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1、2016届初三英语冲刺班(秋) 期末语法大总结考点一:宾语从句 Tips:三部曲 快速判断宾语从句方法: _ 词后加从句 张全蛋原来教会了我们经典例宾语从句 :I dont know what you say. 第一步:看选项,看语序 A. how the eggs are much ( ) B. how much are the eggs( ) C. how much the eggs are ( ) D. whether is Mike gay or not( ) 宾从的选项中绝对不可能看到:_. 因为: 宾从中 连词后+_(主+谓)Alan给你有用的技巧:看清连词到底是一个(e.g. h

2、ow?)还是两个(e.g. how much? how long? how far等)第二步:看时态 来点口诀更简单 1:主现在,从_.(具体用什么,看后面提示词,如:yesterday, next week) 2: 主过,从_.(其中包括_,_,_) 3: 客观事实,用_.(什么是客观事实?)e.g. 1. Jackie tells me that Dally went to Dongguan last night. 2. Dally asked whether Alan would go to Thailand. 3. Alan said that winter is the coldes

3、t season in a year.第三步:看连词(句子需要什么意思的连词) 做个练习爽一下!( )1.Do you know _ during the ing summer holiday? A. what will Sally do B. what did Sally do C. what Sally will do D. what Sally did ( )2.Jim doesnt understand _. A. which is the way to the museum B. why his wife always goes shopping C. what is the way

4、 to the museum D. why does she always go shopping ( )3. He said that May _ the _ month of a year. A. is, fifth B. is, fiveC. was, fifth D. was, third( )4.I really want to know _.A. what is wrong with my brother B. how will he go to Beijing tomorrowC. if had he bought that car D. where did he go yest

5、erday( )5. - Could you please tell me_?- Theyre over there.A. where are the restrooms B. where were the restrooms C. where the restrooms are D. where the restrooms were()6.Do you know _ Zunyi or not tomorrow?A. whether are they leaving for B. whether they are leaving forC. if they are leaving for D.

6、 if are they leaving for( ) 7.I want to know _.Why not ring her up to ask? A. why does Alexis like game shows B. what time is Alexis arrivingC. that this hair band belongs to Alexis D. how Alexis will e to my party考点二:定语从句Alan赐你他的滴血技巧1) 找出先行词和从句,并将先行词插入从句2) 如果从句不完整,缺主语或宾语,选关系代词 缺主语: 人 _,_ 物 _,_ 缺宾语:

7、 人 _,_,“_” 物 _,_,“_”只用that 不用which 的情况口诀_继续做个题,爽一下。(填入适当的连词)1. This is the present _ he gave me for my birthday.2. Allen is the girl _ I think will succeed in the test.3. He still remembers the days _ he spent with your family.4. The place _ interested me most was the Childrens Palace.5.Iwillneverfo

8、rgetthepeopleandtheplaces_Ihaveevervisited.6.Isthereanyone_familyisinBeijing?7.Idonthaveanyfriends_canlendmesomemoney.8.Theperson_youshouldwritetoisMr.Ball.考点三:非谓语( )1. I was made _sports in the afternoon. A. do B. doing C. to do D. did( )2.-“Would you like to e for a walk with me?” - “Id prefer _,

9、thank you.” A. not to B. to not C. not D. cant( )3. Would you like to play badminton with me? I dont feel like it. I would rather _at home and watch TV.A stay B to stay C staying D stayed( )4. The teacher did everything he could _ the student. A. save B. to save C. saving D. Saved( ) 5.Your father i

10、s sleeping. Youd better _.A. not wake up him B. not to wake up himC. not wake him up D. not to wake him up考点四:连系动词连系动词+_ 1. _:连系动词 2.看起来:_,_,_ 3.变:_ 4.不变:_( ) 1. What Miss LINDA said sounds_. A. friendly B. wonderfully C. pleasantly D. nicely ( ) 2. It _that he was late for the train. A. looks B. tu

11、rns C. gets D. seems ( ) 3.Recently, books written by Mo Yan _ the best in this book store.A. sellB. sells C. are soldD. is sold( ) 4.These orange tastes_. A. to be good B. to be well C. well D. good ( ) 5.I found _ easy to work together with him. A. it B. its C. that D. those 期末总复习U1-U4主要看单词1,同意v._

12、2.不能确定,对无把握v._3. 解决 v._4. 确定的,肯定的 adj。 _5. 勇敢的 adj. _6.相信 v._7. 减少,缩小 v._8.餐 n. _9.决定,抉择 n. _10. 要求,指望 v. _11.认为 v. _12. 聪明人,富有才智的人 n. _13.很坏的,很讨厌的 adj._14. 尴尬的 adj. _15. 避免 v. _16. 服从 v. _17. 生气的 adj. _18. 优势 n. _19.邀请 v._20.情况 n. _再做个题,再爽一下一,单项选择( )1. Our monitor, Xiao Ming, is always the last one

13、 _ the classroom. A. to leave B. leaving C. leave D. leaves ( )2.Have you worked out the math problem? Not yet, because it is too difficult. I dont know _. A. how can I do it B. how to do C. how to do it D. how could I do ( )3. Im a little hungry. Could you give me some food _, Andy? A. eat B. eatin

14、g C. to eat D. ate ( )4. She likes dancing very much. She has a dream _ a dancer. A. to be B. to being C. be D. being ( )5. I had a lot of things _ yesterday. I was very tired so I couldnt go to your party. A. to do B. was doing C. had done D. will be doing ( )6. I feel _to have a friend like him. H

15、e always helps me out when I am in trouble. A. luckily B. happily C. sorry D. lucky ( )7. Whats the matter with you? You look so _. A. exciting B. pale C. happy D. sadly ( )8. The music _ so wonderful that I keep playing it on my mobile phone. A. sounds B. hears C. listens D. looks ( )9. The food ha

16、s _ bad. Youd better keep it in the fridge next time. A. got B. gone C. e D. tasted ( )10. The leaves of the maple trees _ red in fall and they attract a lot of tourists. A. turn B. seem C. appear D. change 二、首字母填空1. However, he began to d_ that it was a real golden crown. 2. I am c_ that its not pl

17、etely made of gold. 3. He is weak in grammar, and often makes m_. 4. I cant s_ the problem alone. Can you help me? 5. No one knew which woman was telling the t_. 三、完成句子1.他把他的瓶子灌满水后继续上路。 He started again after he _ his bottle _ water. 2.在离开前你要确保关好所有窗户。 You should _ _ you have closed all the windows b

18、efore you leave. 3. 他们很满意我的表现,叫我第二天开始上班。 They_ _ _ _what I said that they asked me to start working the next day. 4. 他爷爷教会他如何捉鱼。 His grandpa taught him _ _ _ _. 5. 这个故事真有趣! _ _ _ _ it is! 6.记住所有的生词对我来说非常困难。 Its very difficult for me _ _ all the new words_ _. 7.我们应该相信他,毕竟他从没让我们失望。 We should trust him. After all, he has never _ _ _.8.我根本不知道你这些天在忙什么。 I _ _ _ what you are busy doing these days. 9.有时,即使最严厉的老师也会展现幽默感。 Sometimes even the strictest teacher may have a _ _ _. 10. 我尽量避免遇到他,因为他总是使我感到厌烦。 I tried to _ _ him because he always bored me.

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