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1、Unit 4 Topic 2 Section A一、教学目标: 1.学习部分双音节和多音节的形容词的比较级和最高级的构成方式。2.继续学习形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。3.引导学生了解我国曾发生过的重大地震。二、教学重难点:学习2a来学习部分双音节和多音节的形容词的比较级和最高级的构成方式。三、自主预习,完成下列单词、词组和句子1地震_ 2侵袭_ 3省份_ 4失踪的_ 5可移动的_ 6电话_ 7火 _ 8 保护免受的伤害_ 9 丧生_ 10 今天早上_ 11请求帮助 _ 12 一场严重的地震袭击了青海。A _ earthquake _ Qinghai .13 Many buildings _

2、_ (倒塌). 14 Some people _ (死亡) and many people are _ (失踪). 15 The Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 was _ _ than this one (更严重).16 The Tangshan earthquake in 1976 was _ _ _ (最严重).17 _ _ (超过) 240 000 people _ _ _ (丧生) in it.四、合作交流与探究1 Many buildings fell down. 很多建筑倒塌了。 【点拨】 fall down 倒塌,跌倒,下落I _ _ and _ my

3、knee. 我摔倒弄伤了膝盖。2 Im sorry to hear that. 听到这(事)我很难过。表达听者难过、同情或抱歉的心情。 Im glad / happy / surprised to hear that. 用于表达听到好消息时的高兴的心情。3 And I know that there were_ _ _ _ in China.我知道在中国发生过另外两次严重的地震。【点拨】another+数字+复数名词=数字+more+复数名词【练一练】1. 另一个苹果_ _ 2. 另外三个小时_ _ _ = 3 more hours 4 How can we _ _ _ the earthqu

4、ake? 我们怎样在地震中保护自己呢? 【点拨】protect sth. / sb. from sth. 保护某物(人)免于 例: This warm jacket will protect you from the cold. 这件暖和的夹克能帮你抵御寒冷。5 _ _ Miss Wang _ _.让我们去问问王老师吧。【点拨】ask sb. for help 意为“向某人请求帮助” 例:If you have any trouble, you can ask the police for help. 如果你有困难,可以向警察求助。五、巩固练习。 A. 选词填空,并用适当形式填空。missin

5、g, strike, fall down, mobile phone, fire1 An earthquake _ Tangshan in 1976.2 Many tall buildings _ in the earthquake.3 My lovely dog is _. Im very sad.4 If you have a _, you can call others at any time.5 If you see a _, please call 119 at once.B. 单项选择。( ) 1 Janes grandpa died yesterday. _. A. Oh, so

6、rry. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Dont say that. D. I feel sorry for you.( ) 2 Which book is _ of these four books? A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting( ) 3 Can you finish the work today? Im afraid I need_. A. another two days B. other two days C. more two

7、days D. two other days( ) 4 Do you know how we can _ ourselves from fire? Sorry, I dont know. Lets find it online. A. come B. protect C. borrow D. hear( ) 5 The question is so difficult that I cant answer it. Dont worry. Lets ask Mr. Li for _. A. help B. helps C. idea D. hopeUnit 4 Topic2 Section B一

8、、教学目标:1.继续部分双音节和多音节的形容词的比较级和最高级的构成方式。2. 继续学习形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。3.了解地震中如何保护自我。二、教学重难点:形容词的比较级和最高级形式三、自主预习,完下列单词、词组和句子,并在课本上划出来,做好标注。1.级别_ 2.难过的_ 3.镇静的_4.保持冷静 5.听说 6.最重要的事 _ 7. 2000多人_ _ 8. 做其他的任何事_9 记住要做某事_ 10 记得做过某事_ 11. 你怎么了?_四、合作交流与探究1. Did you _ _ the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province?你们听说青海省的玉树地震

9、了吗? 【点拨】 hear about = hear of 听说 【拓展】 hear from 收到的来信例:1. I _ _ the good news two days ago. 2. I _ _ my friend yesterday.2. It was a _ 7.1 earthquake. 这是一场7.1级的地震。【点拨】小数点读 point , 例:7.1 读作 seven point one。3. I was very sad when I got the news. = When I got the news, I was sad.【练一练】我一到那里就给你打电话。_ _ _

10、when I _ _. 4. Do you know _ _ _ yourselves from the earthquake? 你们知道如何在地震中保护自己免受伤害吗? 【点拨】“疑问词+动词不定式” 构成特殊的不定式【练一练】1. 怎样去那里是个问题。_ _ _ _ is a question.(作主语)2. 问题是什么时候出发。 The question is_ _ _ .(作表语)3. 我不知道下一步该怎样做。I dont know_ _ _ next.(作宾语)5. I think we should_ _ _ the door.我认为我们应该跑出门。No, _ _ can be d

