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1、苏教版六年级第一单元英语试卷 学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号: 密封线湖滨新城十一月份教学情况抽查六年级英语试卷 出卷人:宿迁市第一实验小学 郑雪听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词、词组或句子。(每小题读两遍;10分)( )1. A.pick B.milk C.cook ( )2. A.collect B.plant C.taste ( )3. A.water B.watch C.wait ( )4. A.relative B.festival C.favourite( )5. A.Spring Festival B.Mid-Autumn Festival C.Sports Fes

2、tival ( )6. A. moon B. move C. room( )7. A. pick up B. pull up C.stand up( )8. A. collect eggs B.collect stamps C. collect coins( )9. A. have a good time B. have lunch C. have an English class( )10. A.We picked a lot of oranges. B. We tasted a lot of oranges. C. We cooked a lot of oranges.二、听录音,选择正确

3、的应答。(每小题读两遍;10分) ( )1.A. I watched a film with my parents.B. It was Childrens Day.C. They were on the farm. ( )2. A. She picked oranges. B.They picked oranges. C.He picked oranges.( )3. A. Yes , there were. B. There were not. C. Yes , there was.( )4. A. Yes , I do. B. Yes , they can. C.No , I didnt.

4、( )5. A. New Years Day. B. Mid-Autumn Festival. C. National Day.三、听录音,完成下列句子。(每小题读三遍;10分)1. Today is the _day of school _the holiday.Helen _to school _.She _Nancy in the school playground _class.2.-What _did you do on _?-I _ _carrots with my friends. 笔试部分(70分)一、英汉互译:(10分)1.在农场_ 2.National Day_ 3.课前

5、_ e after _5.挤牛奶_ 6.of course _7.在元旦_ 8.my favorites holiday_9.上周_ 10.watch the moon _ 二、 选择题。(15分)( )1.What you last National Day ? A. do, do B. did, did C. did, does D. did, do( )2.What _ did you do last Tuesday?A. but B. else C. any D. other( )3.People usually visit their relatives Spring Festiva

6、l. A. at B. on C. in D. to( )4.Peter likes flowers very much.He _yesterday.A. water flowers B. watered flowers C.pulled up carrots D.pull up carrots( )5.What_you do last week? I watched a film _my parents. A. do ;and B.did ; and C.did;with D.do; with( )6.Helen wants _my new school next Monday. A.vis

7、iting B.visit C.to visit D.visits( )7.Sams birthday is _the eighth of May. A. at B. in C.on D. of( )8.There isnt _juice in the fridge.Would you like _milk?Yes , please. A.any;some B.some; any C.any ; any D.a ; the( )9. The Dragon Boat Festival is May June.A. at, or B. in, or C. on, and D. in, and( )

8、10. I didnt play the computer games night.A. in B. for C. last D. to( )11. We _ cows and planted trees on the farm. A. milk B. milks C. are milking D. milked ( )12. Id like _ a farm. A. visiting B. visited C. to visit D. visit ( )13. The story is very_. The boy is so _.A. excited;exciting B.exciting

9、;excited C.exciting;exciting D. excited;excited( )14. There are pumpkin lanterns at Halloween. A. a lots of B. a lot C. a lot of D. lot of( ) 15.Were there any trees in your school?Yes,_A. there did B. there was C. there were D. there are三、从右栏中选出能对应左栏中的句子作出正确应答的答句。(10分)( )1.What festival comes after

10、 Christmas? A.Yes ,I did.( )2.Did you milk cows last week? B.It was the first of May. ( )3.What date was it yesterday? C. New Years Day.( )4.What day was it yesterday? D. No ,I dont.( )5.Whens May Day? E. No,she wasnt. ( )6.Whats your favourite holiday? F. It was Saturday.( )7.Do you dress up in cos

11、tumes? G. Childrens Day.( )8.Was Lily here just now? H. Its on the first of May.( )9.What did you last National Day? I.Of course. Id love to.( )10.Would you like to come to my birthday party? J . I visited a farm with my parents.四、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. -Do you like the farm?-Yes,I like planting and _

12、(water)trees.2. I _(not visit) the Great Wall last Sunday.3. _Tom _to music just now? (listen).4. My glasses _(be)on the desk a moment ago.5. I want _(go) to the park.6. Look ! Yang Ling _ (pull) up the carrots now.7. What holiday _(come)after Christmas?8. -Where _(be) you yesterday? -I _(be) at a c

13、amp.9. -Can you _a model plane for me? -Yes,I_a model plane now.(make)10. Did you _(water) flowers just now?五、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(10分)1.今天是放假后上学的第一天。Today is the _ day of school _the holiday.2.格林先生正在和他的学生谈论中国的节日。Mr Green is _ to his students_ holidays in China.3.上个星期天你干什么了?我看卡通了。-What _you do last Sund

14、ay? -I _cartoons.4.学生们在儿童节那天很兴奋。The students are very excited _ _ Day.5.上个周末苏海参观动物园了吗?_SuHai _the zoo last weekend?六、阅读理解。 (15分)(A)Spring Festival is Chinese New Year . It is usually in January or February. At that time , people usually have holidays.So they can spend some days with their families.P

