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1、Li MengxiabyUnit 7 Section AWould you mind turning down the music?Teaching MaterialsTeaching MethodsLearning StrategiesTeaching ProcedureBlackboard Layout Unit 7Teaching EvaluationTeaching MaterialsStatus and Status and FunctionsFunctionsTeaching Teaching ContentsContentsTeaching Teaching AimsAimsMa

2、terialMaterials sStatus and FunctionsStimulate students Stimulate students interests and interests and confidenceconfidenceDevelopmeng good learning habitsMaster the basic English knowledgeIncrease the awareness of culture differencesgo for itgo for itTalk about how to Talk about how to make request

3、s make requests politelypolitelyEnable students to answer the requents politelyContentsTeaching ContentsAims Knowledge aimsAffection aimsAbility aimsTeaching AimsKey PointsKey Points1.1.Words:Words:dishdish,yardyard smokesmoke3.3.Structure:Structure:would would you mind.you mind.2.2.Expression:Expre

4、ssion:turn turn down the musicdown the music Difficult Difficult PointPoints sHow to make requests How to make requests and answer it politely and answer it politely in English.in English.Knowledge aimsKnowledge aimsStudents are able to improve their listening and speaking abilityThey can develop th

5、e cooperate and competitive spiritAbility aimsAbility aimsTo guide the students to keep the civilized behaviors and form a good habit.Ability aimsAbility aimsTeaching MaterialsTeaching MethodsLearning StrategiesTeaching ProcedureBlackboard Layout Unit 7Teaching EvaluationTask-based Task-based Teachi

6、ng Teaching MethodMethodCommunicative Communicative language language teaching methodteaching methodAudio-visual Audio-visual Teaching Teaching MethodMethodTeaching Methods Teaching MaterialsTeaching MethodsLearning StrategiesTeaching ProcedureBlackboard Layout Unit 7Teaching Evaluation1234Congnitiv

7、e Congnitive Congnitive Congnitive StrategiesStrategiesStrategiesStrategiesSelf-Self-Self-Self-management management management management StrategiesStrategiesStrategiesStrategiesResource Resource Resource Resource strategesstrategesstrategesstrategesCommunic-Communic-Communic-Communic-ative ative a

8、tive ative StrategiesStrategiesStrategiesStrategiesLearning StrategiesTeaching MaterialsTeaching MethodsLearning StrategiesTeaching ProcedureBlackboard Layout Unit 7Teaching EvaluationTeaching Procedure1.warm-up2.pre-task3.task-cycle4.homework1.warm-upDiscussionDiscussionIf you are in the kind of If

9、 you are in the kind of situation,what would situation,what would you do?you do?How to make requests How to make requests politely?politely?ResearchWatch the pictures,try to find outhow to make requests politelyhow to answer the requests2.pre-taskA:Would you mind not sleeping late?B:Im sorry.Ill get

10、 up in a minute.A:Would you mind turning down the music?B:Im sorry.Ill do it right away.loud musicA:Would you mind not smoking?B:Im sorry.I wont do it again.How to make requests and answer them politely?PairworkPairworkSum up it with your partner.washwashing theing the dishesdishesnot walking on the

11、 grassnot walking on the grassnotnot smokingsmoking not cutting in thenot cutting in the linelinecleaning thecleaning the yardyardturning off the lightturning off the lightGame Time:clap the phrasesPKPKListeningSpeakingReadingWriting3.task-cyclePre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listeningListeningPre-

12、listening c.Would you mind moving your bike?_b.Would you mind not playing basketball here?_d.Would you mind turning down the music?_Read the questions first,and Read the questions first,and mark the mark the key pointkey point.a.Would you mind cleaning the yard?_1Listen and number the requests Liste

13、n and number the requests below in the order you here them.below in the order you here them.While-listening c.Would you mind moving your bike?_b.Would you mind not playing basketball here?_d.Would you mind turning down the music?_a.Would you mind cleaning the yard?_234 Listening MaterialsListening M

14、aterialsA:Would you mind turning down the music?B:No,not at all.A:Would you mind cleaning the yard?B:Im sorry.Ill do it right away.A:Would you mind moving your bike?B:Not at all,Ill do it right away.A:Would you mind not playing baseball here?B:Sorry.Well go and play in the park.Post-listeningGame Ti

15、me:call ones nameGroup3Group4Group1Group2 Crazy sentencesWould you mind doing the dishes?OK.Ill do them in a minute.Would you mind cleaning your room?Im sorry.Ill do it right away.Would you mind not playing here?Sorry.Well go and play in the park.Would you mind moving your car?No,not at all.Speaking

16、Crazy EnglishCrazy EnglishclearestfastestloudliestwinnerwinnerwinnerRole Play MMake a short play wich the classmates in your ake a short play wich the classmates in your group.Please use the polite requests to stop some bad group.Please use the polite requests to stop some bad behaviors.behaviors.Pl

17、ease write an e-mail to Nancy,bacause you will go out to have a travel,and want her to look after your home.(with the structure would you mind.)Writing aWriting an n e e-mail-mail4.homeworkTeaching MaterialsTeaching MethodsLearning StrategiesTeaching ProcedureBlackboard Layout Unit 7Teaching EvaluationBlackboard LayoutUnit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?Words:dish,yard,smokeExpression:turn down the music Structures:would you mind.Teaching MaterialsTeaching MethodsLearning StrategiesTeaching ProcedureBlackboard Layout Unit 7Teaching EvaluationTeaching EvaluatecentercenterThank you

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