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1、PART I DICTATION(U5)1. seasonal 2. change 3. belt 4. skirt 5. snowman 6. 短裤 7. 通知 8. 女裙 9. 生活 10. 到处 11. 季节变化 12. 不同季节的校服 13. 写份通知给所有学生 14. 在十月初 ;在四月底 15. 穿白色的短袖衬衫 16. 一双白袜子 17. 一双黑鞋子 18. 穿白色短袖连衣裙 19. 一条红领巾 20. 戴红领巾 21. 灰色的裤子 22. 穿白色长袖女衬衫 23. 夏季校服 24. 你的夏季和冬季校服 25. 夏天的学校生活 26. 长在花园里 27. 到处飞 28. 环顾四周

2、 29. 看见某人正在做某事 ;看见某人(经常)做某事 30. 没有许多叶子 31. 喜欢在图书馆学习 32. 有空调 33. 喝软饮料 34. 午饭后 35. 写关于学校生活 36. 在树上(多指食物长在树上) 37. 帮他们保暖 38. 一条短裤 39. 在学校食堂 40. 通过做某事 ;通过不做某事 41. 仔细/认真听老师讲课 PART II REVISION(U7)WORDS. 词汇1. instead adv.代替e. g. If you cannot go, let him go instead.如果你不能去,让他替你去。【友情提示】要表示“用A代替B”,则要用instead o

3、f。e. g. Well have tea in the garden instead of in the house.我们将改在花园里喝茶,而不在屋里喝。I will eat two instead of one. He played football instead of playing basketball this morning.今天早晨,他踢足球而不是打篮球。批注:Instead 一般位于句中,instead of一般位于句末,通过两个例句来让学生自己总结。1,If you cannot go, hell go instead of you.如果你不能去,他愿替你去。2,I did

4、nt have a pen, so I used a pencil instead.我没有钢笔,因此我就用铅笔了。2. most(1) pron. 大多数e. g. Most of us are going. 我们中大多数人都要去。(2) adj. (many和much的最高级)大多数的e. g. -Most tree leaves turn yellow in autumn.大多数树叶在秋天会变黄。 -Some turn red.有的会变红。(3) adj. (much的最高级)最e. g. -Which season do you like most? 你最喜欢哪个季节?-Spring.

5、Its the most beautiful season of the year.春天,因为这是一年中最美丽的季节。 3. transportation n. 交通;运输e. g. The transportation in our city is very convenient. 我们城市的交通运输非常方便。4. none pron.没人;一个也没有;毫无e. g. None dared to do it. 谁也不敢做这件事。(此处相当于no one)None of us enjoy(s) getting up early.我们中间没人喜欢早起。None of the boys has p

6、assed the history examination.男孩子中没有人通过历史考试。【记忆链接】Its none of your business.不关你的事。 e. g. “Its none of your business,” the young man said rudely. “这不关你的事。”这个青年粗鲁地说。【友情提示】none是一个否定意义的词,即可以指物,又可以指人,用在三者或三者以上的场合,与all对立,且常用of连用;谓语使用单数、复数均可。e. g. In the past, none of the buses was a double-decker bus. 过去没

7、有一辆公共汽车是双层的。In the past, none of the drivers were women.过去没有女司机。批注:此处老师可以把none, all, neither, both放在一起去区分辨别。肯定否定/范围两者 三者及以上肯定Both all否定 Neither none5. still adv.还是,仍然e. g. -Mum, Im still hungry! 妈妈,我还是饿!-Have another piece of cake then. 再吃块蛋糕吧。6. perhaps adv. 也许;可能;大概e. g. Perhaps the letter will e

8、today.也许那封信今天能到。 Perhaps they are in need of our help.也许他们需要我们的帮助。批注:近义:maybe adv.大概,也许 反义:certainly adv.的确;当然7. few adj.很少,几乎没有e. g. -Are there many fish in the pond? 池塘里鱼多吗?-Very few. 很少。【用法小贴士】few和little是“几乎没有”的意思,a few和a little是“有一些”的意思。few和a few用于修饰可数名词,如a few books(几本书)。little和a little用于修饰不可数名

