitral val
9、ve血液流动方向The direction of blood flow 心的构造(Cardiac structure)w(一)心壁的构造(The structure of the heart wall)w1.心内膜:endocardiumw2.心肌层:myocardiumw3.心外膜:epicardiumw房间隔和室间隔winteratrial septum and interventricular septumw都左右心房之间,其中房间隔中的卵圆窝处最薄。wLocated between the atrium around,fossa ovalis is the most thinnest.
10、房间隔室间隔心的传导系统(Heart conduction system)w心的传导系统主要是产生兴奋和传导冲动,维持心正常节律性活动。wCardiac conduction system is mainly generated excitement and impulse conduction to maintain the heart rhythm to normal sexual activity.w1.窦房结:sinuatrial nodew2.结间束:Internodel tractw3.房室结:atrioventricular nodew4.左右束支:left and right
11、bundle branchw5.浦肯野纤维网:Purkinje fibers Net 心的血管(Heart blood vessels)w左冠状动脉:left coronary arteryw(1)前降支:anterior interventricular branchw包括:左室前支、右室前支、室间隔支和动脉圆锥支。w(2)回旋支:circumflex branchw右冠状动脉:right coronary arteryw包括:右缘支、右室间支、窦房结支、动脉圆锥支、右室前支、左室后支。冠状动脉的分布类型The distribution of the type of coronary artery w右优势型:w右冠脉在心膈面的分布范围,除右室膈面外还穿过房室交点和后室间沟分布于左室膈面的一部分或全部。后室间支来自右冠脉。此型在成人占65.7,属正常类型。w均衡型:w左右心室的膈面各由本侧冠脉供应,互不越过房室交点。后室间支左或右冠脉末梢支或同时来自左右冠脉。此型占28.7。w左优势型:w左冠脉较大,除发分支分布于左室膈面外,还越过房室交点和后室间沟分布于右室膈面的一部分。后室间支和房室结动脉均发自左冠脉。此型占5.6。心的静脉谢 谢!