11、angerous. 不,向外跑可能很危险。 【点拨】out of 意为“(从里)出来;没有,缺少”等。 如:1. Dont _ _ _ the window. 不要向窗外看。 2. Im running out of ideas. 我快没办法了。3. _ _ _ good for us. 运动对我们有好处。五、巩固练习A. 选词填空,并用适当形式填空 talk about, hear about, run out of, fall down, stay calm,protect from1. What are you _? The houses in the picture.2. That o

12、ld house _ yesterday.3. The children _ the classroom as soon as they heard the bell.4. Did you _ Mo Yan? Yes, he is a famous writer in China?5. Its important to _ when an accident happens to you.6.We wear sunglasses to_ our eyes _ the sun. B. 根据首字母填单词1. Many buildings f down in the earthquake.2. Whe

13、n you are in danger, we must s calm.3. Did you h about the typhoon in Hainan?4. R out of the room can be dangerous in the earthquake.C. 单项选择( ) 1. What the matter _ you? A. on B. with C. at D. to( ) 2. _ under the table or bed is safer when an earthquake happens. A. Stay B. Staying C. To staying D.

14、Stayed( ) 3. I have _ to tell you. A. something important B. anything important C. important something D. important anything( ) 4. I _ the good news yesterday. A. hear about B. heard about C. hear from D. heard from( ) 5. Shu-how Lin is now one of _ basketball players in the NBA. A. popular B. more

15、popular C. most popular D. the most popular( ) 6. Its raining. _ on your raincoat when you go to school. OK.I will. A. Remember to put B. Remember putting C. Forget to put D. Forget puttingUnit 4 Topic 2 Section C一、教学目标:1.继续部分双音节和多音节的形容词的比较级和最高级的构成方式。2.继续学习形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。3.复习提建议(should和shouldnt)的用法4

16、.详细了解地震中如何保护自己,学会自救。二、教学重难点:形容词的比较级和最高级形式三、自主预习,完下列单词、词组和句子,并在课本上划出来,做好标注。1往楼下_ 2中间_ 3摇动_ 4 剧烈震动_ 5理解_ 6气体_7 乘电梯_ 8下楼_ 9跑出房子_10在教室的中间_ 11 小心_ 12远离,离开_ 13关闭煤气 _ 14从窗户跳下_15_ (了解一些保护自己的方法) will help to keep you safe in the earthquake.16 _ _ _ _ (坐在地上) in a doorway or _ _ (靠近) a wall is _ (安全些) than _ (

17、站) in the middle of a room. 17 _ _ _ (远离) windows, tall furniture and pictures or anything may _ _ (砸中) you.18 不要尽力跑出建筑物。_ _ _ _ _ _ the building.19试图或努力去做某事_ 20尝试做某事_四、合作交流与探究1 _ _ _ your head and neck _ your arms.记住用你的胳膊保护头和脖子。 【点拨】(1)with在句中是“用”的意思,表示用什么工具。 in作“用”时,表示用某种语言。by指“靠.手段;用.方法”,所表示的方法、手

18、段比较抽象。(2)remember to do sth. 记住要去做某事(未做) remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 (已做)同类词:forget 忘记要做某事(未做)_忘记做过某事。(已做)_【练一练】1. 记住要帮我寄信。_ _ _ the letter for me. 2. 我记得把信寄走了。 I remember _ the letter. I can sing songs _ English. He makes a living _ teaching.We write _ pens .2 _ very _ _ fallen power lines.千万小心掉落的电线

19、。 be careful of 意为“注意;当心”, 相当于take care of。3_ _ _ some shocks after most earthquakes.大多数地震后还将有一些剧烈震动。 there be 的一般将来时为there will be或there is going to be。如: There will be a wonderful concert this weekend.本周末将有一场精彩的音乐会。4 turn off the gas and lights 关掉煤气和灯关掉(煤气、电器开关等_其反义词为 打开_调大(音量)_, 其反义词为 调小_III、单项选择

20、。( ) 1.The movie is so scary(恐怖) that the little girl covers her eyes _her hands at times(有时). A. in B. by C. with D.use ( ) 2._volleyball game in my school next Monday afternoon.Would you like to watch it? A.There is B.There are C.There will be D.There is going to have ( )3.Look! Tom is standing _t

21、he room. Yes. And his friends are sitting around him and singing “Happy birthday”to him. A .in the corner of B in the middle of C .in the front of D .on the right of ( )4.Please _ the light when you leave the room, Pete. All right. A .turn on B. turn down C .turn up D.turn off ( ) 5 Peter, remember

22、_ the TV when nobody watches it. OK. I will.A. to turn on B. to turn off C. turning on D. turning off( ) 6 _ a football match on TV at 8:00 tomorrow morning. A. There is B. There are C. There be D. There will be( ) 7 He cut the cake into pieces _ a knife.A. in B. with C. use D. by( ) 8_ can we prote

