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1、I.用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空:1.We promise you success,or you _ (get)your money back.2.If it _(not work),I _(buy)another one.3.She _(practice)colour therapy since she _(leave)college.4.The oils she _(use)_(have)difficult colours and smells.5.People with pale skin and blonde hair _(look)good in red.will

2、 getdoesnt will buyhas practicedleftuseshavelook6.Could you give me some advice?I dont know what _(wear).7.I prefer _(eat)noodles taday.8.How about _(play)badminton after school?9.Its a good idea _(have)a picnic in the country park.10._(wear)blue clothes _ (make)you _(feel)calm and peaceful.to weart

3、o eat playing to haveWearing makes feel II.同义句转换同义句转换:1.Could you give me some advice?Could you give _?2.I dont know which shirt I should choose.I dont know _.3.I would rather stay at home than go out.I _ staying at home _ going out.4.Why not go to play football with us?_ going to play football with

4、 us?some advice to me which shirt to choose prefer to How about/What about 5.Which dress do you want to wear?Which dress _ you _ to wear?6.How many colours are there in a rainbow,do you know?How many colours _ a rainbow _,do you know?7.There is nothing wrong with your computer.There _ _ wrong with y

5、our computer.8.He hurried to school.He didnt have breakfast.He hurried to school _ breakfast.would like does have isnt anything without III.Dictation1.发现颜色的力量是如何改变你的心情发现颜色的力量是如何改变你的心情,改善你的生活的改善你的生活的2.观看青少年表演观看青少年表演3.保证帮助你成功地改变你的情绪保证帮助你成功地改变你的情绪 4.拿回你的钱拿回你的钱/用颜色改变人们的心情用颜色改变人们的心情5.大学毕业大学毕业6.在人们皮肤上擦油在人

6、们皮肤上擦油7.白皮肤和金色头发的人穿橙色和绿色衣服看起来很漂亮白皮肤和金色头发的人穿橙色和绿色衣服看起来很漂亮.8.半小时半小时20元钱元钱9.没有效果没有效果10.建议人们穿什么颜色的衣服建议人们穿什么颜色的衣服11.给我们提供免费油给我们提供免费油12.彩虹夫人登的一个关于彩色疗法的广告彩虹夫人登的一个关于彩色疗法的广告 The answers1.discover how the power of colour can change your moods and improve your life2.watch The Teens Show on STTV3.promise to hel

7、p you successfully change your moods4.get your money back/change peoples moods using colours5.leave college 6.rub oil into peoples skin 7.people with pale skin and blonde hair look good in orange and green8.¥20 for half an hour9.It doesnt work.10.advise people what colour to wear11.give us free colo

8、ur 12.an advertisement for a colour therapy by Mrs Rainbow Revision1.Do you remember the passage that we learned in the last class?2.What is it about?It is about advice on colours by Mrs Rainbow.3.What can Mrs Rainbow do?She can advise people what colours to wear.4.If you are feeling sad,what advice

9、 do you think Mrs Rainbow will give you?Think of a warm,sunny place.5.What does Mrs Rainbow do if you cant sleep?She uses white oil.6.In which colour do people with dark hair and dark skin look good?In red and purple.Andy doesnt know what colour to wear.She asked Millie to give her some advice.What

10、advice do you think Millie will give her on colour?Listen to the conversation.Listen and try to find the answers to the questions 1.What colour does Andy dislike?2.What colour does she like better?3.Does she like jeans?4.What is a good idea?Why?Guess Andys characteristics.Work in pairs:Give your par

11、tner some advice on what colours to wear according to her/his characteristics.Why dont you wear.?Id rather wear .I prefer to wear .How about?Its a good idea to because .S1:Sally,could you give me some advice?I dont know what to wear.A2:Why dont you wear this yellow shirt?S1:No,I dont like yellow.Id

12、rather wear green.S2:Perhaps you should try these jeans?S1:No,theyre too tight.I prefer to wear trousers?S2:How about trousers and a green T-shirt?S1:Maybe What do you think?S2:Its a good idea for you to wear trousers because theyre comfortable,and green will make you feel energetic.S1:Yes,you are r

13、ight.Thanks,Sally.Millie d_ red.Shed rather _(wear)blue because blue will make her _.She prefers _(wear)jeans to trousers because trousers are too t_ but jeans are c_.islikeswearcalmwearingightomfortable Extra information:Other ways of agreeing include.1.Yes,I agree.2.Yes,thats a good idea.3.Yes,Ill

