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1、Man has so much wisdom and power that the whole world has changed a lot.tall buildingsmodern agricultureaeroplanesatomic bombspaceshipmodern medicinemodern communicationWhat do you think of Have you ever considered how weak humans are compared with a volcano,hurricane or earthquake?Can you list some

2、 natural disasters?Boiling rock erupts from the crater(火山口火山口);the lava(熔岩熔岩)flows slowly down the mountain.gasliquidsolidlava(熔岩熔岩)vapour,carbon dioxide,nitrogen(氮氮),sulphur(硫磺硫磺)bits of rock and volcanic ash,etc.1.How is a volcano formed?One plate crashes down into another.The fluid rock becomes h

3、otter and hotter with high pressure.Finally it rushes out.Thus,a volcano is formed.2.Where is it most possible for a volcano to erupt?Joints between the plates.Joints between the plates.Joints between the plates.Often near the oceans.3.What types of volcanoes do you know?extinct volcano(=one that is

4、 no longer active at all)dormant volcano(=one that is not active at the moment)active volcano(=one that may erupt at any time)Answer Yes or No to the questionnaire.questionnaireYesNo1.Do you like working outside as well as inside?2.Do you enjoy travelling to unusual places?3.Do you enjoy taking risk

5、s?questionnaireYesNo4.Do you dislike doing the same thing everyday?5.Do you like adventure in your life?6.Are you interested in studying rocks and other things that make up the surface of the earth?If you answered“yes”to all these questions,then volcanology could be a good career for you.Read the pa

6、ssage on page 34 to find out more about being a vocanologist.1.Whats the main idea of the article?The writer expressed his _ for his job as a _ and told us one of his unusual _in Mount Kilauea,Hawaii.lovevolcanologistexperiences2.Find out main ideas for each part.Part 1(Para 1-2)Part 2(Para 3-4)Part

7、 3(Para 5)The writers _ and its _.jobimportanceThe writers _of watching the volcanic eruption.experienceThe _ for the writers enthusiasm about his job.reasons1.Which of the following is not the factor that makes the writers job the greatest in the world?A.its dangerous but exciting.B.the writer can

8、travel to unusual places and meet people from all over the world.C.the writer can earn a lot of money.D.the writer is helping protecting people from the volcano.2.What does a volcanologist not need most?A.knowledge of spaceships.B.research skills.C.skills of operating scientific equipment.D.observin

9、g skills.1.Why does the writer say that he has the greatest job in the world?2.Why is a volcanologists job important?3.Where is Mount Kilauea?1.Why does the writer say that he has the greatest job in the world?2.Why is a volcanologists job important?It can warn people when the volcano is going to er

10、upt and save many lives.3.Where is Mount Kilauea?In Hawaii.Job:_ -_ -_ _importance:_feelings(adj.):_-_-_Fill in the blanks according to this part.volcanologistcollect information for a databasehelp scientists to predict where lava will flow and how fast protect ordinary people from volcanoesexcited

11、/Save peoples lives by warning them to leave their homes.never boredfeel alive4.Why is the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual eruption?5.What caused the writers bedroom to become as bright as day even though it was night?6.Why did the scientists have to get close to the

12、volcano after it began erupting?7.Why was it difficult for the writer to walk towards the edge of the crater?4.Why is the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual eruption?No one lives near the crater.The lava flows down the mountain and can cover up or burn villages in its pa

13、th.The lava flows down the mountain and can cover up or burn villages in its path.The rocks that erupt from the volcano dont damage anything because no one lives near the crater.5.What caused the writers bedroom to become as bright as day even though it was night?the red-hot rocks gas that erupted f

14、rom the volcanoThe light was caused by the red-hot rocks and gas that erupted from the volcano.6.Why did the scientists have to get close to the volcano after it began erupting?samples of the lava study the samplesThe scientists needed to get samples ofthe lava so they could study them.7.Why was it

15、difficult for the writer to walk towards the edge of the crater?white protective suits special glove helmet special bootsThe author was wearing special clothing that made it difficult to walk.What does the writer find impressive about volcanoes even after studying them for many years?The writer find

16、s their beauty and their potential to cause great damage very impressive.I have the _ job in the world.I am never _ with it.Although it is occasionally dangerous,I dont mind because danger _ me and makes me feel _.I think my job is the most _ because I can help _ people from danger of volcanoes.I am

17、 a _ working for HVO.Our work has _ many lives but unfortunately we can not save their _.greatestboredexcitesaliveimportantprotectvocanologistsavedhouses I have _ a volcano eruption in Hawaii.I was _ asleep when my bed began _ and I heard a _ sound,like a _ passing nearby.Then I found my bedroom was

18、 as _ as day,and red lava was _ hundreds of meters into the air.The next day,three of us wanted to get close to the _.We put on _ suits,_,big _ experiencedfastshakingstrange trainbrightfountainingcraterprotectivehelmetsbootsand special _,which made us look like _.We slowly _ to the edge of the crate

19、r to collect some _ for _.After studying volcanoes for many years,I am just as _ about my job as before.Why?Because of their _ and their _ to cause great damage.glovesspacemenmade our waylavalater studyenthusiasticbeautypotential1.Having learnt a little more about the work of a volcanologist,do you

20、think it is an occupation you would enjoy?Give your reasons.2.In pairs discuss what skills you think a volcanologist should have.Make a list.No,I probably wouldnt enjoy this job because I would have to live in other countries and also I dont like being in dangerous situations.Also,Im not very good a

21、t science.Suggested answers:Yes,Id love to do a job like this because I would enjoy working outside and I think I would enjoy the adventure.It would be exciting to meet people from different countries and I would feel good about helping people avoid danger.or Essential skills Degree and/or Doctors d

22、egree in geologyInterest in Earth science which includes:Knowledge of volcanoes Knowledge how magma erupts and how it behaves Research skills Skill in analyzing and interpreting research results and other information Practical skills for performing experiments and operating scientific equipmentDesir

23、able skillsComputer skillsForeign languages Practical skills such as:the ability to read maps problem-solving skills planning and organizational skills communication skills writing skills,for writing reports and for publications3.Look at these three people who would like to study volcanoes.Which one

24、 would you choose to become a volcanologist?Give your reasons.1 Fred Spearsworks in a wildlife park looking after wild animals;loves nature and spends his holidays climbing mountains2 Susan Kelphas studied geology at university;very interested in volcanoes;has visited Mount Etna in Sicily,Italy3 Cha

25、rles Wildis a medical doctor;works in a laboratory doing research on disease;loves adventure holidays;wants to analyse volcanic samplesFred Spears:He has the interest but not the qualifications.So he is not a good choice to become a volcanologist.Susan Kelp:She has studied geology and has an interes

26、t in volcanoes.She has all the necessary qualifications but she does not have practical experience devising experiments and analyzing data.Charles:He is a medical doctor with an interest in volcanoes.He has experience of conducting experiments but does not have the specific qualifications needed to

27、become a volcanologist.I would choose Susan Kelp because she has the necessary qualifications and the interest.Although she has not yet conducted experiments she will either have learned the techniques during university course or be able to learn them on-the-job.She seems to be the most suitable can

28、didate.So Spend some time researching the Wenchuan earthquake.You can use books,magazines,newspapers or the Internet.Collect pictures or diagrams and look for information about:what causes this earthquake earthquakes that happened in the past in China and/or the rest of the world how people helped the victims what is being done to lessen the damage

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