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1、Final Exam (Units 112).Choose the best answer.单项选择。(共20分)1.Miss Green went out _ sunglasses.A.wearsB.in C.withD.has2.I like the movie Hero very much.Its _.A.awfulB.greatC.terrible D.dull3.Tony wore a Tshirt before,_ now he wears a jacket.A.andB.butC.orD.so4.Have _ in the Culture Palace.A.funB.a funC

2、.funD.funny5.What _ your friend look like?She _ medium height.A.is;hasB.does;isC.does;haveD.is;have6.Sandy always _ a red dress and white shoes.A.wearsB.inC.withD.on7.Turn right _ the pop music.Its _ the left.A.at;onB.from;onC.in;inD.on;on 8.Country music fans,_ these directions.Go upstairs.A.follow

3、B.comeC.giveD.go 9.Billy is very strange.He is _.A.outgoingB.easygoingC.generousD.moody10.Mike likes reading and _ to music.A.listenB.to listenC.listening D.listened11.Mr.Smith is _ in telling _ stories to the class.A.interest;interestingB.interested;interestingC.interesting;interestedD.interested;i

4、nterested12.Lucy is from _,so her nationality is _.A.America;AmericanB.American;AmericaC.American;AmericanD.America;America13._ hot day it is!A.WhatB.What a C.HowD.How a14.The rain was very _ yesterday.It rained _.A.heavy;heavilyB.heavily;heavyC.hard;hardlyD.hardly;hard15.Mrs.White bought a lot of t

5、hings and then took them _.A.to home B.with home C.homeD.in home16.The _ is shining.Its a _ day.A.sun;sunnyB.sunny;sunC.sunny;sunnyD.sun;sun17.What did you do on vacation?I _.A.go shopB.went shopC.went shoppingD.go shopping18._ Nancy often _ to the beach last summer?A.Does;goB.Did;goC.Does;goesD.did

6、;went19.How _ the beaches?They _ fantastic.A.are;wereB.were;wereC.were;areD.is;is20.The policeman helped him _ his father.A.findB.foundC.findingD.is finding.Complete the dialogue.对话填空(共15 分)Rick:Do you like jazz,John?John:No,I dont like it very much.Do you?Rick:Well,yes,I do.Im a real 21 of Wynton M

7、arsalis.John:Oh,does he play 22 piano?Rick:No,he doesnt!He 23 the trumpet.What 24 of music do you like?John:I like rock 25 26 .Rick:Whos your 27 group?John:The Cranberries.I love their music. 28 29 you?Do you like them?Rick:No,I dont.I cant 30 them!21._ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._ 26._ 27._ 28._ 29._ 30._ .

8、Cloze test.完形填空。(共15分) One moonlit (月光照耀的) 31 ,Beethoven (贝多芬)was walking 32 a street when he suddenly 33 outside a little house.“Whats 34 ?It is from my Sonata in F (大调奏鸣曲). 35 well it is played!”A young girl was 36 before a piano.“Pardon me,” said Beethoven.“But I heard 37 .” He found the girl was

9、 blind.“Excuse me.Then you play by ear?But where did you hear the music?” Beethoven said no more.He sat 38 before the piano.The moon shone(照耀)brightly 39 the window.He looked thoughtfully to the 40 nd stars.He said to himself “Ill improvise (即席创作)a sonata to the moonlight!”This is said to the origin

10、 of the Moonlight Sonata.31.A.morningB.noonC.afternoonD.evening32.A.inB.atC.byD.beyond33.A.stopsB.stopedC.stoppingD.stopped34.A.thatB.thoseC.theseD.they35.A.WhatB.HowC.WhyD.Where36.A.sitsB.satC.to sitD.sitting37.A.pictureB.pianoC.musicD.violin38.A.onB.downC.behindD.by39.A.inB.onC.throughD.from40.A.s

11、kyB.sunC.earthD.stars.Reading comprehension.阅读理解。 (共30分)(A)Bruce Lee was born in America.When he was three,he moved to Hong Kong.There the young actor played some roles in several films,using another name Li Xiaolong.After coming back to America,he studied philosophy (哲学)at the University (大学)of Was

12、hington.He received his first American film role in Marlowe (1969). Bruce Li became one of the most famous kung fu stars in the world.Many people think that 1973s Return of the Dragon was his best film,but also,its his last film.In 1973,Bruce Lee died,but his legend (传说)did not die with him.For tens