9、词,如a little milk(一点儿牛奶)。8. traffic n.交通e. g. -Traffic jam again! 又堵车了!-There is a lot of traffic at this time of the day.每天这个时候车都很多批注:traffic是不可数名词,jam果酱也是不可数,可是组合成traffic jam是却是个可数的名词,类似的有news和paper不可数,newspaper却可数,我们可以给它起个名字,叫做“负负得正”吧9. motorcycle n. 摩托车e. g. -Can you ride a motorcycle? 你会骑摩托车吗?-N

10、o, but I can drive a car.不会,但我会开汽车。10. railway n.铁路,铁轨e. g. -Why was the train late? 火车为什么晚点了?-There was a railway accident.铁路出事故了。【记忆链接】railway station火车站 railway worker铁路工人批注:railway是英国英语,美国英语用railroad。11. bridge n.桥e. g. -How can we cross the river? 咱们怎么过河呀?-Theres a bridge over there.那边有座桥。【百科小贴

11、士】世界上最古老的石拱桥是中国的赵州桥,世界上最长的桥在美国路易斯安那州。批注:区分辨别bridge与fridge.12.crossing n.人行横道,十字路口e. g. Turn right at the first crossing, and you will see the garden. 在一个十字路口处向右拐,你将会看到花园。13.poster n.招贴画;海报e. g. a poster advertising the circus宣传马戏团的海报Her bedroom is hung with posters.她的卧室里挂着一些大海报。批注:此处可以给孩子猜个脑筋急转弯,什么动

12、物可以贴在墙上,答案是海豹(海报)二、重要句型Important Sentences structures1. In the past, all passengers had to buy tickets from a bus conductor.(1) in the past是固定搭配,意为“在过去”,常和一般过去时用在一起。e. g. In the past, children usually went to school on feet, but nowadays, we usually go to school by bus.在过去,孩子们常常步行去上学,但现在,我们常常坐公共汽车去上

13、学。(2) have to意为“不得不(强调客观的需要,有人称、时态的变化)”。e. g. Steven has to stay in bed for at least two months because he broke his leg yesterday.史蒂文昨天摔断了腿,所以他不得不在床上至少躺两个月。批注:此处应强调have to与must的用法区分。must modal v.必须(强调主观上的必要,没有人称、时态的变化)e.g. We must go home now. Its too late.我们必须马上回家,太晚了。You mustnt tell lies.你们不可以说谎。

14、2. He or she collected money from the passenger and put it in a bag.(1) collect意为“收集;搜集”,常与from用在一起。e. g. He collected many kinds of stamps from his classmates. 他从他的同学们那里收集了许多种邮票。(2) putin意为把放入里面”。 e. g. He usually put his hands in his pocket in winter.冬天,他经常把他的手放进衣兜里。3. In the past, there were only

15、 single-decker buses.only adv.仅仅,只是e. g. -Are you serious? 你是认真的吗?-Oh, no. Im only joking.哦,不是。我只是开玩笑。My little dog is only one year old, but he can jump over that fence.我的小狗只有一岁,但它可以跳过那道栅栏。In the past, we only have few transportation tools.4. Nowadays, some of the bus drivers are women, but most of

16、 them are still men.some在这里作代词,意为“一些”。e. g. -Is there any juice left in the bottle? 瓶子里还剩有果汁吗?-Yes, theres some.是的,还剩下一些。【知识拓展】some还可作形容词,意为“一些”。e. g. -Would you like some milk? 你要喝点儿牛奶吗?-Yes, please.请来点吧。批注:老师要与学生一起分析some,much, many分别修饰的可数名词还是不可数名词,或者即可修饰可数又可修饰不可数名词。5. What will travelling in Garde

