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1、必修一单词拼写练习 Unit 11.Dont get angry if someone d_with you.2.The bad news u_him greatly.3.Dont i_any detail during your working process.4.Her hair was l_and hung on her shoulders5.This publishing firm is planning a new s_of shool textbooks.6.The p_of a trap is to catch and hold animals.7.I e_ agree with

2、 you.8.My grandfather s_a great deal from hunger and cold before liberation.9.She has been lost for several days.We are all c_ about her.10.All children like to play o_instead of staying indoors when the weather is fine.disagreesupsetignorelooseseriespurposeentirelysufferedconcernedoutdoorsUnit 21.S

3、he looks young,but shes a_50.2.Wide reading will enlarge your v_.3.The police are trying to find out the i_of the man killed in the accident.4.He didnt stop in Beijing and flew s_ to Wuhan.5.He looked at the envelope and r_ Jennys handwriting immediately.6.Judying by her a_,she must be a Southerner.

4、7.In American English“a_”is used instead of“flat”.8.We filled the car up with p_before the long journey.9.Though he is not a n_ English speaker,he can speak English very fluently.If you c_someone to do something,you order them to do it.actuallyvocabularyidentitystraightrecognizedaccentapartmentpetro

5、lnativecommand1.The poor woman went to work as u_though she was ill.2.The old house had been valued at 300,000yuan;but f_it was sold at half that price.3.I think it is impolite to call people at m_.4.Professor King often contributes(投稿)to a medical j_.5.The goods will be t_to Singapore by air.6.The

6、salesman p_us into buying his products yesterday.7.Who can f_the future?8.The plane was then flying at an a_of 8,000 feet.9.Whats your a_ to this idea?Is it good or bad?10.Her purse was stolen so she didnt have money for the train f_.usualfinallymidnightjournaltransportedpersuadedforecastaltitudeatt

7、itudefareUnit 41.A team was sent out to r_the people in the building.2.A b_of hand-clapping followed the ending of the song.3.After a strong storm,the small house was totally d_.4.The failure of the experiment is a s_to the expert.5.It was really very dangerous;the house nearly i_him.6.Dont shout or

8、 you will f_ the little boy.7.An accident cut off the towns e_ for about ten minutes.8.The flood was a terrible d_;hundreds of people died.9.Dont j_a man by his appearance.10.The sun sets and the moon r_.rescueburstdestroyedshockinjuredfrightenelectricitydisasterjudgerisesUnit 51.The rich man f_ a h

9、ospital and a school in his hometown last year.2.We reached the s_ where wed given up any hope of curing her cat.3.We have to pay to join the club.Their f_ are not high.4.John will do anything to make money.He has no p_.5.There is an e_ number of boys and girls in our class.6.Our q_ of life improved

10、 a lot when we moved to England.7.A young boy was a_ by a dog while he was walking in the park.8.Hundreds of people lost their lives in the last fighting for the right to v_.9.She graduated from a key university and was well e_.10 He was seriously wounded as he tried to e_.foundedstagefeesprincipleequalqualityattackedvoteeducatedescape

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