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1、8B unit4 A good read1.a good read一本好的读物2.what to do with=how to deal with怎样处理。3. give sth to sb=give sb sth 给某人某物4.reach the box on the fridge 够到冰箱上的盒子5.be interested in sth 对。感兴趣6.be interested in doing sth 对做某事感兴趣7.improve my knowledge of the past提升我对过去知识的了解8.in your spare/free/leisure time在你的空闲时间

2、9.like reading novels and plays喜欢读小说和剧本10.French 法语,法国的 France 法国 Frenchman法国人 Frenchmen法国人(复数)11.German 德语,德国人,德国的 Germany德国 Germans 德国人(复数) Canada 加拿大 Canadian 加拿大的,加拿大人 Canadians 加拿大人(复数)12. touch sb. 感动某人13.touching adj. 令人感动的 touched adj. 被感动的14.an extract from the book那本书的一段节选15.crash against

3、the rocks 撞到岩石上16.swim as far as I can 尽我可能游得远17.feel the land under my feet 感觉到我脚下的地18. be tired out 筋疲力尽19. fall down on the beach 倒在沙滩上20.wake up 醒来 wake sb up 叫醒某人21.wake-woke-woken22.be tied to the ground被绑到地上23.move up over my stomach 向上移动过我的腹部 stomach 复数 stomachs24.the same size as my little

4、finger和我的小指一样大小25. the same size/color/height as和.一样大小/颜色/高度26.shout at sb.向某人大喊27.loud noise响亮的吵闹声28. noise n. noisy adj. noisily adv.29. fall over 摔倒30. continue doing sth.继续做31. continue to do sth.继续做32. manage to do sth设法做成。33. break the ropes 弄断绳子34. lift my left hand into the air 把我的左手举到空中35.

5、a huge army of tiny people 一大群极小的人36. an army of 一群。37. e straight towards me直接向我而来38. run away from逃离。39.get away离开,逃脱40. find himself unable to move 发现他自己无法移动41. able adj. 反义词: unable ability n. 反义词 disability42. decide what to read decide which to choose wonder where to ask advise us which to cho

6、ose 特殊疑问词+to do43. advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事44. advice 建议(不可数名词) suggestion建议(可数名词)45. hand in 上交,提交46. read some reviews读一些评论47.ask sb. for help with sth. 就某事向某人寻求帮助48. draw or write in the books 在书上画或写49. on time 准时 in time 及时50. all the British publishing houses 所有英国的出版社51. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做

7、。52. so far到目前为止53. a great success一个巨大的成功54. success n.(可数不可数都有) successful adj. successfully adv.55. be translated into about 70 languages被翻译成大约70种语言56. in the very beginning 在一开始的时候57. at a time 一次,每次58. renew the book online在线续借59. on the one handon the other (hand)一方面。另一方面。60. look for hidden t

8、reasure 寻找隐藏的宝藏61. give me a lot of confidence给我很多信心62. have exciting experiences 有令人激动的经历63. experience经验(不可数) experiences经历(可数) experienced adj.经验丰富的64. a survey on reading habits一个关于阅读习惯的调查65. on weekdays在工作日66. at the weekend在周末67. four great classical Chinese novels中国四大名著68. help me relax after a busy day在繁忙一天之后帮我放松69. open up a whole new world to me给我开启一个全新的世界70. and so on等等

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