17、n City be like in 10 years time?(1) What .be like? 是固定句式,意为“怎么样?”。e. g. What will you be like when you grow up? 当你长大时,你将会是什么样子?(2) in 10 years time意为“十年后”,in为介词,意为“之后”,常和表示一般将来时的时间短语用在一起。e. g. In five days, she will go abroad for further education.五天后,她将去国外深造。10 years是名词所有格修饰time.【知识拓展】名词所有格的用法(1)有生

18、命的东西的名词所有格,是在名词词尾加上s。e. g. Marys daughter(玛丽的女儿) the Childrens Palace(少年宫)(2)无生命的东西的所有格,一般用of词组。e. g. the window of the room (房间的窗户)。(3)表示时间、度量、价值、天体、国家、城市等无生命的名词也可以加s。e. g. an hours time 一个小时的时间 todays newspaper今天的报纸 Chinas population中国的人口What will you be like in ten years time?I will be more beaut

19、iful. 批注:除了讲到以上的知识点外,老师也要告诉孩子对in+时间段提问我们要用How soon?6. Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams.(1) There be句型表示事物的存在,解释为“在什么地方有什么”。e. g. There is a table in the room.房间里有一张桌子。There are many parks in the city. 城市里有许多的公园。There be句型的将来时表达方式是“There will be”e. g. There will be a new bridge over the river

20、.这条河上将会有一座新桥。There will be five persons in the car.小汽车里将会有五个人。(2) fewer是few的比较级,表示否定,意为“更少的”,修饰可数名词的复数形式。e. g. There will be fewer trees left there, if they still cut them so crazily. 如果他们仍旧如此疯狂地砍伐树木,那里的树木将会所剩无几。批注:区分辨别few, a few, little, a little.学生对于few 和little 的问题不大,都集中在带a的问题上,我们可以这样告诉学生,a的意思是一个,

21、那么带a的证明还有一点,如果连a都没有,那就证明几乎一点都快没有了。PART III EXERCISE(U7)I. Choose the best answer.( )1. We usually take air-conditioned bus in summer and winter.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2. Both my mother and my aunt are .A. woman driver B. woman drivers C. women driver D. women drivers( )3. In the past, the bus driv

22、ers are women.A. some of B. many of C. none ofD. most of( )4. will travelling in Garden City in the future?A. What. . . likeB. What. . . be likeC. How. . . likeD. How. . . be like( )5. Perhaps there more underground station in the future.A. will have B. will hasC. will be D. will is( )6. Our school

23、a garden.A. is like B. likes C. is likedD. will like( )7. Students usually to schoolunderground.A. go. . . in B. go. . . byC. goes. . . inD. goes. . . by( )8. I will be a teacher time.A. in ten years B. in ten years C. after ten years D. after ten years( )9. There were traffic jams in the past.A. mo

24、reB. muchC. fewerD. less( )10. Here is the map Shanghai.A. of B. in C. with D. at( )11. We are going to visit Garden City_.A. next SundayB. last SundayC. the next SundayD. the last Sunday( )12. Alice sometimes goes in the supermarket.A. to shopping B. shoppingC. shopsD. to shop( )13. What time shall

25、 we start? about 2:00 p. m?A. How B. Where C. WhichD. When( )14. Where your sister on Green Island?A. have. .beenB. has. .beenC. is. . . beenD. goes( )15. What about to Ocean Park?A. goingB. to goC. goD. wentII. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.1. They always (talk) abou

26、t travelling before National Day.2. They (visit) the Science Museum next week?3. Nowadays people enjoy (travel) in the countryside.4. Marks father (be) to Italy twice.5. In the past children (swim) in the river.III. Rewrite the sentence as required.1. Last week we flew kites at Zhongshan Park. (改成否定

27、句) Last week we _ _ kites at Zhongshan Park.2. In the past people went to work on foot. (保持句意不变) In the past people_ _ work.3. The watch cost him 100 yuan. (对划线部分提问) How_ _ the watch cost him?4. Mr. Li is going to Stone Bay. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Mr. Li going ?5. All of the bus drivers are men. (保持句意不变) _of the bus drivers are .IV. Reading.V错题回顾PART VI HOMEWORKI. Choose the best answer.

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