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1、Division in Translation拆 译 法1.Main contents lI.Definition lII.Division in EC TranslationlIII.ConclusionlIV.Exercises2.DefinitionlDivision means the necessary splitting(分离)of a long and complex English sentence into shorter sentences in Chinese.l科技英语多用长句,有时主句与从句或主句与修饰语间的关系不十分密切,有时原文中的某个词、词组或短语与主句的关系相

2、对独立,这时我们就可以使用拆译法把它们译为汉语的一个句子。3.Division in EC TranslationlGenerally speaking,in English-Chinese translation,division can be employed in the following 2 categories:l1.simple pound sentence 拆译法适用于简单句、复合句,尤其是科技英语特有的长难句。4.1.Division in simple sentencelDivision of subject主语的拆译l1.The great speed of light

3、explains why we think we see things happen at the exact moment they are happening.l光速极快,这说明为什么我们认为在事情正在发生的那一刹那我们就看到它们发生。l2.The infinitesimal amount of nuclear fuel required makes it possible to build power reactors in any part of the world.l 因为需要的核燃料极少,所以可以把动力反应堆建在世界任何地方。5.1.Division in simple sente

4、ncelDivision of attribute定语的拆译l1.The ability of the atoms of an element to combine with one another or with the atoms of other elements depends on atomic number.l一种元素的原子可以互相化合,也可以与别的元素的原子化合,这种能力取决于原子序数。l2.The word“highway”is a misleading name of this phenomenon.l “高速公路”这个词是给这种现象起的名字,但它容易被人误解。6.1.Div

5、ision in simple sentencelDivision of adverbial状语的拆译lWind technology,in particular,is ideally suited to meet this need for electricity.l风力发电技术适于满足对电的这种需求,是特别理想的。7.1.Division in simple sentencelDivision of object宾语的拆译lWe find almost all physical properties of matter influenced by heat.l我们发现,物质的几乎所有特性都

6、受热的影响。8.2.Division in compound sentencelConfidence that windtunnels are expected to continue to contribute such advances is evidenced by the construction of the new large subsonic tunnel capabilities in Europe and in America,the construction of the cryogenic National Transonic Facility in America,an

7、d the planning for the European Transonic Windtunnel.l欧美建造新的大型亚音速风洞,美国建造低温国家跨声速设备,以及计划建造欧洲跨声速风洞等事实都证实了人们的这样一种信念:风洞将继续为这些进展做出贡献。9.ConclusionlWhether the division technique is used appropriately or not depends on whether the translator comprehends the original correctly.l Meanwhile,careful analysis of

8、 the logical relations between different parts of complex sentences and the consideration of the contexts are needed so that the Chinese translation is accurate and smooth.10.ExerciseslThe very short wave lengths of ultrasound make a great difference in what ordinary sound waves can do.l 超声波的波长极短,其功能与普通声波相比大不相同。11.12.

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