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1、Be动词填空:找出句子主语是关键Here、There看清具体内容是单复数,就近原则注意不可数要用单数,特别是some后面跟不可数不要上当注意any要用否定或疑问 isnt arentThere _ any rice in the bowl.There _ some meat in plate.There _ some paper on the desk.There _ some pieces of paper on the desk.There _ any paper on the desk.There _ any pieces of paper on the desk._ you a nur

2、se? _ your sister a nurse?How _ their grandpa?_ their teacher in the office?_ their teachers in the office?_ his teachers in the office?My ears _ big. My tail _ short. I _ a dog._ you my mother? Yes, I _.Here _ your cakes, Alice.Here _(be) your cake, Alice.There _ (be)some jam in the box.There _(be)

3、 some candles on the cake.There _ a cake and some candles in the box.There _ some candles and a cake in the box.Have、Has填空找到主语,第三人称单数(或不可数)用has,其他都用have注意any用否定或疑问 havent hasntBen _ two books. We _ two books.I _ a book.This tree _ many leaves.These trees _ many leaves.She _ a beautiful dress.She _ t

4、wo beautiful dresses.They _ a beautiful dress.They _ two beautiful dresses._ you a nice pen?_ your mother a nice pen?_ he a nice pen?_ they a nice pen?He _ small ears. He _ small nose.They _ small ears.I _ some pencils.I _ any pencils.He _ some pencils.He _ any pencils.My classroom _ two doors.Our c

5、lassroom _ two doors.My classrooms _ a door._ you any books? Yes, I _. No, I _._ she any books? Yes, she _. No, she _.动词适当形式填空like to do、 like doing、 can do第三人称单数动词加s(read) I can _the English book. (read) I like _ in the classroom.(read) I like to _ in the classroom.(swim) Ben like to _. He can _ we

6、ll.(swim) Ben like _. He can _ well.(run) I like _ fast on the playground.(run) I like to _ fast on the playground.(run) I can _ fast on the playground.(like) I _ running fast on the playground.(like) You _ running fast on the playground.(like) He _ running fast on the playground.(like) The dog _ ru

7、nning fast on the playground.(like) The dogs _ running fast on the playground.用所给词的适当形式填空单复数、动词各种形式、名词所有格There _(be) some_.(sweet)They are _(sweet). Yummy, yummy._(I) friend is Ben.He _(have) short hair.This is _( we ) teacher.She hasnt _( some ) new books.How old _(be) your little brother? Only one

8、 _(year) old.I can _(draw) some flowers. But I cant _ (run) fast. I like _(draw).Danny likes eating _(apple).I like eating _(jam).This is _(I) father.He _(be) tall.He can _(read) English.Peter is _(China).Eva is _(Japan)._ (it) tail is long._ (it) mouth is big._ (it) mouths is big._ (he) ears are small._ (she) nose are small.

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