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1、Module 10Module 10 The weather The weatherUnit 2 The weather is fine all year roundNew YorkWashington D.C.New EnglandCaliforniaSeattleSeattleAlaskaTexasCaliforniaTexasAlaskaNew YorkWashingtonNew Englandabout 3000 miles from the east coast to the west coastSeattleNew York and Washington DC are good p

2、laces to visit in _ or _,but in winter theres a lot of _.New YorkWashington DCMayOctobersnowRead Paragraph 3 and answer the questions.In September.Because I can take photos of the autumn leaves.1.When is the best time to visit New England?3.Why do you need to bring your camera?2.Whats the weather li

3、ke in September in New England?It gets cooler.Read Paragraph 4&5 and answer the questions.1.Whats the weather like in California?It is fine all year round.2.Why do you need to bring your swimming clothes?Because I might want to go swimming in the sea.In Texas and the southeast,its usually very _ and

4、 _ compared to other places.There are _ from time to time in summer and autumn.Texashotsunny stormsIn Texas and the southeast,its usually very _ and _ compared to other places.There are _ from time to time in summer and autumn.Texashotsunny storms The best time to visit is in.Because there is a lot

5、to do and see.When you come here its a good idea to,because you may want to _.You might_,because _ but _ _,so _.I wish you to have a good time.My hometownI am from Liaoning Province.Its in the northeast of China.Its pleasant to visit my hometown in July and August because its not too hot in summer.But it might be cool in the evening.So its a good idea to carry some warm clothes.Welcome to my hometown.

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