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1、To improve the reading skillTo learn reading strategy1.Whats the weather like today?Do we sometimes have foggy days here?How do you feel on a foggy day?2.Which season do you think is the best?Why?3.Have you ever lost your way in the fog?What would you do if you got lost in the fog?4.What sense or se

2、nses do you think we can use on a foggy day?1.The main characters of the story are _.A.Polly and the weatherman B.the bus conductor and Polly C.Polly and the old blind man D.the helpful stranger and the grateful helperI.Choose the best answer.2.The story is about _.A.a terrible fog in London B.a you

3、ng woman being followed by a tall man C.Polly,who found her way home in a fog D.how Polly,lost in a fog,was helped by an old man1.The fog was very thick in the morning.2.When she got to Green Park,the weather turned out to be fine.3.Polly got to Green Park by train.4.The old man carried an umbrella

4、in his hand.FFTF5.At first Polly thought the old man couldnt see her face because he was blind.6.After arriving at home,Polly invited the old man to her home for a rest and he agreed.FF1.Why did Polly leave work early?Read the story again carefully and answer these questions.Because there was a thic

5、k fog that afternoon,and she wondered if the bus would still be running.2.Why did Polly take the Underground to Green Park?3.What was the weather like outside the station?Because it was too foggy for the bus to go to King Street.The fog lay like a thick,grey cloud.4.According to Lines 23-25,what mad

6、e Polly afraid?The rough hand that brushed her cheek and the mans voice that was close to her ear made Polly afraid.5.According to Line 33,what did the man look like?6.How could the old man tell that Polly was young?He looked old and had a beard.He could tell Polly was young from her voice.PlaceTime

7、&weatherPerson(s)What happenedPollys thoughts or feelingsoutside Pollys workplaceat 4 p.m./foggyPollyShe left work early.She wondered if the bus would still be running.Fill in the chart.PlaceTime&weatherPerson(s)What happenedat the bus stop in the street later Polly;the bus conductor The fog was too

8、 thick for the bus to run to King Street,where Polly lived.PlacePerson(s)What happenedPollys thoughts or feelingsin the underground,at Green Park stationPolly,a tall manA tall man in a dark overcoat is on the train.She sensed she was being watched.PlaceTime&weatherPerson(s)What happenedPollys though

9、ts or feelingsin Park Street,at the corner of the streetwhen Poly got to the station,the fog lay like a thick,grey cloudPolly,a manA rough hand brushed her cheekHer heart was beating with fearPlaceTime&weatherPerson(s)What happenedPollys thoughts or feelingsin the streetit was darkPolly,an old manTh

10、e old man took her hand and helped her find the way.She wished for someone to come along.Fear held her still.She began to feel frightened again.PlaceTime&weatherPerson(s)What happenedPollys thoughts or feelingsoutside Pollys house at King Streetlate that dayPolly,the old blind manThe old man left to

11、 help more people in need.Polly was thankful.Put these events in the correct order by writing 1 to 10 in the blanks.Polly took the Underground to Green Park.An old man took Pollys hand.A hand reached out and grasped Pollys arm.Polly thanked the blind man.A tall man in a dark overcoat was watching Po

12、lly.Polly and the old man turned left at thecrossroads.Polly felt frightened when a rough hand brushed her cheek.Polly got to King Street safely.Polly left the office at four oclock.The old man went to help others.a a feeling of being freed from worryb pay attention to;be careful aboutc the money yo

13、u pay to travel on a bus,train,plane,etc.Match these new words and phrases from the story with their meanings.Write the correct letters in the blanks.d make a statement about what will happen in the futuree not widef look at someone or something for long time 1forecast _ 2 fare _3narrow _ 4 stare _5

14、watch out for _6relief _ dcfbaeThe blind man from the story is explaining what it is like to be blind.Choose the correct words from the box to complete his talk.approaching wherever darkness anxious hesitate observe grasp aidAnswers:1._ 2._ 3._4._ 5._ 6._7._ 8._darknesswhereverhesitateanxiousapproac

15、hingaidgraspobserveReading a storystoryHow a plot(故事情节故事情节)Who main charactersWhen a certain time periodWhere a placeWhat a problem to be solved a climax or a surprise endingRead the story using the reading strategy.Time One foggy day Place London,England Characters Polly and a blind man The plot In

16、 the morning Polly found the city was already in a grey _.mistThe plot In the afternoon when she left work and _ out,the weather had become quite _.She _ if the buses would still be running.She walked quickly towards her _ bus stop.After hearing Pollys destination(目的地目的地),the bus conductorstepped fo

17、ggy wondered usual The plot advised her to take the _ train to Green Park and take a _ home from there.As the station entrance was _,she had to set off towards Park Street.As she _ along,she heard the sound of _ after her.At the corner of the street,she felt adeserted walked footsteps underground ta

18、xi The plot rough hand _ her face and then the man moved away.After a short while she heard the sound again.Polly found it was an old man and she told him she was _.The old blind man held her hand _ and told her not to worry.lost firmly brush The ending The old blind man led Polly home and refused h

19、er invitation because he would be off to _ back the help that people gave him when it was _.pay sunnyComplete the passage with proper words,which will help you retell the text.In the morning,the city was already covered in a grey mist.In the afternoon,the mist _(become)a thick _.Polly left work and

20、walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.It is too foggy for the bus _(run)to King Street,so Polly had to take the Underground to Green Park and get a taxi to King Street.fogbecameto runOn the train,Polly had a _(feel)that she _(watch)by a tall man _ a dark overcoat,but when the train reached the G

21、reen Park Station,she lost _ of the man.When Polly went outside of the station,wherever she looked the fog lay like a thick,grey cloud.And there was nobody there.feelinginsightwas being watchedAs she walked along the narrow street towards Park Street,she heard the sound of footsteps _,but the sound

22、disappeared soon.Suddenly Polly felt a rough hand brush her cheek,and she heard a mans voice in her ear saying“Sorry”.She could feel her heart _.approachingbeating with fearThen she heard the sound of footsteps again,and a mans voice came out of the darkness.“Is anybody there?”Polly _ and at last sh

23、e answered.“Hello,I think Im lost.”Later,a hand _ and grasped her arm.The man told Polly to go with him.hesitatedreached outIn his other hand the man carried a _.Polly was afraid.But they got to King Street.Polly is grateful and invited the man to come in and rest _.The man said that he would be off

24、 to help more people lost in the fog and it gave him the chance to _ the help that people gave him when its sunny.stickfor a whilepay backTell the story in your own words according to the route(路线路线)that Polly took home.outside Pollys workplaceat the bus stop in the streetin the Undergroundat Green

25、Park stationin Park Streetat the corner of the streetin the street near King Streetat 86 King Street1.What is the personality(性格特点性格特点)of the old man?2.What can we do to help those disabled like the old blind man?3.Did you ever lose your sense of taste or smell when you were ill?How did you feel?4.Some people talk about a sixth sense.They say it helps people know about things before they happen.Do you believe in a sixth sense?Why or why not?1.Finish A&B on Page 94-95 of the Workbook.2.Preview Word power.

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