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1、6下 Unit 1The lion and the mouse知识点梳理一 词组1. in the forest 在森林里 2. walk by 走过;路过 3. wake up醒, 醒来 4. wake sb up把某人叫醒5. be angry with sb 对某人生气 6. the next day第二天7. be angry at sth对某事生气 8. want to do sth 想要做某事9. want sb to do sth 要某人做某事 10. some day某一天11. say quietly 小声地说 12. sit quietly 静静地坐着13. laugh l

2、oudly 大声地笑 14. let sb do sth 让某人做某事15. catch the lion with large net 用一口大网捉住狮子16. bite the net with sharp teeth 用锋利的牙齿咬网17. ask sadly 难过地问,伤心地问 18. just then 就在那时19. say happily 开心地说, 20. from then on从那时起21. bee friends 成为朋友 22. say excitedly兴奋地说,激动地说23. make a study plan 制定学习计划 24. It doesnt matter

3、. 没关系。25. the boy over there 那边的那个男孩26. play table tennis happily 开心地打乒乓球27. cheer for sb loudly 大声地为某人欢呼 28. be excited at / about 对很兴奋/ 激动 29. in the ground 在地下 30. reach the apple 够得着那个苹果31. reach the park 到达公园 32. have an idea有一个主意33. bring some water quickly 很快拿来水 34. pourinto. 把倒入35. Well done

4、. 干得很好。做的不错 36. so many balls 如此多的求37. so much bread 如此多的面包 38. take to 把.带到.39. bee happy 变得很开心40. get out 出来, 出去二、难点句子1.The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse.这只狮子很生气想要吃那只老鼠。2.The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth.那只狮子用它的厉牙咬那个网。3.From then on, the lion and the mouse bee friends.从那以后,这只

5、狮子和那只老鼠成了朋友。4.The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net.第二天,两个男人用一张大网抓住了那只狮子。5.The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth, but that did not help.那只狮子用他的厉牙咬网,但是那无济于事。6.Here es the lion.狮子来了。5. One day, a mouse walked by and woke the lion up.一天,一只老鼠从狮子身边经过,弄醒了狮子。6. The mouse said quietly.老

6、鼠小声地说。7. “How can I get out ?” asked the lion sadly. “ 我怎么能出去呢?”狮子难过地问。8. Soon, the mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.很快,老鼠用他的牙齿把网咬了一个大洞。三、知识点修饰动词的必须用副词1.The lion asked sadly.狮子伤心地问。2.The mouse said quietly.老鼠平静地说。3.He laughs happily.他开心地大笑。四 Word form changeexcited- excitedly quiet- q

7、uietlyloud- loudly happy-happilysad- sadly quick - quicklycareful-carefully slow - slowly五、重点句型,语法点拨1、语法常见副词well: study well学习好 skate well滑冰好(注: well 若表示形容词,则意思为 身体好)fast: run fast 跑得快 swim fast游泳快loudly: laugh loudly 大声得笑 speak loudly 大声地讲sadly: ask sadly 伤心地问 cry loudly 伤心地哭happily: sing happily 开

8、心地唱 talk happily 开心的谈话carefully: listen carefully 认真地听 walk carefully 小心地走angrily: ask angrily 愤怒地问 quietly: do ones homework carefully 安静地做作业 Sleep quietly 安静地睡quickly: bring some water quickly 迅速地拿些水来beautifully: dance beautifully 唱歌唱得美系表结构: (注意不用副词)be, feel, look, sound, smell, bee, keep + 形容词fas

9、t ,hard ,high,early,late, 形容和副词同形2、一般过去式常用的时间壮语 ago / long long ago / yesterday / the day before yesterday in 2014 / just now(刚才) / at the age of 5(在五岁时) / once upon a time从前 / one day / last week, year, night, monthfrom then on3、speak ,talk,say,tell区别Speak强调方式 say强调内容,tell后一定要加人或讲的内容 talk强调连续说一按课文内

10、容填空 Unit1 Story time There was a lion in the f_. He was l_ and s _. There was a mouse, too. He was s_ and w_. One day, the mouse w_ by the lion and w_ him up. The lion was a_. He wanted to e_ the mouse. But the mouse said he would h_ the lion some day. The lion l_ at the mouse, and he let the mouse

11、g_. The next day, two men c_ the lion w_ a big net. The lion bit the net with his sharp t_, but that didnt work. He was very s_. Just t_, the mouse came. He m_ a big hole in the net. The lion g_ o_. He thanked the mouse h_. At last the lion and the mouse b_ friends.A卷: 课堂点拨题 一、一般过去式1. there be的过去式(1

12、)【易错】_ there any people here yesterday? No, but there _some people today. A. Are, are B. Is , is C. Was, is D. Were , are (2)【易错】There _ ( be ) any milk in the glass just now.2.过去式的不规则变化(1)The lion let the mouse _. A. go B. goes C. went(2)【易错】The mouse helped the lion _ . A. get out B. got out C. ge

13、t up(3)At last, the policeman _ ( let ) the man _ ( go ) .(4)What did the lion and the mouse_(bee)? They_(bee)friends.4.关于“过去式”的几个时间状语(1) , the mouse saw the hot dog. A. From then on B. Just then C. Now (2)One day, some ( mouse ) walked by and _ ( wake ) the lions up.(3)The ( three ) day, the man (

