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1、Unit 71. Teaching objectives:(1)Knowledge objectives: students can master some key words and expressions of the text. Students can acquire more about the emphatic sentences.Students can learn how to develop a paragraph by parison& contrast.(2)Ability objective: students can improve the abilities of

2、listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students can develop the ability to collect information from the internet.(3)Emotional objectives:students can learn the difference between males and females in shopping style and avoid bias against others. students can learn to understand and appreciate oth

3、ers . 2. Teaching key points: help the students have a better understanding of the emphatic sentences.3. Teaching difficult points: enable students to practice assimilation and talk about prices.4. Teaching procedures:Part One Listening and SpeakingStep 1. Pronunciation and listening skills语音同化是英语口语

4、中一种非常普遍的现象。英语语音中的同化现象主要发生在辅音与辅音之间,是相邻音素互相影响的结果,是英语语音音变的重要组成部分。使用同化是为了省力,使说英语更轻松、更自然、更流利。Step 2. ConversationsConversation 1 - Expressing satisfaction1.Listen to a conversation and plete the following sentences with what you hear.2.Listen again and check () the correct answer3.Role-play a conversatio

5、n in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language. 3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.Conversation 2 - Expressing dissatisfaction1. listen to a conversation and cho

6、ose the best answer to each of the following questions.2.Listen again and plete the following sentences with what you hear.Step 3. Passage1. plete the following table about the hippies. 2. Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.3. Work in groups to discuss the fol

7、lowing questions.Part Two Reading Passage A Evolution defines shopping styleTeaching ProcedureStep 1. Lead-inEnjoy some picture and work in groups to discuss the following question.Step 2. words learning1. evolutionn. the gradual development of plants, animals,etc人类的进化the evolution of the human spec

8、ies在进化的过程中,一些鸟丧失了飞行能力。In the course of evolution, some birds have lost the power of flight. 派生词: evolve v. 进化;逐渐演变 puter software will continue to evolve in response to users needs2. definev. to describe or show sth. correctly 说明;阐明;明确 我们需要明确今后的任务。We need to define the task ahead very clearly.很难解释清楚

9、什么原因使他如此红。It is difficult to define what makes him so popular.近义词: illustrate; interpret3. specific adj. detailed and exact 明确的;具体的我给过你明确的指示。I gave you specific instructions.温室效应的具体影响无法知道。The specific impact of greenhouse effect is unknowable.4. approachn. a way of doing sth 方式;方法学校决定采取另外一种方式解决纪律问题T

10、he school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline.v. move near:靠近;接近冬天就要来临。Winter is approaching.5. obtainv. to get sth you want 获得;得到得到忠告/ 信息/许可to obtain advice/information/permission6. unreasonableAdj. not fair or sensible不合理的;不公正的我不能忍受他的无理行为。I cant endure his unreasonable action.派

11、生词:reason n. 原因;理由 reasonable adj. 合理的,公平的7. strategyn. a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose 策略;行动计划政府的经济策略 / 营销策略the governments economic strategy/ marketing strategy8. ensurev. to make sure that sth happens or is definite 确保;担保这本书保证了他的成功。The book ensured his success.前缀en-可加在名词、动

12、词或形容词的后面构成新的动词。enlarge encourage encloud enrich9. harvestn. (1) the time when crops are gathered from the fields. 收获季节;收获期农民在收获季节里十分忙碌。Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest.n.(2) the size or quality of the crops 收成;收获量丰收;歉收a good /bad harvest10. exhaustedadj.(1)pletely used or finished 耗尽的;枯

13、竭的You cannot grow crops on exhausted land.adj.(2)very tired 疲劳的我很累。Im exhausted. 11. calmadj.(1) relaxed and not angry or upset 镇静的;冷静的情况紧急的时候,保持镇静是最重要的。It is important to keep calm in an emergency.(2)无风的 a calm, cloudless day派生词:calm v. 使平静 calm down12. hinderv. to make it difficult for sb. to do s

14、th 阻碍;妨碍恶劣的天气仍在阻碍着对幸存者的搜救。The bad weather is hindering the search for survivors.13. argument n. disagreement, especially one in which people are angry and shout 争论;争吵在和丈夫争吵的过程中我打碎了花瓶。I broke the vase during an argument with my husband.同义词:conflict: 冲突,争论 A conflict between two cultures.14. in advanc

15、e预先;提前如果会面的时间有所改变的话,请提前告诉我们。If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please tell us in advance.15. scope out了解;探明他们已经仔细核算了项目的需求与成本。They had already scoped out the needs and costs of the project.16. on sale(1)正在出售那家商店有些很好的苹果出售。There are some nice apples on sale in that shop.(2) 降价出售I think this watch is on sale this week.Homework: do some exercises in page 128 and preview the text.

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