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1、In this listening comprehension,you should listenfor time references.How can we do this?For listening exercises of time references,you shouldlunderstand the three basic tenses in Englishsimple present,simple past and simple future.llisten carefully to recognize the tenses of the verbs.It helps you d

2、ecide the time right away.lpay special attention to various adverbial phrases such as often,every day,two years ago.These indicators also help tell us about the exact time of each action.A Captain King is talking about his life and work.Listen to each item and decide whether he is talking about some

3、thing he did in the past,something he often does,or something he is going to do in the future.Put a tick()in the right column.PastOftenFuture1 visit Venus2 eat chocolate from the Moon3 use a telescope4 escape from Gork5 take some plants to Mars6 play computer games7 take photos of dinosaurs8 live on

4、 a comet1_,I visited Venus,you know.2We _ have some chocolate from the Moon _.3I use a telescope _.4I escaped from him _.5_,Im going to take a lot of plants to Mars.6I played computer games _.7Im going to Planet Z _.8I lived on a comet _.I had a small house on the comet,and a nice garden out in front of it.That was about _.B Listen to the recording again and put theright time phrases in the blanks.Look at the table and tell about Captain Kings adventures.1Workbook 8A,page 64.

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