14、catch ) (many) fish and cooked for his family.二.ly副词【动配副】【be配形】【注意:系动词bee变成 / feel感到 / keep保持,相当于be动词,后面也用形容词】 1.写出下列形容词的副词quiet _ beautiful_ happy_ angry good_ excited_ fast _2.【易错】The king was . A. tall and strong B. happily C. quietly 3.【易错】The woman is . She is crying . A. happily,happy B. sadly

15、,sad C. sad ,sadly 4.Its my birthday today. Im very_. A. sad B. happy C. happily 5.I can walk _. A. fast B. quick C. happy三.有can的“肯定句” 和 “特殊疑问句”1.你能怎样帮我?How _ _ _ _ ?2. I can help you with my teeth.(对画线部分提问)四.介词短语:with. 用.【和汉语顺序不同,方式状语放最后】【学会和use的转换】1.Three girls the bird a bag. A. caught to B. catc

16、hes in C. caught with 2.The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth.(用use改写句子) 五. 补充的短语1.Billy and Bobby _ for _. A. cheer,them B. cheers,them C. cheer,they2.Its late. ,please. A. Wake up her B. Wake she up C. Wake her up3.Can you help me the ball? A. look for B. looked for C. looks forB卷: 课后巩固题一.选择(

17、)1.He listens to his teachers . A. careful B. sadly C. carefully( )2.【易错】The boy became . A.happily B.happy C.happyly( )3.【易错】This race is interesting. They feel A. excited B.exciting C. excitedly( )4.They pour the water the hole. A.to B.on C.into( )5.Sam hit Bobbys head _. A. hardly B.quick C. hard

18、( )6.【易错】Dont shout . Please keep . A.loud;quietly B. loudly;quiet C. loudly;quietly( )7.How can the mouse the lion? A.helping B.helps C.help( )8.The maths problem(问题) is _ and I can do it_. A. easy easily B.easily easily C.easy easy D. easily easy( )9.There are some little _ in the hole. A. mouse B

19、. mice C. mouses ( )10.Mike help Mr Green clean the office. A.not B.dont C.didnt D.was二填入适当的词1.quiet(副词) 2.say(过去式) 3.wake(过去式) 4.give(过去式) 5.catch(过去式) 6.happily(形容词) 7.let(原形) 8.bite(过去式) 9.bee(过去式) 10.week(同音词) 11.catch(过去式) 12.mouse(复数) 13.bring(过去式) 14.hit (过去式) 15.-What _ they _ ( do ) in the

20、playground ? -They are running.16.The bear is the meat. (bite)17.Would you like _ (eat) some mushrooms?18.Two _(man) _(catch) the lion with a large net two days ago19.【易错】He always _(hit) the ball hard.20.The boy was _. He laughed _. ( excited )21.【易错】He did the work very _.(care)22.【易错】Hes very _(c

21、are) with his money.23.The students are sweeping . (careful)24.【易错】My mother is very_. (beautifully)25.Yang Ling _ (walk) by and saw a nice ladybird.26.【易错】 they _ (take) photos tomorrow?27.The girl likes reading. Now she is reading _. ( loud ) 28.My sister is _ at swimming. She swims _. ( good )29.

22、Mr Brown poured the juice into the glass . (quick)30.【易错】 Dont play football in the street. The policeman shouted at the children . (angry生气)31.I feel ( excite ) about the ( excite ) film.32.Ben is (quiet) in the library.33.【易错】The children laughed (excited).34.We should read in the library. ( quiet

23、 ) 35.【易错】Those flowers are beautiful (real).36.【易错】Hit the volleyball (hard),please.37.Football is (excite). Everyone is (excite) when he is watching a football match.38.Jim walked _(quiet) in the classroom.39.The twins _ (sit) there _( sad) now.40.【易错】Yao Ming is good at ( play ) basketball. He is

24、 a good basketball _ ( play ).三翻译1.出来 2.就在那 3. 走过,路过 4.把倒入 5.第二天 6.打乒乓球打得开心 7.擅长踢足球 8.为我欢呼 9.静静地坐 10.开心地说 11.很久很久以前,森林里有许多狮子吗? 是的,有。 there many lions the ? Yes, there _.12.他昨天很虚弱。He yesterday.13.昨天妈妈七点叫醒我的。 My mother _ _ _ _ seven yesterday.14.【易错】老鼠帮助狮子逃了出来。 The mouse _ the _ _ _ .15.我喜欢帮助人。I .16.【

25、易错】那个男孩刚才打球打得用力了。 The boy just now.17.这只狮子很生气想要吃那只老鼠。 The lion was and to eat the mouse.18.他很快弄来些水,并把它倒进了洞里。He _ some water _ and _it _ the hole.19.吉姆乒乓球打得好吗? - Jim table tennis ?20.狮子用他锋利的牙齿咬了网。 The lion _ _ _ _his _ _.21.你真的善于打乒乓球。You are _ _ _ _ table tennis.22.我太激动了。I _ _ _.四连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点the

26、, a, big, dog, made, hole, his, with, teeth (.) 五句型转换1.The mouse makes a hole and gets out from the net. (改为一般过去时) 2.The lion didnt say happily.(改为陈述句) 3.【易错】The boy was happy and said, “Thank you.”(同义句转换) The boy , “ Thank you.”4.My mother found a hole in the coat. (改为否定句) 5.【易错】He didnt see the film with Wang Bing. (改为肯定句) 6.I went to the zoo with my family.(改为一般疑问句) 7.【易错】Did the lion eat the mouse?(改为陈述句) 8.The lion and the mouse became friends. (改为否定句) 9.The lion didnt say happily. (改为肯定句) 10.Whose shirt is this?(改为同义句) this shirt?

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