13、 of years thereafter,people still remember him and imitate (模仿)him.41.Bruce Lee was born in _.A.Hong Kong B.TaiwanC.AmericaD.Beijing42.Bruce Lee studied Philosophy in _.A.Hong Kong B.AmericaC.TaiwanD.Beijing43.Which film is Lees last film?_.A.Enter the DranonB.The Game of DeathC.Return of the Dragon

14、D.Marlowe44.Lee died in _.A.1969 B.1973C.1981D.197445.Which sentence about Bruce Lee is not true?A.He entered university after coming back to America.B.He was one of the most famous kung fu stars in the world.C.People still remember him now.D.Marlowe is his best film.(B)A robber robbed a bank.He wen

15、t into the bank and pointed his gun at the bank teller(出纳员).“Give me all the money or Ill shot.” shouted the robber.The bank teller was very frightened and gave all the money to him.Later the detective (侦探)asked the bank teller whether she could tell him anything about the robber.The bank teller sai

16、d,“He wore a stocking over his face.I cant tell you what he looked like.”After a week,the bank was robbed again.The bank teller told the detective that it was the same man.“I didnt see his face,because he wore a stocking again,but the voice was the same,” she said.A week later,the bank was robbed fo

17、r the third time.The bank teller could only tell the detective that it was the same man,because it was the same voice.“Do you remember anything else about the man?” the detective asked.The bank teller thought for a moment,then she said,“There is one thing.Every time he comes in and robs us,” the tel

18、ler said,“he wears better clothes than before.”46.The bank teller gave the robber the money because_.A.he knew himB.it was his moneyC.he had a gun in his hand D.she wanted to make him happy47.The bank teller knew the same man did the three robberies because_.A.the voices were the sameB.he wore a sto

19、cking every timeC.he wore the same clothesD.he said the same things48.The robber wore a stocking over his face because_.A.he didnt want others to know who he was B.he was uglyC.he liked to do soD.he had no caps to put on49.The detective couldnt find who robbed the bank because_.A.the teller told him

20、 nothing about the robberB.he wasnt a good detectiveC.the teller couldnt tell him more things about the robberD.the teller hid the robber50.The sentence “he wears better clothes than before” means_.A.the robber was the tellers friendB.the teller liked the robbers clothesC.the teller was telling a li

21、eD.the robber spent the robbed money on clothes(C)Some hens are white.Some hens are black.Some hens are brown.Look at this hen.You can find her red comb(鸡冠)and her wings(翅膀)and her tail(尾巴)and her legs(腿)and feet.A cock(公鸡)is a father bird.He has a big tail.He has a big comb.Hens lay eggs.Some hens

22、lay five or six eggs a week.This hen is sitting on her eggs.She does not let them cold.She sits on them day after day (一天又一天).She sits on them for three weeks.Then the chicks (小鸡)come out.Mother hen looks after her chicks.She does not let them run away.She does not let them get cold.Give“T”or“F”to t

23、he following sentences:51.A white hen has a white comb. 52.Cocks lay eggs.53.Chicks are baby birds.54.Mother hen looks after her chicks.55.Mother hen sits on the eggs for three weeks.Then the chicks come out.Writing.书面表达(20分)根据所给的中文情景和英文提示词语写出符合逻辑、意思连贯、语法正确的句子。所给单词或短语必须用上。(可以写成小短文,也可以写成5句话)(5分)昨天是星期

24、天,我下午在家观看了一场世界杯足球比赛。这场球赛是英格兰队对瑞典队。比分为11。我爱足球。我爱世界杯。我长大后也要踢世界杯。56.it,Sunday,yesterday57.watch,one of,the World Cup matches,at home,afternoon58.the match,between,and,England,Sweden,the score,1159.love,football,the World Cup60.be going to,play football,in the World Cup,when,grow up参考答案Final Exam (Units

25、 112).15 CBBAB610 AAADC1115 BABAC1620 ACBCA.21.fan22.the23.plays24.kind25.&26.a lot/very much27.favorite28.&29.How about/What about30.stand.3135 DADAB3640 DCBCA .A)4145 CBCBDB)4650 CAACDC)5155 FFTTT.It was Sunday yesterday.I watched one of the World Cup matches at home in the afternoon.The match was

26、 between England and Sweden.The score was 1:1.I love football.I love the World Cup.I am going to play football in the World Cup when I grow up.OR:56.It was Sunday yesterday.57.I watched one of the World Cup matches at home in the afternoon.58.The match was between England and Sweden and the score was 1:1.59.I love football.I love the World Cup.60.I am going to play football in the World Cup when I grow up.

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