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1、一、 书面通知 一般情况下用第三人称,不说“we must to”或“you should”而应该写成“All the xx are requested to be” 在正文的中间写上(大写)NOTICE 多用被动语态、将来时、简单句、祈使句。修饰性词语少。切忌一个句子中表达多件事情。 NOTICEAll the monitors are requested to meet in the fifth classroom on Friday,Auguest 28,at 10:00am to discuss the question of . The Student Union Auguest,2

2、3,2011 先写地点、后时间(从小到大,从短到长) 短语:be requested to,attend the meeting,meet in,in the college conference room(大型会议)/meeting room(小型会议)二、口头通知 1、开头要有称呼语: ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls,dear xx 2、开头通知套语: Attention,please.I have sth. important to tell you. May I have your attention,please?Im glad to tell

3、 you sth. important. 3、其他固定套语: Everyone is asked to be there on time. Make/Be sure not to be late. Please take your notebooks with you and be sure on time/Youd better take Those who are interested in it are warmly wele. 4、结尾套语: Thats all.Thank you very much/Thanks for listening. 5、口头通知时态:一般以将来时为主 We

4、 will have a meeting about it after the sixth class. There will be an English film in our school tonight. The match will be put off to next week.Wearegoingtoholdameetingtodiscusstheproblem.例文:Dearclassmates:Attention,please.IhavesomthingImportanttotellyou.therellbeanimportantlectureinClassroom302,at



7、eme.Illbemuchthankfulandthankhimwithagiftwithhisface.Loser,LiXiaopingTheGuangMingBookstore.(丢失地点)招领启事:FoundOctober.8thFoundahandbagwithsomemoneyandanotebookleftintheschoolgardenthisafternoon.WilltheownerpleaseetoRoom302togetitback.招聘启事: Volunteers WantedUNIVERSITY 2011 SHENZHEN will be held in Augue

8、st.Volunteers are being recruited now. Chances will be first given to those applicants who have outstanding skills at English listening prehension and the ability to speak Chinese and English fluently. Students with relevant professional experience are also preferred. If you are interested in it. Pl

9、ease email to university.szu.edu. The Students Union of Shen Zhen University四、邀请信 1、邀请信一定要写清楚时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合“Id like you and Tom to e to dinner next Monday”应改为“Id like you and Tom to e to dinner next Monday, May the fifth at 6 o clock.p.m.,at the Locus Hotel”。 2、一般分为两小段。在盛大场合提前三星期发出,一般场合,在预定时间的前几

10、天发出。 参考句子:1、 邀请句子 Will you e to May I have the honor to invite you to Id like to invite you toId like you to e to I hope you are not too busy to e. Im looking forward to seeing you/hearing from you. We sincerely hope you can attend.2、 结尾句子: Please let me know as soon as possible if you can e and tel

11、l me when you will be able to do so. 例文: Dear Mrs. Benton, Tom and I would be very happy if you and Mrs. Benton could e to dinner with us on next Monday, May the fifth at 6 o clock.p.m, at the Locus Hotel. We do hope you can join us. Yours sincerely/faithfully, Li Lei【邀请信回复】 1、 接受邀请的回复信中应重复写上邀请信的时间地

12、点等。“Ill be delighted to attend your luncheon next Monday, May the fifth at 6 o clock.p.m.,at the Locus Hotel.” 2、 回信中要明确表示接受邀请还是不接受,不能写“Ill e if Im in town”。在接受邀请时候,应对受到邀请表示高兴。谢绝邀请时应写明不能应邀的原因。 参考句子: 1、Thank you for inviting us to dinner. 2、We are delighted to accept your invitation. 3、I wish I could

13、 be there, but I 4、Im writing to apologize to you and give you gifts to you.Plaese forgive me. 5、Im very sorry to tell you that Im unable to attend 6、Im very sorry that I cant take part in your五、日记第一行左边写上日期、星期几,右边写天气(cloudy、windy、rainy、fine)按给出内容写,不可以随意发挥。一般用第一人称,多用过去时态。如果是写感想或者评论,可用一般现在是或者将来时态。May1

14、7,2012,Tuesday Sunny(正文)六、事假privateaffairleave第一行右边写日期,第二行写称呼。May6,2012DearMr.Li, Imwritingtoaskforprivateaffairleaveofhalfadaythisafternoon.Todayismygrandmabirthday.Shesalreadyseventy.Iwanttogohometocelebrateitforherwithmyfamily.Icanthaveanyclassesthisafternoon.AndIllebacktoschooltomorrowmorning. Y

15、ours,LiFang.七、病假 sick leaveMay 6, 2012 Dear Mr.Li, Im very sorry you tell you that I am unable to attend school today owing to a bad cold. I enclose(附上) the doctors certificate here and ask you for sick leave of two days. And Ill e back to school as soon as I feel better./Because of this I would lik

16、e to have a sick leave off two days beginning on May 6. Yours respectfully, John.八、xx留言 用第三人称表述 第一行右侧写钟点、星期几。第二行写称呼。 9:35a.m.Friday Alice, Youve happened to be out when your friend Dick called at 9:30 this morning. He said he had sth. Important to consult you .He hopes that you could find time to fa

17、vor/reply him with a call as soon as possible/as soon as you can.八、证明信 无称呼语,称呼一般是:to whom it may concern 兹证明,this is to certify that+人名 特此证明,Best regards. May 6, 2012 To whom it may concern, This is to certify that Mr. Wang Jamming,(male), Our conclusion is that he is able to . Best regards. Xx hospital九、介绍信 一般现在时+一般将来时 1、 公务介绍信 介绍被介绍人的姓名、重要资格、能力和经历。提出希 望收信人可能给以的帮组。表达感激之情。 2、 私人介绍信 作者和被介绍人的关系。介绍的理由或被介绍人可能引 起作者星期的个性特征等。表达感激之情。 兹介绍,this is to introduce sb. 你对她的一切帮助我会衷心感谢,any kindness to her will be duly appreciate by me. 我很乐意回报,I will always be happy to reciprocate.

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