15、eople wear new and beautiful clothes, then visit their relatives and friends. They give grettings (问候)to each other. Everybody you meet says “Happy New Year!”and you should answer “The same to you !”.The day before the New Year is called “New Years Eve(除夕)”. At that night , people have a big dinner

16、with their families. They also let off fire works(放烟火) before dinner. They are beautiful at night.阅读短文,判断正误。(用“T”和“F”表示;5分)( )1. Chinese New Year is in January.( )2. People can stay with their families at Spring Festival.( )3.At New Years Eve , People visit their relatives and friends.( )4. The fire

17、works(烟火) are beautiful at night.( )5. At Spring Festival, people give grettings (问候)to their friends and families.(B) Every year, on the third Sunday of June ,there is a day just to thank the fathers . It is Fathers Day .Every father in the USA gets a present from his children .The present doesnt h

18、ave to(不必) be big or expensive (昂贵的).It just means “I love you , Dad.” This present is to let the father know how special(特别) he is and how important (重要的) he is in the family. The present maybe just a short sentence(句子) . But it is really very important .Being(作为) a father is hard(困难的) today , they

19、 have to do a lot of things . And in the USA we try to let them know just how special they are . Its very important to let each father know ,without (没有) him, life will be sad(悲伤的) .阅读短文并选择。(10分)( ) 1、 Fathers Day is on _ .A. the third Sunday of June . B. the third Saturday of June . C. the third Su

20、nday of July . D. the third Saturday of July .( ) 2、_ in the USA gets a present from his wife or children on Fathers Day.A. Some of the fathers B. Every fatherC. Every mother D. Every one( ) 3、 The present _ .A. should be very big B. should be very expensiveC. shows love to the father D. is only fro

21、m the children( ) 4、 Which of the following is wrong (错误的)?A. Being a father is very easy today .B. Fathers are special .C. Fathers have to do a lot of things .D. Without fathers ,life will be sad .( ) 5、 Which is the best title (标题)of the passage ?A. Fathers B. Gifts (礼物)C. Fathers Day in USA D. Wh

22、en is Fathers Day ?6A Unit 5-6 单元测试卷答案听力材料: 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词、词组或句子。(每小题读两遍;10分) 1.milk 2.taste 3.water 4.festival 5.Spring Festival 6.moon 7.pull up 8.collect eggs 9.have a good time 10.We picked a lot of oranges.二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题读两遍;10分)1. What did you do last Saturday? 2. What did the children do

23、on the farm ? 3.Was there an interesting book on the desk just now? 4. Do you usually visit your friends? 5. What holiday comes after Christmas? 三、听录音,根据短文选择正确的答案。 (听两遍) 1.Today ia the first day of school after the holiday.Helen goes to school early.She meets Nancy in the school playground before cl

24、ass.2.-What else did you do on Sunday?-I pulled up carrots with my friends. 答案:听力部分:一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词、词组或句子。1-10. B. C. A. B. A. A. B. A. A. A. (编排说明:本题考察学生对单词的熟悉程度,在听力中本题稍简单,主要是面对所有学生,而且基本上大部分学生都能得分。)二、听录音,选择正确的应答。 1-5. A.B. C.A. A. (编排说明:本题是考察学生对课文对话的理解和熟悉程度,在听力部分中有些偏难,但只要学生掌握了课文对话,此题学生还是能做得很好的。)三、听

25、录音,根据短文选择正确的答案。1. first 、after 、goes、 、 early、meets 、before 2. else 、Sunday、pulled 、up(编排说明:听力部分中,此题属于提高题,用来考察学生对短文听力掌握情况,所以每单元都要对学生这方面进行考察。)笔试部分: 一、英汉互译:(10分)1.on the farm 2.国庆节 3.before class 4.在之后到来 5.milk cows 6.当然 7.on New Years Day 8.我最喜爱的节日 9.last week 10.赏月(编排说明:短语在六年级是很重要的,短语写好了,才能写出优美的句子,和

26、基本的句型,所以此题考察学生对短语的掌握。)二、 选择:1-5.D B A B C 6-10.C C A B C 11-15.D C B C C(编排说明:本题考察学生对语法的掌握情况,进一考察学生对课文对话的掌握程度。难度:中等)三、从右栏中选出能对应左栏中的句子作出正确应答的答句。 1-5.C A B F H 6-10.G D E J I (编排说明:本题考察学生对句型的掌握以及灵活运用情况。难度中等)四、用所给词的适当形式填空.1.watering 2.didnt visit 3. Did; listen 4. were 5. to go6. is pulling 7. comes 8.

27、 were;was 9. make;am making 10. water五、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1.first;after 2.talking;about 3. did ;watched 4.on;Childrens 5.Did;visit(编排说明:新课标要求学生能掌握一些词的应用,所以四五两题是考察学生对一些动词和时态的应用情况。难度:稍难) 六、阅读理解。 ( A )F T F T T ( B ) A B C A A (编排说明:学以致用,学生学过课文以后,要能灵活的掌握和运用,此题是在课文内容掌握的基础之上拓展训练阅读,提高学生理解短文的能力,真正的达到综合运用的能力,难度较难)。

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