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1、高二知识讲解Unit 1 Disneyland1. in the hope of. (怀着.的希望)in the hope of . =in hopes of.2. take along (随身带着)3. lose heart (失去信心; 灰心)lose heart to lose ones courage or confidence.4. day after day (日复一日地)名词 + after + 名词的句型表示连续; 许多:5. in this way (用这种方式)in. way 用某种方式; 用作状语。6. bring . on (使前进)7. go through (仔细查

2、看)go through (=search, examine) 侧重查找(错误、要点等)8. go (straight) ahead (一直)往前走ahead 为副词; ahead of 后接用名词。9. anything of interest (任何有趣的事)10. be well-known as an artist (以身为艺术家著称)as 表充作、作为 as a teacher/doctor/actor11. be pleased with (对.感到满意) 介词with与表满、充满之意的词连用的用法:Unit 2 No smoking, please1. go ahead (用吧,

3、 有较活的译法)2. burn down (烧毁)3. pare A to B (把A比喻作B)4. give up (放弃)5. be used to (doing) sth. 已习惯于(做)某事6. get into the habit of. (养成做某事的习惯)7. pare A with B (A和B加以比较)8. next door (to us) 在(我们)的隔壁; 与(我们)相邻9. fall asleep (睡着)10. one third (三分之一)11. die from smoking (死于吸烟)die from/of辨异请见Unit 15 (Senior 1)。1

4、2. fall by 25% 下降25%介词by表示相差的程度:13. mind + 名词/doing something的用法14. 介词 + whom/which + 不定式相当于一个形容词短语的用法15. habit的用法Unit 3 Body language1. a dining room (餐厅)2. one another (彼此)3. make oneself understood (让别人明白自己)4. take . for example (以.为例)5. an English-spoken country (讲英语的国家)6. at all (确实; 究竟)7. the

5、same as (与.一样)8. 不定式的一些常用句式:Unit 4 Newspapers1. fix a time for something (确定时间做某事)2. get down to work (开始认真做某事)3. a face-to-face interview (面对面的采访)4. be popular with sb. (受到某人欢迎)5. go with (开始; 向前走)6. Whats on? (上演什么?)7. hold a meeting (开会)8. do a telephone interview (进行电视采访)9. look up (查找, 抬头看)10.

6、work on a newspaper (在报业工作)11. stop working on. (停止编写.)12. take photos (照相)13. make changes (使发生变化)14. by lorry (用卡车)15. a latest newspaper 最新出版的报纸16. report new plays (报导新剧)17. learn about (学到, 得知)18. a good way of doing something (一种做某事的好办法)19. as well (也; 又)20. care for (喜欢; 想要)21. late in the da

7、y; later in the day (在那天稍晚些时候)Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin1. uncertain 的用法2. set off/out (出发)3. in the air (在空中)4. in a short while (过了一小会儿)5. be uncertain about/of (对.不确定)6. in (ones) search of (寻求)7. in a hurry (匆忙)8. bring up (抚育; 呕吐)9. play the piano (演奏钢琴)10. at the very beginning (就在刚刚开始)11. a perio

8、d of several weeks (在好几周期间)12. put on a play (上演戏剧等)13. at the age of 15 (在15岁)14. A is recognized as B. (A 被认作B。)75. A is known as B. (A以B闻名。) as作当作, 担任, 以.解。16. of this kind (此类) of this kind =this kind of17. the contributions to . (对.的贡献)18. as if 的用法Unit 6 Mainly revision1. whatever等的用法:2. look

9、round (仔细查看、环顾四周)3. sooner or later (迟早)4. add to (增添)5. a certain kind of stamp (某种邮票)Unit 7 Canada1. all the year round (一年到头)2. be famous for (因.而著名)3. a great deal of (大量)4. natural gas (天然气)5. make use of =to use (利用)6. refer to (谈到、提及、有关)7. a type of (一种类型的.)8. clear up (整理、 收拾)9. from time to

10、 time (有时、不时)10. at the end (of.) (在.)尽头11. drive away (把车)开走12. generally speaking (一般地说)13. struggle against (开展斗争反对.)14. one third of (.的三分之一)15. speak the same way (用相同的方式说话)Unit 8 First aid1. dont have to (do sth.) (不必干某事)2. lay, lie的用法3. fall off (跌倒; 减少)4. knock off (ones feet) (把.击倒)5. deal

11、with (对付; 处理)6. throw up (呕吐)7. mouth-to-mouth (嘴对嘴)8. out of ones reach (够不着)9. ought to (应该)10. pay attention to (注意)11. take it easy (别紧张)12. by mistake (弄误会)13. hold up (举起)Unit 9 Saving the earth1. so that 以便、 为了2. turn A into B (把A变成B)3. in place (在适当的位置)4. be fit for (适合于)5. blow away (刮走)6.