14、 do that!Useful expressions:1.Whats your favourite colour?2.Green doesnt suit you.3.The red one looks better than the blue one.4.Try this/these on.5.Its too dark/bright/dull/tight.6.Would you rather wear.?7.Do you prefer?8.I like more than.9.I always/never wear Complete the sentences with the proper

15、 forms 1.You wont believe how quickly my English _(improve).2.I realized that I should _(take)lots of grammar notes in class.3.I think the black man is very _(fun).4.He _(worry)about test last term.5.The duck broke my glass.I was _(happy).has improvedtakefunnyworriedunhappy6.I listened to one CD _(c

16、all)Heart String.7.Do you plan on _(stay)overnight here?8.The bus _(leave).Wed better wait for another one.9.Blue makes you _(keep)calm.10.What about _(read)aloud to practice pronunciation?calledstayinghas leftkeepreadingtherapy thinkwiththeirclothesratherthesetheythanks/Pronunciation Saying thVoice

17、less th/Voiced th /There are two different ways to pronounce th.One is voiceless/,and the other is voiced /.Listen carefully and practise saying them.A.1.bath 3.teeth 5.thin 7.three 2.length 4.thick 6.think 8.Thursday /B.1.father 3.than 5.them 7.those 2.mother 4.that 6.there 8.within /C.brother rath

18、er thirty healthy sixth this leather thank thought other the through path then weather another bath fifth that thunder tooth truth theatre growth thousand/throat thank that the themselves them theme theirthousand there they thick thunder thin thing think though third this those thought three then th

19、anthrough throw thumb thief/Period 81.give sb.some advice 2.try these trousers 3.What do you think?HomeworkGiving advice on their clothes to your parents according to their characteristics.Period 8(学评)(学评)II.1,3,5,7,9 发发清辅音清辅音 2,4,6,8,10 发发浊辅音浊辅音 Period 8(导学)(导学)一、一、DBDBC 二、略二、略【课堂反馈课堂反馈】一、一、1.advic

20、e 2.to eat 3.Playing 4.feel 5.better 二、二、1.How are you feeling?2.Why do you feel relaxed?3.What did she prefer as a teenager?4.What a happy and contented feeling these colours give you!5.Whats in the fridge?三、三、1.Can you give me some advice on how to learn English?2.Why not ask teachers for help?3.P

21、erhaps youll spend more time on study this year.4.I think you should read more and practice more.5.There are two ways to pronounce th 【课后提高课后提高】一、一、1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.DI.Tell each pair different()or the same().1.south southern 2.though through3.this that 4.with without5.there three 6.than then7.bath

22、bathe 8.thing other 9.birthday birth 10.thin the()()()()()()()()()()II.Find out the different pronunciation1.maths month thing other 2.than both tooth through 3.healthy clothes leather another 4.bath seventh theatre another 5.thirsty throne without youth6.north within path south 7.together everythin

23、g nothing earth8.birth Thursday feather throughout 9.thin length thick themselves10.three northern anything earthquake III.写出下列划线字母的音标写出下列划线字母的音标:1.theme _ 2.their _3.thankful _ 4.this _5.theatre _ 6.though _7.thought _ 8.weather _9.through _ 10.bathe _/三三.用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空:1.Grandfathe

24、r was made _(work)over ten hours a day before the PRC was founded.2.Chinas entry into WTO _ (encourage)a lot of people _(learn)English in my hometown the year before last.3.Im sorry I forgot _(close)the window,so the ground is all wet.4.I prefer watching football match to _ (play)football.to workenc

25、ouragedto learnto closeplaying5.Would you mind _(feel)frightened after you hear the story?6.He would rather _(raise)the money to the poor than _(spend)it himself.7.Ive heard him _(speak)about you often.8.What shall we do tomorrow?Why _(not boat)in Hongmei Park?feelingraisespendspeaknot boat五五.将下列句子译

26、成英语将下列句子译成英语:1.他已决定长大后要当一名医生他已决定长大后要当一名医生.He has made a decision to be a doctor when he grows up.2.在你们离开教室前在你们离开教室前,要确保所有的灯都关了要确保所有的灯都关了.Make sure to turn off all the lights before you leave the classroom.3.他们宁愿买新车也不愿修理旧的他们宁愿买新车也不愿修理旧的.They would rather buy a new car than mend the old one.4.你能给我在穿着方面提些建议吗你能给我在穿着方面提些建议吗?Can you give me some advice on wearing clothes?5.凯特宁愿去公园划船凯特宁愿去公园划船,也不愿去爬山也不愿去爬山.Kate prefers going boating in the park to climbing the hills.

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