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1、7A 期末复习归纳之一易错词 1. hamburger2. interested3. restaurant4. price5. pretty6. Christmas7. special8. different9. expensive10. scarves11. snack12. because13. Letting14. healthy15. pocket16. fortable17. popular18. lying19. festival20. present7A期末复习归纳之二重点词组 1. dress up as2. on the evening of October 313. pla

2、y a trick on them4. be bad for my teeth5. be interested in6. try them on7. go well with8. ten more minutes9. be made of10. a pair of trainers11. at Christmas12. get together13. have a big dinner14. enjoy the full moon15. wear masks16. have lots of fun17. paint our faces18. make pumpkin lanterns19. k

3、nock on their doors20. give us some candy as a treat21. play a game called=named “trick or treat”22. on holiday23. take a lot of photos24. watch the fireworks25. different festivals around the world26. let off fireworks27. family members28. red packets29. at this time of year30. all kinds of food31.

4、 healthy food32. keep fit33. too much sugar34. a piece of bread 35. a packet of salt36. four kilos of meat37. five cartons of milk38. take a walk39. take a look40. most of the children41. children in poor areas42. pocket money43. five floors of shops44. different styles of clothes45. look cool/ look

5、 modern and beautiful46. wait for the school bus47. write a letter to her friend48. lie on the bed49. play a new puter game50. go for a big dinner7A 期末复习归纳之三重点句 1. Thank you for telling me about the Middle-Autumn Festival. (58)2. If they dont give us a treat, we play a trick on them. (58)3. Family m

6、embers get together and give each other presents. (62)4. How do you usually celebrate your birthday? (62)5. The Chinese people here always have a party to celebrate the Chinese New Year. (64)6. What do you do to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Beijing? (64)7. Usually our parents get new clothes re

7、ady for us, and we get red packets from our grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles. (67)8. We like to let off fireworks at night. (67)9. An apple a day keeps the doctor away! (68)10. Its good for our health. (69)11. I always have milk and bread for breakfast. (70)12. I need to change my lifestyle n

8、ow. (70)13. I plan to eat more fruit and vegetables every day. (70)14. -How long does Kitty dance every time? -She dances for half an hour. (72)15. -How often do you exercise? -Less than 3 times a week. (75)16. You need to exercise more and eat more healthy food. (76)17. Let me have a look at the me

9、nu, please. How about some beef? (76)18. Would you like some vegetables? (76)19. Apple juice tastes good. (76)20. This helps me start the day well. (78)21. This meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon. (78)22. We need them to keep healthy. (78)23. What can I do for you? (82)24. How much do they

10、 cost? (82)25. This years cards cost two yuan each. (83)26. Amy has enough money for the hair clips. (83)27. We can buy presents for our friends in the shop. (86)28. Would you like to help the children in some poor areas? (88)29. They always walk a long way to school. (88)30. We can use our pocket m

11、oney to buy them these things. (88)31. They fit very well. (88)32. There are foods from different areas. (90)33. The mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun. (90)34. Im thinking about what to wear. (92)35. I can spend ten more minutes in bed then. (92)36. Can you lend us your red blouse fo

12、r our fashion show, Mum? (93)37. I am wearing sports clothes and a pair of trainers. (94)38. Trainers are light and fortable and are popular among young people. (94)39. Both of them are wearing blue jeans. (94)40. Sandys read blouse is made of silk. (96)41. What a great show, Sandy! (96)42. You look

13、 great in your purple shirt. (96)43. I am lying on the bed and watching TV. (98)44. They look good on me. (100)45. They are fit for a long walk. (100)46. What do you think of my red gloves. Amy? (100)47. They feel soft and smooth. (100)48. White matches any other colour. (103)49. The jacket is not t

14、oo long or too large. (103)50. My design includes a pair of blue jeans. (103)7A 期末复习归纳之五介副词 介副词填空:1. Well have a big party _ the evening of December 31st.2. Eating too much sugar is bad _ our teeth.3. _Christmas, people in the western countries have a big dinner.4. The shirt looks cool _ Jim.5. Jim

15、looks great _ this sweater.6. Could you lend your car _ me?7. I want to borrow some money _ you.8. I have to go _ a big dinner this evening.9. My mum always gets everything ready _ me in the morning.10. He usually has some bread and an egg _ breakfast.11. Would you like to buy some presents _ your f

16、riends?12. Trainers and jeans are popular _ students.13. Trainers are fit _ a long walk.14. I always think _ what to wear in the morning.15. Thank you _ helping me a lot.16. I dont have enough money _ this pair of shoes.17. The boy plays football _ two hours every day.18. An apple a day keeps the do

17、ctor _.19. Do you like to let _ fireworks?20. I like this shirt. Can I try it _?7A 期末复习归纳之六动词形式 用适当的动词形式填空:1. Thank you for _(design) a poster for me.2. We usually have a party _(celebrate) Christmas.3. The children like _(let) off fireworks at night.4. Do you need _(go) for the big dinner this even

18、ing?5. Who often_(go) to your birthday party?6. What do you plan _(do) at the weekend?7. Would you like _(exercise) with me every morning?8. Playing football every day helps me _(keep) fit.9. How much _ this pair of shoes _(cost)?10. I dont have enough money _(buy) the hair clips.11. Can you use you

19、r pocket money _(help) the children in poor areas?12. The new cinema is a good place _(watch) films.13. The trainers are _(make) of leather.14. Its time for dinner, but Simon _(lie) on the bed and watching TV.15. -Where is Tim? -He _(study) in his bedroom.16. _(eat) too much sugar is bad for your ey

20、es.17. I dont know where _(go) now.18. She never_(stay) here for more than one hour.19. -_ the scarf _(match) her sweater? -Of course.20. There _(be) a box of oranges in the room.7A 期末复习归纳之五介副词 介副词填空:1. Well have a big party _ the evening of December 31st.2. Eating too much sugar is bad _ our teeth.

21、3. _Christmas, people in the western countries have a big dinner.4. The shirt looks cool _ Jim.5. Jim looks great _ this sweater.6. Could you lend your car _ me?7. I want to borrow some money _ you.8. I have to go _ a big dinner this evening.9. My mum always gets everything ready _ me in the morning

22、.10. He usually has some bread and an egg _ breakfast.11. Would you like to buy some presents _ your friends?12. Trainers and jeans are popular _ students.13. Trainers are fit _ a long walk.14. I always think _ what to wear in the morning.15. Thank you _ helping me a lot.16. I dont have enough money _ this pair of shoes.17. The boy plays football _ two hours every day.18. An apple a day keeps the doctor _.19. Do you like to let _ fireworks?20. I like this shirt. Can I try it _?

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