12、a power station (发电站)7. lose ones sight (失去视力)8. die out (消失)9. go off (走开)10. point to (指着)11. to ones joy (使某人高兴的是)12. a cloud of. (一层.)13. the injured (受伤的人)14. a well-kept secret (严守的秘密)15. be/keep busy doing sth. (忙于做某事)Unit 10 At the shop1. 名词短语/祈使句 + and结构的用法2. at a tailors shop (在裁缝店)3. or e

13、lse (否则; 要不然)4. change A for B (用A交换B)5. be after A (追求A; 想得到A)6. do someone a favour (to do sth.)(帮某人一个忙)7. make . to ones own measure (根据或适合某人的尺寸做.)8. put down (抄下, 记下)9. drop in (有不速之客来访)10. show sb. out (送某人出去)11. depend on/upon (依靠)12. once upon a time (从前)13. at the bottom (在底部)14. e off (从.离开

14、; 脱落)15. try something on (试穿)16. have.on sh.(身上带着.)17. judge someone by his looks (以貌取人)18. put sb. to the trouble of doing sth. (给某人增加做某事的麻烦)19. just a moment (稍等一下)20. just the thing (正是此物)21. do some research about A (对A展开研究工作)22. do up the buttons (扣上扣子)23. laugh at (嘲笑, 不认真对待)24. A is suitable

15、 for B. (A适合B。)Unit 11 Hurricane!1. Theres no need to do .(没必要做.)2.不把before译成在.以前的用法3. be anxious about (为A而忧虑)4. push over (推倒)5. blow down (刮倒)6. as well as (也; 和; 此外)7. cut off (切断)8. cut down (削减、放倒)9. call in (召来)10. blow over (吹倒)11. take the place of (取代、代替某人职务)12. clear away (把.清理)13. once a

16、gain (再次)14. long hours (长时间)15. add A to B (把A加在B上)16. see to (处理、照料)17. bring down (取下)18. something the matter (出错)19. offer sth. to sb. (向某人提供某物)20. later on (随后)Unit 12 Mainly revision1. the other day (几天前)2. for one thing 首先(用于说明理由)3. stare at (凝视)4. hold ones breath (屏住呼吸)5. carry off (夺走)6.

17、throw at (向.投去)7. so as to (以便、 为了)8. struggle to ones feet (挣扎着站起来)9. fall over (跌倒、倒下)10. speed up (加速)11. put something in order (把某物摆放整齐)外研版高中英语必修5重点短语必修5词组1Module1.1.Itisobvious(tosb.)that2.confuseAwith/andB3.beconfusedbysth.4.inconfusion5.pare.with.6.pare.to7.eparedto/with8.varietyof=varieties







24、rect/close/strongconnectionwith14.havesth./nothingtodowith15.berelatedto16.toonesastonishment17.toonessurprise18.toonesexcitement19.toonesdisappointment20.toonessorrow21.toonesjoy22.toonessatisfaction 必修5词组223.warnsb.about/ofsth.24.warnsb.nottodosth.=warnagainstdoingsth25.bedeterminedtodosth.26.forc










34、心做某事26.强迫某人做某事27.把强加于某人28.拿某人开玩笑,捉弄某人29.嘲笑某人;取笑某人30.编造;组成;和解;化妆;弥补31.有心情做某事 2014年全国注册建造师考试 建设工程造价管理 建设工程计价 建设工程造价案例分析 建设工程技术与计量 必修5词组232.情绪不好/很好33.以为背景34.出发;引爆,使爆炸35.开始做某事36.开始/着手做某事37.把某物放在一边;省出;38.建立;设立;创立39.在方面像Module41.隐藏某物不让人发现;对某人隐瞒某事2.完结3.结束,终止4.使结束5.终于;最后6.追溯到,开始于7.装扮;打扮8.装扮成9.穿上红色的衣服10.给某人穿


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