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1、水冷却器聊天是什么?现在停下来!只需一秒,你们路过那条路的时候还有谁来了,停一下看看谁渴了很难吗?What for? 你可能会怀疑。如何让每个人都从一杯水中受益?你该对所有陌生人说写什么?谁在哪里工作?除了与来自其他部门的人和谐共处,在走廊里,在电梯里,在餐厅,在厕所,在停车场等所有工作场合,是遇到很多人的极好途径。该对陌生人说些什么呢?现在有困扰你的事吗?这样说如何:Hello, how are you today? (你好,今天好吗?)从这个神奇的认知来说,谈话交流会变得顺利。准备好实行你的选择,表述你的观点,对你从未深思过的话题提问回答。例如工作恐惧,海啸,2012世界末日恐惧,是什么刺

2、激了恐怖主义,谁会赢得下届世界杯或选举,时下最热的投资选择,哪家餐厅最好,什么电影上映,这些话题都是你需要评论的。无论是否相信,人们对你感兴趣,对于你独特的性格,能力,和潜能感兴趣,这比让他们在一天中好几个时刻意识到你的存在更好。-同时参与到水冷却器交谈中。What is Watercooler Talk?Halt now! Just a second, who else do you come across when you pass that way, would it hurt to pause a moment and see who else is thirsty? What for

3、? You might wonder. How can anyone benefit from getting a glass of water and what would you say to all those strangers, who work somewhere in the building, anyway? Well, apart from developing rapport with people from other departments, its a great way to meet the inhabitants of the faces that float

4、by you in the hallways, elevators, stairways, canteen, lavatories and car parks of the space you all call work. What to say to all these strangers, is that whats worrying you now? How about a neat; Hello, how are you today? From this magical acknowledgement of anothers existence, conversations will

5、grow. Get ready to exercise your opinion, air your views, ask and answer questions on subjects you may never have contemplated before. Topics such as ergophobia, tsunamis, the 2012 doomsday scare, what motivates a terrorist, who will win the next World Cup or elections, whats the current, hottest in

6、vestment option, which is the best restaurant and movie on circuit, are a iot of the subjects you will need to comment on. Believe it or not, people are interested in YOU and what better place to give them a sample of your unique personality, capabilities and potential than to make them aware of your existence, in just a few moments a day whilst indulging in watercooler talk.

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