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1、期末复习(1)重点词汇:all inambitionbe keen onenclosephysicsprobablyrugbyshutsignaturetitletraineruniversityactressEuropeanrecentlywhatwherewhenwhowhosewhywhichhowhow oldhow manyreferenceencyclopediaalphabeticalorderclearlyaccountantachieveassistattendboringclientcontinueexpectfailgainluckilymanagerresponsibl

2、ereturnsaleseldomsimilarsimplesubtitlesuccessfulusualwhiz-kidguardmessengerdaydreamlose ones tempertell the truthwishguesschampionjoggingmathematicsP.E. ( physical education)dialdiaryargueargumentcrowdstarestealnoticehandbagfollowaboardrobberyrailingdetailhandcuffsnoisilyamusingpermissionpleaseddefi

3、nitelyunusualstrangeringasbylawpostcardrealizereportdealattackarrestsmashdaringgungangtowardsreachwriterscientistpretend课堂练习I. 选择1. She looks after her _.A. health B. unhealthy C. healthyD. healthiest2. _ do you read English? I read English every morning.A. How many B. How longC. How soon D. How oft

4、en3. My mother wants me _ it.A. drinkB. to drinkC. drinkingD. drinks4. We eat a lot of _ and _, but little meat.A. fruit; vegetables B. fruits; vegetablesC. fruit; vegetable D. fruits; vegetable5. She _ yesterday.A. had a cold B. had cold C. have a cold D. take cold6. She shouldnt eat _ _ 24 hours.A

5、. anything; for B. something; inC. something; for D. anything; in7. She hopes you feel _ soon.A. good B. well C. better D. best8. Its not good for you to have _ yin.A. too many B. too lots of C. too many of D. too much9. We should eat hot yang _, like beef.A. food B. drink C. foods D. drinks10. Its

6、easy to stay _.A. health B. the healthierC. healthiest D. healthy11. My mother has the key _ my room. A. to B. in C. at D. from12. We should have the good habit _.A. of eat and drink B. of eating and drinkingC. in eating or drinkD. to eating and drinking13. Although I dont know the old man, _ I woul

7、d like to help him.A. but B. and C. or D. / 14. As _ Lesson Five, we studied it yesterday.A. if B. for C. from D. as15. Do you like _ newspapers(报纸)?A. watch B. read C. reading D. look 16. Its important for us to learn to _ ourselves(我们自己).A. have a look at B. look atC. look like D. look after17. Mo

8、st students usually start the day _ breakfast.A. with B. inC. byD. for18. Please sit down and _ for a while.A. has a restB. takes a rest C. rest D. rests 19. _ the other hand, he was very kind to me. A. For B. On C. In D. At20. You look very weak, you should _ a doctor at once.A. watch B. see C. loo

9、k D. look atKey: 1. A2. D3. B4. A5. A6. D7. C8. D9. A10. D11. A12. B13. D14. B15. C16. D17. C18. A19. B20. BII. 填空1. Thank you very much for _ (tell) me the news. 2. Do you often have fun _(listen) to English stories in class? 3. June 1st is _(child) Day. 4. They have some problems _(get)there. 5. T

10、om is _(clever) in his class. 6. There _(be) a class meeting next Monday morning. 7. Look! The girl is _(trip) over her shoes. 8. I think living in town is _(interesting) than living in the country. 9. I want _(buy) some bread for supper. 10. We can go _(hike) there.Key: 1. telling2. listening3. chi

11、ldrens4. getting5. the most clever 6. will be7. tripping8. more interesting9. to buy10. hiking【模拟试题】(答题时间:60分钟)I. 词形转换1. hard(副词)_2. health(形容词)_ 3. although (同义词)_4. foot(复数)_ 5. tooth(复数)_6. one(副词)_7. ill(名词)_8. lie(现在分词)_ 9. two(副词)_10. different(名词)_11. interview(名词)_12. shop(现在分词)_13. knows(同音

12、词)_14. advice(动词) _ 15. stress(形容词)_16. early(反义词)_ 17. balance(形容词) _18. cold(反义词)_19. improve(名词) _20. look after(同义词组)_II. 根据句意及首字母补全下列单词1. What do you usually do on w_?2. I hope youre e_ our school in Xinqiao.3. He tries to eat a lot of v_ every week.4. His sister d_ milk every day.5. Good food

13、and exercise help me to study b_.6. Hes feeling well at the m_.7. Im sorry to h_ that youre not feeling well.8. Whats your f_ program?9. Im t_. Please give me a glass of water.10. How many hours do you s_ every night? III. 句型转换1. He watches TV once a week.(就划线部分提问) _ _ _ he _ TV?2. She goes shopping

14、 three times a week.(变为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ she _ shopping three times a week?_, she _.3. Whats the matter with you?(同义句)=Whats _ with you?=Whats _ _?4. I always eat junk food.(写出完全否定句)I _ eat junk food.5. Most students watch TV every day.(同上)_ students watch TV every day.6. I think this is a good way to

15、keep healthy. (否定句)I _ think this _ a good way to keep healthy.7. Its easy to stay healthy. (同义句)_ _ is easy.8. Eat something before you see a dentist.(否定句) _ eat _ before you see a dentist.9. It started three days ago. (划线部分提问)_ _ it _?10. I have a stomachache. (改成主语是he的句子) _ _ a stomachache.11. I

16、usually go to the movies with Jim. (同义句) I usually _ _ _ with Jim.12. He should eat something.(改否定句)He _ eat _.13. We only watch TV on Saturday and Sunday.(同义句)We only watch TV _ _ _.14. Lets open the window.(否定句)_ _ open the window. 15. Xiao Ming often gets on-line at home.(一般疑问句) _ Xiao Ming often

17、 _ on-line at home?IV. 句型转换。 1. Im sorry I dont know. Im _ I have _ _ . 2. Why dont you make him a card? _ _ making a card for him? 3. Jim is short for James. People usually _ James Jim _ _. 4. Is Li Mu good at playing tennis? _ Li Mu _ _ _ playing tennis? 5. Jim is twenty. Kate is ten. Kate is _ _

18、_ than Jim.【试题答案】I. 1. hardly 2. healthy 3. though 4. feet 5. teeth 6. once 7. illness 8. lying9. twice 10. difference 11. interviewer 12. shopping 13. nose 14. advise15. stressed 16. late 17. balanced 18. hot 19. improvement 20. take care of II. 1. weekends/weekdays 2. enjoying 3. vegetables 4. dri

19、nks 5. better6. moment 7. hear 8. favorite 9. thirsty 10. sleep III. 1. How often does, watch2. Does, go, No, doesnt3. wrong, your trouble/problem4. never 5. No6. dont, is7. Stay/Keep healthy8. Dont, anything9. When did, start10. He has 11. see a film12. shouldnt, anything13. twice a week14. Lets not15. Does, getIV. 1. afraid, no idea 2. What about 3. call, for short 4. Does, do well in 5. ten years younger

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