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1、tpr的典型词汇General Body Movements1. stand up2. sit down3. walk4. stop5. turn left6. turn right7. turn around8. walk backwards9. jump10. hop11. bend over12. squat13. walk 3 steps, 5 steps, etc.14. face _ (face me; face the wall, face the door, etc.)15.liftup your right leg (left leg, rightarm, etc.)16.

2、lower your leg (left leg, rightarm, etc.)17. shake my hand18. kiss me (on the cheek!)19. make a fist20. clap your hands21. snap your fingers22. wavefacial things23. smile24. cough25. laugh26. cry27. sneeze28. open your mouth29. close your mouth30. stick out your tongue31. put your tongue back in32.

3、wink33. blink34. wiggle your noseGeneral verbs you can use with objects35. where is36. touch37. show me38. pick up39. put down40. put it back (return)41. drop42. move43. give me (give him)44. take it back45. throw46. catch47. turn over (flip)48. put the _ on (under etc.) the _49. push50. pull51.lift

4、kitchen table stuff52. cup53. plate54. bowl55. knife56. fork57. spoon58. napkin / tissue59. dish60. big round serving tray61. tray youd serve tea or coffee on62. table63. chairkitchen stuff64. pan65. oven66. stove67. sink68. faucet69. counter70. cupboard71. refrigeratorbasic foods72. flour73. sugar7

5、4. bread75. tea leaves76. coffee grounds77. rice78. nuts79. yogurt80. candy, etc.drinks81. water82. milk83. juice84. soda85. yogurt (drinking)86. coffee87. teafruits/vegetables88. apple89. banana90. orange91. plum92. grapes93. fig94. dates95. raisons96. lemon97. pomegranate98. watermelon99. tomato10

6、0. cucumber101. zucchini102. onion103. carrot104. eggplant105. small eggplant106. potato107. garlic108. parsley109. lettuce110. grape leaves111. celery112. mint113. cabbage, etc.numbers (by using pens, for example)114. one115. two116. three117. four118. five119. six120. seven121. eight122. nine123.

7、ten124. eleven, etc.words having to do with a door125. door126. key127. doorknob128. hinge129. peephole130. doorbell131. open the door132. close the door133. lock the door134. unlock the door135. look through the peephole136. ring the doorbell137. knock on the doorwords having to do with money138. c

8、oin139. bill140. 1 qirsh coin141. 5 qirsh coin142. 10 qirsh coin143. 25 qirsh coin144. 50 qirsh coin145. 1 dinar coin146. 1 dinar bill147. 5 dinar bill148. 10 dinar bill149. 20 dinar bill150. pay me 35 qirsh, etc.151. put 1 dinar in your pocket, etc.152. give me change for this 1 dinar billwords hav

9、ing to do with a cassette recorder/radio/etc.153. cassette recorder154.button155. microphone156. speaker157. headphones158. volume control159. DC adapter jack160. DC adapter161.handle162. front163. back164. side165. battery cover166. battery167. playbutton168. recordbutton169. rewindbutton170. fast

10、forwardbutton171. pausebutton172. cassette173. put the cassette in the player174. take the cassette out of the player175. turn the cassette over (i.e., take it out, turn it over, and put it back in)176. push play (start the tape)177. turn up the volume178. turn down the volume179. push stop (stop th

11、e tape)180. push the pausebutton181. rewind the tape182. fast forward the tape183. record _ onto the tape184. turn on the radio185. turn off the radio186. change the station187. find some music188. find some talking189. change the band (e.g., from AM to FM)190. change it backwords that have to do wi

12、th a book191. book192. title193. author194. cover195. table of contents196. index197. chapter198. page199. page number200. section201. paragraph202. sentence203. period204. comma205. quotation mark206. open the book207. close the book208. turn to page number _209. turn the page210. turn forward 5 pa

13、ges211. turn back a page212. turn back three pagesThings youll see outside in a city (you and your tutorwillhave to go outside for this list, but its nice to have a change every once in a whileanyway)213. car214. truck215. motorcycle216. bicycle217. bus218. pedestrian (walker)219. policeman220. offi

