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1、模块三 Unit 1 The world of our senses I重点短语 1. sense 1) C感官 five senses the sense of smell/taste/touch/sight/hearing2) C的感觉/ 能力 a sense of humor / direction / success/ duty/ locality(方位)3) U辨别力 common sense常识 a man of sense有理智的人 a man of good sense通情达理的人4) U意义、价值 There is no sense in doing sth. Theres

2、no sense in waiting three hours. 等三小时是无意义的。5) 表示神智时,常用ones senses bring sb. to ones senses 使某人醒过来 come to ones senses醒过来 out of / lose ones senses 失去神智6) 理解;领会He sensed that his proposals were unwelcome.他觉得他的建议不受欢迎。 习惯用语:make sense有意义;有道理,讲得通;意思清楚(make sense=be meaningful有意义) make sense of 理解;懂;明白in

3、 a sense在某一方面;就某种意义来说in no sense决不是, 决非in some sense在某种意义上out of ones (right) sense失常, 失去理智, 神经错乱There is no sense in doing.做.是没有道理的/意义的。There is some sense in doing.做.是有一些/道理的/意义的。2. sightU 看;看见;视力;视野 C情景;景象; pl.名胜at first sight乍看一下、初看起来 at (the) sight of一看见 in sight / out of sight catch sight of /

4、 lose ones sight5. add to把加到上 add to 增加,增强add up加起来 add up to总计达,总计 in addition in addition to6. make the most of make the best of make full use of 充分利用7. method, way, means method:指系统的、符合一定理论的方法。 用这种方法可译为with/through this method。 way:普通用语,指做事情的方法,也可泛指思想方法、生活方式等。用这种方法可译为in this way。 means:作方式、方法、手段时

5、,单复数同形。用这种方法可译为by this means。with this method = in this way= by this means8. whisper v. whisper sth. to sb. whisper sth. in ones ear 附耳对某人说It is whispered that 从句 “传闻说” whisper n. in whispers = in a whisper 低声地9. likely adj. 很可能的, 合适的, 可靠的, 有希望的 a most likely result 最有可能的结果 a likely place for campin

6、g 正适合露营的地方 = a likely place to camp be likely to do sth. 可能会干某事 例: It is likely to rain tonight. (可用possible或probable替代)He is likely to win. (不可用possible或probable替代) It is likely that 从句 例:It is likely that he will be late. (可用possible或probable替代)= He is likely to be late. (不可用possible或probable替代) v

7、ery / most/ quite likely 很可能10. chance n. 机会, 可能性, 偶然性, 运气have a chance of doing sth. /to do sth. There is no chance that从句 The chance is that从句 ; Chances are that从句 = It is likely that 从句 “很可能。” by chance 偶尔,碰巧11. desert vt. 放弃, 遗弃, 逃跑 vi. 逃掉, 逃亡, 开小差12. the rest of +名词其他的/其余的13. have / take a glan

8、ce at = glance at扫视/看一眼14. stare at 凝视 stare up at sth抬头凝视.15. glare at 怒视16. be in sight / out of sight 看见/不能被看见17. come into sight 映入眼帘18. go out of sight 消失(在视野之外)19. catch sight of (突然)看到20. lose sight of -看不到21. at the sight of sth / sb(一)看到at first sight乍一看/第一眼看到22. ones heart beat fast / slow

9、ly某人心脏跳动得快/慢23. for fear of sth担心/惟恐(发生)24. wish for sth, hope for sth某人希望/想得到 24. reach out(某人的手)伸出(去)25. reach out ones hand某人伸出手去26. watch out for sth= look out for sth某人小心/提防.(2种)27. be frozen with sth某人因而呆住/僵住28. be confident of sth / of doing sth某人对/做有信心/自信29. reduce sth. to sth./ to doing sth

10、将降低/减少到/为.30. volunteer to do sth自愿/志愿做31. do / make / carry out an experiment某人做实验/试验 experiment on / with sth做(有关的)试验32. relate A to B将A与B联系起来A be related to BA与有关/有联系33. add A to B 将A加进B中sb add that 从句 “某人补充说-”add up to 总计/累计为.A add to BA使B增加/扩大34. link A to / with B= connect A with B将A连接到B上/使A与B

11、相连 be linked to / with =be connected with 与-相连/有关36. make the most / the best of sth (to do sth)= make full / good use of sth (to do sth) 充分利用(做) 37. be / feel stressed感到压力大38. cant help doing sth忍不住要做/情不自禁要做比较:sb cant help to do sth不能帮忙做39. warm (oneself) up使(自己)暖和/热身40. all of a sudden=all at once

12、=suddenly突然 41. ring out宣布离去,下班;发出响亮的声音42. make progress(不可数)in sth某人在方面取得进步/有提高43. fly sb / sth to sp. 将空运到某处44. do sth in a / the method某人用方法做45. be on display / on show / on exhibition在展出/在展示/在展销(3种)46. whisper to sb 对-窃窃私语 whisper to oneself 喃喃自语47. feed on sth 以为主食48. be likely to do sthit be p

13、ossible for sb / sth to do sth某人有可能做(2种)49. in the distance在远处/在远方50. avoid sth / doing sth / being done 避免某事/ 做某事/避免被做某事51. confuse A with B 将A与B混淆 be confused with sth. 对感到迷惑不解/混淆52. reply to- =answer-回答/回复 a reply to sb / sth53. observe sb. do /doing sth / done观察到/看到某人做./正在做/被 be observed to do s

14、th / doing sth /done被观察到/看到做正在做./被.54. set off / out for / towards sp.出发/动身去某地55. feel sb do / doing sth / done感到某人做/正在做/被56. hold sb./sth.+ adj使-处于状57. be grateful / thankful to sb for sth /doing因而感谢/感激某人58. be off (to+地点)某人离开(去某地)59. express ones thanks to sb. 向某人表达谢意60. in some cases在某些情况下61. fet

15、ch sth for sb. 将某物取来给某人62. breath in sth. 吸入63. from behind 从后面64. turn round / around= look back回头/掉脸/转身65. continue to do / doing sth某人继续做66. do / perform an operation on sb.给某人做手术67. work out a plan (for sth)(为)制订一个计划68. in the near future在不久的将来69. a type of -=a kind of -一种 70. different types of

16、 -=different kinds of -各种各样的71. be fit to do sth 适合做 72. attract sb to sth. 将某人吸引到某处 be attracted to sth. 被吸引到上73. hit sb on the nose击中某人的鼻子 hold ones nose捏住鼻子74. make achievements取得成就 75. step out into 走出去到. 76. set off, set out出发77. bang into 不小心撞到 78. pay back 报答,偿还 79. go hungry挨饿80. by sight根据外

17、表或形象 81. get close to 靠近82. take the pain忍受疼痛 83. compared to 与-相比较 84. cant afford sth. 买不起某物, cant afford to do sth. 付不起做某事的费85. warm sb. up使某人暖和起来86. express ones thanks to sb. 向某人致谢 87. follow ones advice听从某人的建议88. in a scientific study在一个科学研究中 89. have something to do with 与-有关90. have high blood pressure 有高血压 91. be frozen with fear由于害怕而呆住 92. cant help doing禁不住作某事 93. in everyday life在日常生活中94. hold sb still使某人一动不动 95. lose ones sense of taste失去味觉96. over a long distance越过很长的一段距离 97. contact sb. through the newspaper 通过报纸和某人联系 4

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