23、ct ourselves _ earthquake?If you are indoors, you should move under a strong desk. A. What; fromB. What; with C. How; fromD. How; withIV、完成句子。 1. Look!There is a snake in the _ (中间)of the road . Jane is a _ school student.2. You should _ _ (握手) when you meet somebody for the first time in China. _(摇

24、晃)the bottle before you take this medicine.3. The teacher told the students to _ (检查)their homework. 4. Mr. Black speaks so fast that I cant_ (理解)his words. He _ what I said . 5. Dont take the_ (电梯) when a fire happens. 6 Turn _ the (煤气)and lights before you leave the room.7.We should _ _ (保持冷静) whe

25、n we are in a_ (火灾). 8.You must _ _ (小心谨慎) of your work. 9. _ _ _(远离)anything that may fall on you. 10.When an earthquake comes, dont_ _ _ (跑出去) a room if youre indoors. 1.在地震中,躲在坚固的家具下面要比站在房间的中间更安全。_ 2.了解一些在地震中自我保护的方法是必要的。_ 3.地震中最重要的是保持冷静。_ _ 4.在火灾发生时最好不要乘坐电梯。_ _ 5.如果你在室内,你应该用胳膊护着你的头和脖子。_ _ Section

26、 D 一、教学目标:1.总结形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。2.了解现在的汶川状况。3.树立勇敢面对人生灾难的勇气。I. 单词、词组和句子:1百万_ 2整体的_ 3重建_ 4 出现_ 5受伤的_ 6派遣_ 7军队_ 1 在四川省 _ 2 在2:28分_3 在下午_ 4 在2008年5月12日_5 提供食物和水_ 6 重建他们的家园_1 _ _ people _ their homes.五百万人失去了他们的家园。2 一个更加美丽的新汶川已经出现了。A _ _ new Wenchuan _ _ . II . 重点讲解:1 But _ _ _ _ the whole nation, people in

27、 Wenchuan are _ _ _ now and they are _ _ _ _.但是在全国人民的帮助下,汶川人民政治重建家园并回归到正常的生活之中。 with the help of 意为“在的帮助下”。如: With the help of Mr. King, I passed the English exam.在金老师的帮助下,我通过了英语考试。 return to意为“重返;回归到”。2 The children _ _ _ study in new, safe schools.孩子们能够在新的、安全的学校学习。 be able to和can 都是表示“能够” I _ able

28、 to swim when I was ten years old. A. was B. can be C. could D. were3 The people of Wenchuan are very brave, and they are _ _ _ _ _ . 汶川人民非常勇敢,他们正重新开始他们的生活。 over again再次;重新。 Read the passage over again. 再读一遍这篇文章。4 sent the army to help.派军队去支援。 send意为“派遣;打发;寄”。 My mother _ me to buy some milk. 妈妈差我去买

29、些牛奶。 Im going to _ him a letter. 我打算给他寄封信。send for派人去请(取),send up发射,send sb. off给某人送行,send a massage捎口信 send sb sth =send sth to sb III、选词填空 whole, send, appear, level, army1 A _9.0 earthquake happened in the northeast of Japan on March 11, 2011.2 Hearing the good news, the _ country were excited.3

30、Tomorrow is Toms birthday. Im going to _ him a birthday card.4 Mike asked me to wait for him at the school gate at 4:00 p.m. But he didnt _ until 4:30p.m.5 My uncle joined the _ last month and he is a soldier now.6 在因特网的帮助下,我找到了很多有用的信息。_ the Internet, I find lots of usefulinformation.7 香港于1997年回归祖国。

31、Hongkong _ the motherland in 1997.8 我认为洪水比干旱更严重。I think flood is _ _ than drought .9 你听说了这部电影吗?Did you _ _ the movie ?10 在过马路时要当心车辆。_ _ _ the traffic when you cross the road . IV 填空。 cover, protect, calm , get away, take a lift, be careful of, call, you, ask , withMany people now live and work in ve

32、ry tall buildings. It is often not so easy to _from these buildings in an emergency (突发事件) , like a fire. So knowing some ways _yourself from a fire is a must. First, _ 119 for help at once when the fire just gets started. _smoke, because it can kill you quickly. _ your mouth _ a wet towel(毛巾) or a

33、wet cloth. Dont try to_ , because you may get trapped in it. If you cannot get away by _, it is important to hang (挂)something out of the window as a sign of _ for help. The most important thing is not to lose your mind and stay _. V、完形填空。 A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan on May 12, 2008.M

34、any people _1_ their lives and homes.During those days, we could hear a lot of _2_ about love .Here is one of these stories. After the earthquake, under a fallen building, some soldiers(士兵) found that a _3_ died in a very strange way. When they were ready to take her away, they were_4_ to find that a baby in her arms was still alive(活着的) .The baby was slee

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