14、ce building221. restaurant222. house223. apartment building224. grocery store225. vegetable/fruit store226. butchers shop227. bakery228. gas stationwords having to do with a car229. car230. door231. front seat232. back seat233. drivers seat234. passenger seat235. steering wheel236. seat belt237. bre

15、ak pedal238. gas pedal239. clutch pedal240. speedometer241. gas gauge242. gear shift243. emergency break244. ignition switch245. horn246. hood247. headlight248. fender249. license plate250. engine251. trunk252. tire253. fender254. exhaust pipe255. turn signal switch256. light switch257. put on/take

16、off your seatbelt258. turn on the car259. turn off the car260. drive forward261. go in reverse262. turn right263. turn left264. do a U-turn265. turn on your left turn signal266. turn on your right turn signal267. use the horn268. stop269. speed up270. slow down271. turn on/off the headlights272. tur

17、n on/off the highbeams273. turn on/off the inside light274. wind down the window275. wind up the window276. lock the door (from the inside)277. lock the door (from the outside)278. drivers license279.prepositions280. on281. in282. under283. above284. beside / next to285. in front of286. behind287. t

18、o the left of288. to the right ofliving room289. sofa290. chair291. pillow292. coffee table293. rug294. carpet295. cushion296. window297. curtain298. lamp299. ceiling light300. light switch301. electrical plug302. phone plug303. telephone304. telephone cord305. television306. bookcasebedroom307. bed

19、308. sheet309. pillow310. blanket311. dresser312. closet313. coat hanger314. mirrorbathroom315. toilet316. bathtub317. toilet paper318. sink319. towel320. shower curtain321. toothbrush322. toothpaste323. comb324.plunger325. shampoo326. deodorantbasic adjectives327. big328. small329. medium (of three

20、, for example)330. long331. short332. new333. old334. thick335. thincolors336. color (the word for color)337. white338. black339. red340. orange341. yellow342. green343. blue344. purple345. pink346. brown347. grayshapes348. square349. rectangle350.triangle351. circle352. oval353. pentagon354. hexago

21、n355. cube356. box (rectangular solid)357. spherethings you can do with a pen358. cap359. take off the cap360. put the cap back on361. write362. sign your name363. draw a line, circle, square, etc.basic adverbs364. quickly365. slowly366. carefullyvoice things367. speak368. sing369. hum370. whisper37

22、1. shout/yell372. stop speaking (singing, humming, etc.)household items373. light bulb374. hammer375. screwdriver376. screw377. wrench378. pliers379. broom380. mop381. dustpan382. sweep the floor383. mop the floor384. trash can385. trash bag386. washing machine387. dryer388. iron389. ironing board39

23、0. clothes pinclothing391. shirt392. pants393. shoe394. shoes395. coat396. underwear397. sock398. socks399. watch400. sweater401. hat402. belt403. dress shirt404. tie405. dress406. skirt407. blouseparts of the body408. hair409. forehead410. eyebrow411. eyelash412. eye413. ear414. cheek415. nose416.

24、lip/lips417. mouth418. moustache419. beard420. chin421. throat422. tooth / teeth423. tongue424. chest425. back426. shoulder427. belly428.arm429. leg430.thigh431. shin432. hand433. finger434. fingers435. thumb436. knuckle437. fingernail438. elbow439. knee440. foot441. ankle442. toe / toesoffice443. o

25、ffice444. desk445. computer446. keyboard447. monitor448. printer449. mouse450. printer cable451. voltage regular452. power cord453. disk drive454. floppy disk455. paper456. modem457. fax machine458. scanner459. shredderwords having to do with a wall calendar460. today461. yesterday462. tomorrow463.

26、the day before yesterday464. the day after tomorrow465. week466. this week467. last week468. next week469. Sunday470. Monday471. Tuesday472. Wednesday473. Thursday474. Friday475. Saturday476. month (this month, last month, next month)477. next Thursday478. last Monday479. a week from Wednesday480. holidaywith a clock481. clock482. 1:00483. 2:00484. 3:00485. 4:00486. 5:00487. 6:00488. 7:00489. 8:00490. 9:00491. 10:00492. 11:00493. 12:00494. 1:15495. 2:30496. 3:45497. 4:20498. 9:40499. 8:55500. 8:05501. AM502. PM

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